.ap .sp 2 .spr 4,1,3 .b DBAG is a relational data base creation and maintenance system .b It can be used in two ways -interactively, by commmands -in FORTRAN 77 programs written by the user .b For users less familiar with the use of these types of command-based sytems, a menu-based interface is being developed. .b DBAG is a multi-user system currently implemented on VAX/VMS and soon to be adapted to the MS-DOS and UNIX environments. .b The manipulation and editing of commands, records, etc. is done with a unique interface that, with a few differences, emulates the Digital EDT editor. For users of this operating system, the time to adapt to interactive DBAG will be greatly reduced . .b Finally, note that user-written FORTRAN 77 programs can invoke a library of subroutines that permit any manipulation of records or groups of records. As a matter of fact, the interactive system itself is nothing more than a program that uses this same library.