Well, another DECUS is here along with the usual tape submission effort, so here is our contribution to that end. This area contains four subtrees: MED, MORIA, ROGUE, and TTNET. Each of these subdirectories contains one or more text (.HLP, .MEM) files to help you get things set up. These also describe what the executables do or don't do, with the exception of the ROGUE area. This area contains the familiar game of rogue ported some time ago to VMS and sent out on DECUS tapes since then. This submission is the 1986 version of the game. Just define a foreign command (ROGUE:==$ROGUE$DIR:ROGUE) for invoking the executable, assign a directory path to ROGUE$DIR: you're all set for play. Try the "a" command when fighting a monster ("a" in a direction will autofight!) in rogue. Larry and I hope everyone enjoys the submission!!!! Larry Palmer Ricky Palmer DEC - Ultrix/VMS MK02-1/H10 Continental Blvd. Merrimack, NH 03054 (603) 884-8385 April 22, 1986 Librarian's note: ROGUE and MORIA have been moved to [VAX85A.GAMES.DFWLUG.PALMER...].