*format: XXXXXXtnnn Message text *********XXXXXX routine that set error **********t message type: 0-internal, 1-user, 2-semi-internal, 3-gen. purpose **********nnn error code **********If message begins by "\", means interactive internal error **********If message begins by "?", means an absolutely big internal error!!! **********Otherwise, general warning... (user should decide about severity) ********** So, \... will abort interactive use of DBAG ********** ?... will abort ANY use of DBAG ********** **********The message "No more i/o channels ..." is never fatal (!!!!) ************************************************************************** DBAG DBAG 0001 ?Can't get command from the command buffer ************************************************************************* XCOMM X$COMM1001 Illegal character X$COMM1002 Unknown command X$COMM1003 Ambiguous command X$COMM1004 Too few characters in command X$COMM1005 Can't execute @, UP, RECALL or PAUSE commands if non-interactive X$COMM1006 Too many digits X$COMM1007 ?Error looking up command table ************************************************************************* DBAGA JUNK$R0001 ?Unexpected error re-scanning input buffer JUNK$R0002 Record# can't be zero JUNK$R0003 End-of-line expected SPC$AT0001 Illegal character SPC$AT0002 File specification expected SPC$AT0003 End-of-line expected SPC$Q 0001 Illegal character in line SPC$Q 0002 Syntax error in arithmetic expression SPC$Q 0003 End-of-line expected A$PPEN0001 Illegal character A$PPEN0002 Keyword, value, or end-of-line expected A$PPEN0003 Unknown keyword A$PPEN0004 Ambiguous keyword A$PPEN0005 Too few characters in keyword A$PPEN0006 Keyword, integer or end-of-line expected A$PPEN0007 Too many digits in value A$PPEN0008 Unexpected keyword (implicit or explicit SCOPE used twice ?) A$PPEN0009 FOR found without FROM A$PPEN0010 SCOPE/FOR found, and BLANK/FROM too A$PPEN0011 Data base name or expected after FROM or TO keyword A$PPEN0012 BLANK and FROM found A$PPEN0013 Duplicate requests on command A$PPEN0014 Can't append FROM TO A$PPEN0015 FROM and TO specifications can't be identical A$PPEN0016 Output structure doesn't exist A$PPEN0017 Output structure locked by another user A$PPEN0018 Input structure doesn't exist A$PPEN0019 Input structure locked by another user A$PPEN0020 Found repeated reference to same field in FIELDS A$PPEN0021 Wrong input file format ( DBAG, SDF) A$PPEN0022 NEW or OLD seen without no TO option used A$PPEN0023 ?Internal error (abnormal situation reached) A$PPEN0024 BYFIELDNUMBER NAME or LIST seen & no input base/file or output base A$PPEN0025 BYFIELDNUMBER NAME or LIST seen with output to file A$PPEN0026 Field tranfer may be by field number OR name OR list! A$PPEN0027 SCOPE or FOR seen without FROM A$PPEN0028 FIELDS found and BYNAME or BYLIST specified in command A$PPEN0029 No more i/o channels (too many bases opened or user quotas exausted) A$PPEN0030 You can't specify "#" in FIELDS in APPEND command A$PPEN0031 \Memory allocation failure (can't get memory from the O.S.) A$PPEN0032 Using CURRENT SEARCH with 0 records! A$PPEN0033 ? *** obsolete *** A$PPEN0034 Append FROM TO not yet supported A$PPEN0035 Append BYLIST not yet supported A$PPEN0036 SDF file, append only by field number A$PPEN0037 NOCHECK only if appending FROM file A$PPEN0038 Batch user, can't use the DBAG editor ! A$PPEN0039 Protected fields, can't append to data base A$PPEN0040 Protected fields, can't use SDF format A$PPEN0041 or RECORD in and no such record A$PPEN0042 If NORECORDS, specify PROPERTY keyword A$PPEN0043 Can't APPEND from/to base, not a regular base C$ANCE0001 Illegal character C$ANCE0002 Keyword or end-of-line expected C$ANCE0003 Unknown keyword C$ANCE0004 Ambiguous keyword C$ANCE0005 Too few characters in keyword C$ANCE0006 Unexpected keyword C$ANCE0007 Too many digits in value C$ANCE0008 Duplicate requests on command C$ANCE0009 Data base name expected C$ANCE0010 ? *** obsolete *** C$ANCE0011 ? *** obsolete *** C$ANCE0012 SEARCH or SORT keyword not found C$ANCE0013 ?Internal (read/write) error C$LOSE0001 Illegal character C$LOSE0002 Data base name expected C$LOSE0003 Data base not open C$LOSE0004 ^Z found, command execution suspended C$LOSE0005 Data base name expected C$LOSE0006 End-of-line expected C$LOSE0007 Can't close base, used by someone C$OPY 0001 Illegal character C$OPY 0002 Identifier or eol expected C$OPY 0003 Unknown keyword C$OPY 0004 Ambiguous keyword C$OPY 0005 Too few characters in keyword C$OPY 0006 Keyword or eol expected C$OPY 0007 Too many digits C$OPY 0008 Unexpected keyword C$OPY 0009 Database name expected after FROM or TO keyword C$OPY 0010 Duplicate requests on command C$OPY 0011 STRUCTURE, TO or FROM not specified in command C$OPY 0012 Input database doesn't exist C$OPY 0013 Output database already exists C$OPY 0014 Input and output databases can't be the same C$OPY 0015 No more i/o channels (too many bases opened or user quotas exausted) C$OPY 0016 Can't open/read/write root/dbf files (quota exceeded?) C$OPY 0017 Protected fields, can't copy structure C$REAT0001 Illegal character C$REAT0002 Keyword, identifier, value, ',' or end-of-line expected C$REAT0003 Unknown keyword C$REAT0004 Ambiguous or unexpected keyword C$REAT0005 Too few characters in keyword C$REAT0006 Unexpected keyword C$REAT0007 Too many digits C$REAT0008 Data base already exists (supersede not allowed, use DELETE command) C$REAT0009 ^Z found, data base not created C$REAT0010 ? *** obsolete *** C$REAT0011 No memory space for data base (too many bases open ?) C$REAT0012 Can't open that base C$REAT0013 The OWNER BASE should be a regular base C$REAT0014 PROPERTY, SERIES or "MEMO" not defined in OWNER BASE C$REAT0015 No field specified, property not created C$REAT0016 End-of-line expected D$EFIN0001 Illegal character D$EFIN0002 Unexpected end-of-line D$EFIN0003 Keyword expected D$EFIN0004 Unknown keyword D$EFIN0005 Ambiguous or unexpected keyword D$EFIN0006 Too few characters in keyword D$EFIN0007 Unexpected keyword D$EFIN0008 End-of-line expected D$EFIN0009 No current data base D$EFIN0010 ^Z found, command execution suspended D$ELET0001 Illegal character D$ELET0002 Keyword or end-of-line expected D$ELET0003 Unknown keyword D$ELET0004 Ambiguous keyword D$ELET0005 Too few characters in keyword D$ELET0006 Too many digits in value D$ELET0007 Duplicate requests on command D$ELET0008 Unexpected keyword D$ELET0009 No more i/o channels (too many bases opened or user quotas exausted) D$ELET0010 Problems deleting root/dbf files D$ELET0011 Data base name expected D$ELET0012 Missing DATABASE or FILES keyword D$ELET0013 Protected fields, can't delete data base D$ELET0014 Can't delete base, used by someone E$DIT 0001 Illegal character E$DIT 0002 Keyword, value, or end-of-line expected E$DIT 0003 Unknown keyword E$DIT 0004 Ambiguous keyword E$DIT 0005 Too few characters in keyword E$DIT 0006 Keyword, integer or end-of-line expected E$DIT 0007 Too many digits in value E$DIT 0008 Unexpected keyword (implicit or explicit SCOPE used twice ?) E$DIT 0009 TO found without FROM E$DIT 0010 No more i/o channels (too many bases opened or user quotas exausted) E$DIT 0011 Data base name or expected after FROM or TO keyword E$DIT 0012 SCOPE or FOR found, and FROM too E$DIT 0013 Duplicate requests on command E$DIT 0014 Can't edit FROM TO E$DIT 0015 FROM and TO specifications can't be identical E$DIT 0016 Structure doesn't exist E$DIT 0017 Structure locked by another user E$DIT 0018 ? *** obsolete *** E$DIT 0019 ? *** obsolete *** E$DIT 0020 Found repeated reference to same field in FIELDS E$DIT 0021 Wrong input file format ( DBAG, SDF) E$DIT 0022 NEW or OLD seen without no TO option used E$DIT 0023 ?Internal error (abnormal situation reached) E$DIT 0024 You can't specify "#" in FIELDS in EDIT command E$DIT 0025 \Memory allocation failure (can't get memory from the O.S.) E$DIT 0026 Using CURRENT SEARCH with 0 records! E$DIT 0027 ? *** obsolete *** E$DIT 0028 Edit FROM TO not yet supported E$DIT 0029 Protected fields, can't use SDF format E$DIT 0030 or RECORD in and no such record E$DIT 0031 If NORECORDS, specify PROPERTY keyword E$DT 0001 Illegal character E$DT 0002 Can't open that file E$DT 0003 No more i/o channels (too many bases opened or user quotas exausted) E$DT 0004 File specification expected E$XIT 0001 End-of-line expected G$OTO 0001 Illegal character G$OTO 0002 Record#, TOP or BOTTOM expected G$OTO 0003 Unknown keyword G$OTO 0004 Ambiguous keyword G$OTO 0005 Too few characters in keyword G$OTO 0006 Unexpected keyword G$OTO 0007 Too many digits in record# G$OTO 0008 Invalid record number, wrong check digit G$OTO 0009 End-of-line expected J$OIN 0001 Illegal character J$OIN 0002 Too many digits J$OIN 0003 Keyword or data base name expected J$OIN 0004 Unexpected keyword J$OIN 0005 Too many data bases J$OIN 0006 Duplicated keyword J$OIN 0007 Unexpected TO or WITH keyword J$OIN 0008 Missing TO or WITH keyword J$OIN 0009 Output data base already exists J$OIN 0010 Input data base doesn't exist J$OIN 0011 Unexpected end-of-line J$OIN 0012 JFOR specified for input data base J$OIN 0013 ?Internal error (found non-existent data base) J$OIN 0014 Unexpected keyword (implicit or explicit SCOPE used twice ?) J$OIN 0015 SCOPE, FOR or FIELD specified for output data base J$OIN 0016 End-of-line expected here J$OIN 0017 You can't specify "#" in FIELDS in JOIN command J$OIN 0018 \Memory allocation failure (can't get memory from the O.S.) J$OIN 0019 No records satisfy JFOR condition J$OIN 0020 No more i/o channels (too many bases opened or user quotas exausted) J$OIN 0021 Can't open/read temporary file J$OIN 0022 ?Internal (read/write) error J$OIN 0023 No record selected J$OIN 0024 No memory space for output data base (too many bases open ?) J$OIN 0025 or RECORD in and no such record K$ILL 0001 Illegal character K$ILL 0002 Keyword, value, or end-of-line expected K$ILL 0003 Unknown keyword K$ILL 0004 Ambiguous keyword K$ILL 0005 Too few characters in keyword K$ILL 0006 Keyword, integer or end-of-line expected K$ILL 0007 Too many digits in value K$ILL 0008 Duplicate requests on command K$ILL 0009 Unexpected keyword (implicit or explicit SCOPE used twice ?) K$ILL 0010 \Memory allocation failure (can't get memory from VMS) K$ILL 0011 No more i/o channels (too many bases opened or user quotas exausted) K$ILL 0012 Using CURRENT SEARCH with 0 records! K$ILL 0013 No CURRENT SEARCH and no SCOPE specified in command K$ILL 0014 Data base name expected K$ILL 0015 ?Internal error (write error) K$ILL 0016 Protected fields, can't kill records K$ILL 0017 or RECORD in and no such record M$ODIF0001 Illegal character M$ODIF0002 Identifier or eol expected M$ODIF0003 Unknown keyword M$ODIF0004 Ambiguous keyword M$ODIF0005 Too few characters in keyword M$ODIF0006 STRUCTURE not specified in MODIFY command M$ODIF0007 Too many digits M$ODIF0008 Unexpected keyword M$ODIF0009 Database name expected after TO M$ODIF0010 Duplicate requests on command M$ODIF0011 Protected fields, can't modify struture M$ODIF0012 Can't modify structure, used by someone M$ODIF0013 Not a property M$ODIF0014 Can't open owner base M$ODIF0015 Not a series M$ODIF0016 Not a "memo" R$ECAL0001 Illegal character R$ECAL0002 Keyword, value, or end-of-line expected R$ECAL0003 Unknown keyword R$ECAL0004 Ambiguous keyword R$ECAL0005 Too few characters in keyword R$ECAL0006 Keyword, integer or end-of-line expected R$ECAL0007 Too many digits in value R$ECAL0008 Duplicate requests on command R$ECAL0009 Unexpected keyword (implicit or explicit SCOPE used twice ?) R$ECAL0010 No SCOPE and no FOR specified in command R$ECAL0011 Data base name expected R$ECAL0012 \Memory allocation failure (can't get memory from the O.S.) R$ELOA0001 Illegal character R$ELOA0002 Keyword or end-of-line expected R$ELOA0003 Structure is not empty R$ELOA0004 Ambiguous keyword R$ELOA0005 Too few characters in keyword R$ELOA0006 Too many digits in value R$ELOA0007 Unexpected keyword R$ELOA0008 No more i/o channels (too many bases opened or user quotas exausted) R$ELOA0009 expected after TO keyword R$ELOA0010 Duplicate requests on command R$ELOA0011 Data base doesn't exist R$ELOA0012 Data base locked by another user R$ELOA0013 Data base name or keyword expected R$ELOA0014 ?Internal error (write error) R$ELOA0015 Wrong input file format ( DBAG, SDF) R$ELOA0016 Protected fields, can't reload data base R$EPLA0001 Illegal character R$EPLA0002 Keyword, value, or end-of-line expected R$EPLA0003 Unknown keyword R$EPLA0004 Ambiguous keyword R$EPLA0005 Too few characters in keyword R$EPLA0006 Keyword, integer or end-of-line expected R$EPLA0007 Too many digits in value R$EPLA0008 Unexpected keyword R$EPLA0009 Duplicate requests on command R$EPLA0010 No more i/o channels (too many bases opened or user quotas exausted) R$EPLA0011 Data base name or expected after FROM or TO keyword R$EPLA0012 Output data base doesn't exist R$EPLA0013 Output data base locked by another user R$EPLA0014 Found repeated reference to same field in FIELDS R$EPLA0015 Wrong input file format ( DBAG, SDF) R$EPLA0016 \Memory allocation failure (can't get memory from the O.S.) R$EPLA0017 You can't specify "#" in FIELDS in EDIT command R$ESTO0001 Illegal character R$ESTO0002 Unexpected end-of-line R$ESTO0003 Keyword expected R$ESTO0004 Unknown keyword R$ESTO0005 Ambiguous or unexpected keyword R$ESTO0006 Too few characters in keyword R$ESTO0007 Unexpected keyword R$ESTO0008 End-of-line expected R$ESTO0009 No current data base R$ESTO0010 Not a SAVE file R$ESTO0011 SAVE file for a different data base R$ESTO0012 \Never happens, lost the bit map R$ESTO0013 No more i/o channels (too many bases opened or user quotas exausted) R$ESTO0014 Can't read input file R$ESTO0015 Can't write temporary sort file (quota exceeded?) R$ESTO0016 \Memory allocation failure (can't get memory from the O.S.) R$ESTO0017 Problems executing RESTORE: SEARCH and SORT record#'s don't match S$AVE 0001 Illegal character S$AVE 0002 Unexpected end-of-line S$AVE 0003 Keyword expected S$AVE 0004 Unknown keyword S$AVE 0005 Ambiguous or unexpected keyword S$AVE 0006 Too few characters in keyword S$AVE 0007 Unexpected keyword S$AVE 0008 End-of-line expected S$AVE 0009 No current data base S$EARC0001 Illegal character S$EARC0002 Keyword or end-of-line expected S$EARC0003 Unknown keyword S$EARC0004 Ambiguous keyword S$EARC0005 Too few characters in keyword S$EARC0006 Keyword, integer or end-of-line expected S$EARC0007 Too many digits in value S$EARC0008 Duplicate requests on command S$EARC0009 Data base name expected S$EARC0010 Unexpected keyword (implicit or explicit SCOPE used twice ?) S$EARC0011 SEARCH with no SCOPE and no FOR S$EARC0012 \Memory allocation failure (can't get memory from the O.S.) S$EARC0013 Using CURRENT SEARCH with 0 records! S$EARC0014 ?Internal (read/write) error S$EARC0015 or RECORD in and no such record S$ET 0001 Illegal character S$ET 0002 Keyword expected S$ET 0003 Unknown or unexpected keyword S$ET 0004 Ambiguous keyword S$ET 0005 Too few characters in keyword S$ET 0006 File specification expected S$ET 0007 Can't open ALTERNATE file S$ET 0008 No more i/o channels (too many bases opened or user quotas exausted) S$ET 0009 Unexpected SET ... [TO] or SET ... ON/OFF command found S$ET 0010 Value expected S$ET 0011 String expected S$ET 0012 Keyword or value expected S$ET 0013 String (one character) expected S$ORT 0001 Illegal character S$ORT 0002 Identifier or end-of-line expected S$ORT 0003 Unknown keyword S$ORT 0004 Ambiguous keyword S$ORT 0005 Too few characters in keyword S$ORT 0006 No ON phrase specified in command S$ORT 0007 Too many digits S$ORT 0008 Duplicate requests on command S$ORT 0009 Database name expected S$ORT 0010 Unexpected keyword S$ORT 0011 No CURRENT SEARCH S$ORT 0012 \Memory allocation failure (can't get memory from the O.S.) S$ORT 0013 Using CURRENT SEARCH with 0 records! S$ORT 0014 Found repeated reference to same field in S$ORT 0015 Can't SORT, not a regular base U$P 0001 Illegal character U$P 0002 Positive number expected U$P 0003 Too many digits in number U$P 0004 End-of-line expected U$P 0005 Command not found (DISPLAY COMMANDS to see the command buffer) U$P 0006 Problems searching the command buffer U$P 0007 The command buffer is empty U$NLOA0001 Illegal character U$NLOA0002 Keyword or end-of-line expected U$NLOA0003 Data base is empty U$NLOA0004 Ambiguous keyword U$NLOA0005 Too few characters in keyword U$NLOA0006 Too many digits in value U$NLOA0007 Unexpected keyword U$NLOA0008 No more i/o channels (too many bases opened or user quotas exausted) U$NLOA0009 expected after TO keyword U$NLOA0010 Duplicate requests on command U$NLOA0011 Data base doesn't exist U$NLOA0012 Data base locked by another user U$NLOA0013 Data base name or keyword expected U$NLOA0014 ?Internal error (write error) U$NLOA0015 Protected fields, can't unload data base U$NLOA0016 Can't UNLOAD (can't find the owner base) U$SE 0001 Illegal character U$SE 0002 Data base name expected U$SE 0003 Unknown keyword U$SE 0004 Ambiguous or unexpected keyword U$SE 0005 Too few characters in keyword U$SE 0006 Unexpected keyword U$SE 0007 Data base name expected V$MS 0001 Illegal character V$MS 0002 Can't create sub-process to execute command (check priv's & quotas) T$PU 0001 Illegal character T$PU 0002 Can't open that file T$PU 0003 No more i/o channels (too many bases opened or user quotas exausted) T$PU 0004 File specification expected Z$ERO 0001 Illegal character Z$ERO 0002 Keyword DATABASE expected Z$ERO 0003 Can't write .DBF file Z$ERO 0004 Ambiguous keyword Z$ERO 0005 Too few characters in keyword Z$ERO 0006 Data base name expected Z$ERO 0007 Too many digits Z$ERO 0008 Unexpected keyword Z$ERO 0009 Data base alread "empty" Z$ERO 0010 Duplicate requests on command Z$ERO 0011 Missing DATABASE or FILES keyword Z$ERO 0012 Protected fields, can't zero data base Z$ERO 0013 Can't zero base, used by someone Z$ERO 0014 Can't zero base, has at least one non-empty "creature" *************************************************************************FORSYN FORSYN2001 Syntactical error in logical expression at or near mark(^) FORSYN2002 Logical expression is empty COND1$2001 Syntactical error in logical expression at or near mark(^) COND1$2002 Can't open/read @file (too many values ?) FACT$ 2001 Syntactical error in logical expression at or near mark(^) *************************************************************************SCPSYN SCPSYN2001 item expected after "," SCPIT$2001 item expected after ":" SCPIT$2002 Found ":" after ALL or NEXT in item SSBIT$2001 expected after keyword RECORD in item SSET$ 2001 Maximum # of items reached SSET$ 2002 ?Internal error (unknown/unexpected item found in ) SSET$ 2003 Record# can't be < 1 in SSET$ 2004 Record# can't be < 1 in item NEXT SSET$ 2005 Found upper bound < lower bound in item SSET$ 2006 ?Internal error (unexpected position found in ) *************************************************************************SCPCHK SCPCHK2001 Data base has no alive records SCPCHK2002 or RECORD in and no such record SCPCHK2003 Found upper bound < lower bound in SCPCHK2004 \SCOPE base equal 0 SCPCHK2005 CURRENT or NEXT used in and no current record SCPCHK2006 Specified or implicit too big. Please exit and reenter DBAG. SCPCHK2007 Found invalid or RECORD in (wrong check digit) *************************************************************************SCPSEM SCPSEM2001 No scope expression after SCOPE keyword *************************************************************************FLDSYN FLDSYN2001 expression expected after "," FLDSYN2002 empty FLDIT$2001 item expected FLDIT$2002 Maximum # of fields reached in FLDIT$2003 expected after % in item FLDIT$2004 Field number in can't be 0 FLDSEM2001 Found field # greater than biggest for base in FLDSEM2002 Found field name (in ) that doesn't exist in that base FLDSEM2003 ?Internal error (field number < 0 in ) FLDSEM2004 No field selected (protection failure ?) **************************************************************************FORCHK FORCHK2001 Invalid FOR expression FORCHK2002 ?Not enough room in working arrays **************************************************************************FORSEM FORSEM2001 ?Error evaluating semantic array FORSEM2002 \Memory allocation failure (can't get memory from the O.S.) **************************************************************************JRFCHK JFRCHK2001 Invalid JFOR expression JFRCHK2002 ?Not enough room in working arrays **************************************************************************JFRSEM JFRSEM2001 ?Error evaluating semantic array JFRSEM2002 \Memory allocation failure (can't get memory from the O.S.) JFRSEM2003 No more i/o channels (too many bases opened or user quotas exausted) JFRSEM2004 Can't open/write temporary file (quota exceeded?) *************************************************************************DBAGSRL SRLSYN2001 item expected after "," SRLSYN2002 empty SRLIT$2001 item expected SRLIT$2002 Maximum # of fields reached in SRLIT$2003 expected after % in item SRLCHK2001 Found field number greater than biggest for base in SRLCHK2002 Found field name (in ) that doesn't exist in that base SRLCHK2003 ?Internal error (field number < 0 in ) SRLSEM2001 Protected fields, can't sort on them ************************************************************************* INIT INIT 2001 * This message is used to init DBAG error system, don't remove it * INIT 2002 ?Can't allocate channel to user's terminal INIT 2003 ?Can't open terminal to read INIT 2004 ?Can't open terminal to write ************************************************************************* DBAG0 OPNBAS1001 No memory space for data base (too many bases open ?) OPNBAS1002 No more i/o channels (too many bases opened or user quotas exausted) OPNBAS1003 Structure doesn't exist OPNBAS1004 Different signatures or # fields (bad base files ?) OPNBAS1005 Error opening root file OPNBAS1006 Can't read root file (bad base files ?) OPNBAS1007 Can't read .DBF file (bad base files ?) OPNBAS1008 ? *** obsolete *** OPNBAS1009 Structure currently locked or left open OPNBAS1010 No more i/o channels (too many bases opened or user quotas exausted) OPNBAS1011 Can't access/use DBAG control file OPNBAS1012 ?Wrong machine for base OPNBAS1013 \Empty data base name OPNBAS1014 Structure has too many fields (DBAG version?) OPNBAS1015 Structure has a field too big (DBAG version?) OPNBAS1016 ?.DBF file record too big (DBAG version?) OPNBAS1017 ? *** obsolete *** OPNBAS1018 Can't update base: copy structure, unload, delete and reload it! OPNBAS1019 Can't open base, all fields are protected ! OPNBAS0020 ?Internal (read/write) error OPNFLS1001 \Invalid base number OPNFLS1002 \Base not open OPNFLS1003 Couldn't open at least one d.b. field OPNCRT1001 \Invalid base number OPNCRT1002 \Base not open OPNCRT1003 Couldn't open at least one property, series or "memo" CLSBAS1001 \Invalid base number CLSBAS1002 \Base not open CLSBAS1003 Can't write to .DBF file CLSBAS1004 Can't access/use DBAG control file CLSFLS1001 \Invalid base number CLSFLS1002 \Base not open CLSFLS1003 Couldn't close at least one d.b. field LCKBAS1001 \Invalid base number ULKBAS1001 \Invalid base number MORE 1001 \Invalid base number MORE 1002 Can't write record in .DBF file (quota exceeded?) MORE 1003 ?Can't write record #3 in .DBF file MORE 1004 ?Can't write record #4 or #6 in .DBF file MORE 1005 ?Can't read record in .DBF file MORE 1006 Base is not open for UPDATE MORE 1007 Proteccion failure (at least one protected field) MORE 1008 KEY field, value already exists FNEXT 1001 \Invalid base number FNEXT 1002 ?Can't read .DBF file FNEXT 1003 Internal error (unknown or old deleted record mark!) FASTNX1001 \Invalid base number FASTNX1002 \Wrong argument, base record doesn't fit KILL 1001 \Invalid base number KILL 1002 Record not found KILL 1003 ?Can't read .DBF file KILL 1004 Record already killed KILL 1005 Internal error (unknown or old deleted record mark!) KILL 1006 Invalid record number, wrong check digit KILL 1007 ?Can't write record #4 or #6 in .DBF file KILL 1008 ?Can't write record in .DBF file KILL 1009 Base is not open for UPDATE KILL 1010 Protected fields, can't kill record TITLE 1001 \Invalid base number NEWTTL1001 \Invalid base number OPDBF 1001 Error opening .DBF file OPDBF 1002 Structure currently locked or left open OPDBF 1003 Can't read .DBF file (bad base files ?) GETPPN1001 Base is protected but .PPN file not found GETPPN1002 Unauthorized access to base (user not in .PPN file) GETPPN1003 No more i/o channels (too many bases opened or user quotas exausted) FIND 1001 \Invalid base number FIND 1002 Record not found FIND 1003 ? *** obsolete *** FIND 1004 ? *** obsolete *** FIND 1005 Killed record found FIND 1006 Can't read .DBF file FIND 1007 Internal error (unknown or old deleted record mark!) FIND 1008 Invalid record number, wrong check digit MODIFY1001 \Invalid base number MODIFY1002 Can't write .DBF file MODIFY1003 Record not found MODIFY1004 Invalid record number, wrong check digit MODIFY1005 Base not open for UPDATE MODIFY1006 KEY field, value already exists *********************************************************************** DBAGSRI PUTSI11001 \Invalid series channel PUTSI11002 \Not properly opened or not opened for update PUTSI11003 \Can't put (not the proper SERIES structure) PUTSI11004 Element out of bounds APPSI11001 \Invalid series channel APPSI11002 \Not properly opened or not opened for update APPSI11003 \Can't append (not the proper SERIES structure) APPSI11004 Element out of bounds RPLSI11001 \Invalid series channel RPLSI11002 \Not properly opened or not opened for update RPLSI11003 \Can't replace (not the proper SERIES structure) RPLSI11004 Element out of bounds DELSI11001 \Invalid series channel DELSI11002 \Not properly opened or not opened for update DELSI11003 \Can't delete (not the proper SERIES structure) GETSI11001 \Invalid series channel GETSI11002 \Not properly opened GETSI11003 \Can't read (not the proper SERIES structure) OPNSI11001 \Can't open (not the proper SERIES structure) CLSSI11001 \Invalid series channel CLSSI11002 \Not properly opened CLSSI11003 \Can't close (not the proper SERIES structure) *********************************************************************** DBAGSRX PUTSX11001 \Invalid series channel PUTSX11002 \Not properly opened or not opened for update PUTSX11003 \Can't put (not the proper SERIES structure) PUTSX11004 Element out of bounds APPSX11001 \Invalid series channel APPSX11002 \Not properly opened or not opened for update APPSX11003 \Can't append (not the proper SERIES structure) APPSX11004 Element out of bounds RPLSX11001 \Invalid series channel RPLSX11002 \Not properly opened or not opened for update RPLSX11003 \Can't replace (not the proper SERIES structure) RPLSX11004 Element out of bounds DELSX11001 \Invalid series channel DELSX11002 \Not properly opened or not opened for update DELSX11003 \Can't delete (not the proper SERIES structure) GETSX11001 \Invalid series channel GETSX11002 \Not properly opened GETSX11003 \Can't read (not the proper SERIES structure) OPNSX11001 \Can't open (not the proper SERIES structure) CLSSX11001 \Invalid series channel CLSSX11002 \Not properly opened CLSSX11003 \Can't close (not the proper SERIES structure) *********************************************************************** DBAGSRR PUTSR11001 \Invalid series channel PUTSR11002 \Not properly opened or not opened for update PUTSR11003 \Can't put (not the proper SERIES structure) PUTSR11004 Element out of bounds PUTSR11005 Element too small APPSR11001 \Invalid series channel APPSR11002 \Not properly opened or not opened for update APPSR11003 \Can't append (not the proper SERIES structure) APPSR11004 Element out of bounds APPSR11005 Element too small RPLSR11001 \Invalid series channel RPLSR11002 \Not properly opened or not opened for update RPLSR11003 \Can't replace (not the proper SERIES structure) RPLSR11004 Element out of bounds RPLSR11005 Element too small DELSR11001 \Invalid series channel DELSR11002 \Not properly opened or not opened for update DELSR11003 \Can't delete (not the proper SERIES structure) GETSR11001 \Invalid series channel GETSR11002 \Not properly opened GETSR11003 \Can't read (not the proper SERIES structure) OPNSR11001 \Can't open (not the proper SERIES structure) CLSSR11001 \Invalid series channel CLSSR11002 \Not properly opened CLSSR11003 \Can't close (not the proper SERIES structure) *********************************************************************** DBAGSRR PUTS811001 \Invalid series channel PUTS811002 \Not properly opened or not opened for update PUTS811003 \Can't put (not the proper SERIES structure) PUTS811004 Element too small APPS811001 \Invalid series channel APPS811002 \Not properly opened or not opened for update APPS811003 \Can't append (not the proper SERIES structure) APPS811004 Element too small RPLS811001 \Invalid series channel RPLS811002 \Not properly opened or not opened for update RPLS811003 \Can't replace (not the proper SERIES structure) RPLS811004 Element too small DELS811001 \Invalid series channel DELS811002 \Not properly opened or not opened for update DELS811003 \Can't delete (not the proper SERIES structure) GETS811001 \Invalid series channel GETS811002 \Not properly opened GETS811003 \Can't read (not the proper SERIES structure) OPNS811001 \Can't open (not the proper SERIES structure) CLSS811001 \Invalid series channel CLSS811002 \Not properly opened CLSS811003 \Can't close (not the proper SERIES structure) *********************************************************************** DBAGSR PUTSR 1001 \Can't find last record (lost?) PUTSR 1002 \Invalid size specified PUTSR 1003 Bad link to next record, aborting... PUTSR 1004 Error writing links, aborting... PUTSR 1005 \Error writing data DELSR 1001 Can't find first rec or empty series, aborting... DELSR 1002 \Invalid size specified DELSR 1003 \Specified element doesn't exist DELSR 1004 Bad link to next record, aborting... DELSR 1005 Error writing links, aborting... APPSR 1001 \Invalid size specified APPSR 1002 Bad link to next record, aborting... APPSR 1003 Error writing links, aborting... APPSR 1004 \Error writing data RPLSR 1001 Can't find first rec or empty series, aborting... RPLSR 1002 \Invalid size specified GETSR 1001 Can't find first rec or empty series, aborting... GETSR 1002 \Invalid elements specifier GETSR 1003 Bad link to next record, aborting... GETSR 1004 Bad data, can't read it, aborting... *********************************************************************** DBAGSRW INQSW 1001 \Invalid property channel INQSW 1002 Not properly opened INQSW 1003 \Can't delete (not the proper PROPERTY structure) PUTSW 1001 \Invalid property channel PUTSW 1002 \Not properly opened or not opened for update PUTSW 1003 \Can't put (not the proper PROPERTY structure) PUTSW 1004 Bad link to last record, aborting... PUTSW 1005 Error writing links, aborting... APPSW 1001 \Invalid property channel APPSW 1002 \Not properly opened or not opened for update APPSW 1003 \Can't append (not the proper PROPERTY structure) APPSW 1004 Bad link to last record, aborting... APPSW 1005 Error writing links, aborting... DELSW 1001 \Invalid property channel DELSW 1002 \Not properly opened or not opened for update DELSW 1003 \Can't delete (not the proper PROPERTY structure) DELSW 1004 \Specified element doesn't exist DELSW 1005 Could not find first rec or empty base, aborting... DELSW 1006 Negative index, aborting... DELSW 1007 Bad link to next record, aborting... DELSW 1008 Error writing links, aborting... CHGSW 1001 \Invalid property channel CHGSW 1002 \Not properly opened or not opened for update CHGSW 1003 \Can't change (not the proper PROPERTY structure) CHGSW 1004 \Element not found CHGSW 1005 Could not find first rec or empty base, aborting... CHGSW 1006 \Invalid element CHGSW 1007 Bad link to next record, aborting... GETSW 1001 \Invalid property channel GETSW 1002 \Not properly opened GETSW 1003 \Can't get (not the proper PROPERTY structure) GETSW 1004 Could not find first rec or empty base, aborting... GETSW 1005 Bad link to next record, aborting... OPNSW 1001 Can't open (not the proper PROPERTY structure) CLSSW 1001 \Invalid property channel CLSSW 1002 \Not properly opened CLSSW 1003 \Can't close (not the proper PROPERTY structure) ************************************************************************DBAGALN OPNALN1001 Can't open indexes of "father" ! OPNALN1002 Can't open owner base OPNALN1003 Can't find "it" in owner base OPNALN1004 Regular base structure found ! ************************************************************************* DBAGB I$ALIE0001 "Creature" doens't fit !!! I$LNKS0001 "Link" doens't fit !!! I$ATDW0001 @ command file not found I$ATDW0002 @ command files too deeply nested I$ATDW0003 No more i/o channels (too many bases opened or user quotas exausted) I$ATDW0004 Problems opening @ command file I$ATUP0001 \@ command file not active I$ATUP0002 \Wrong @ command file channel I$ATUP0003 No more i/o channels (too many bases opened or user quotas exausted) I$ATUP0004 ?Problems opening sys$input I$BFRE0001 Illegal character I$BFRE0002 Data base name expected I$BFRE0003 Data base not current I$BFRE0004 ^Z found, command execution suspended I$BINI0001 ?Attempt to allocate same bitmap twice I$BINI0002 \Memory allocation failure (can't get memory from the O.S.) I$BUSE0001 Illegal character I$BUSE0002 Data base name expected I$BUSE0003 ^Z found, command execution suspended I$BUSE0004 \No current data base (non-interactive usage) I$CNVD0001 ?Internal (read/write) error I$CREA0001 ? *** obsolete *** I$CREA0002 Maximum record size reached I$CREA0003 Bad field type (available types : c, n, d, l, x, db, r, r8) I$CREA0004 Bad date (use "human format", eg 1-aug-81) I$CREA0005 Field mnemonic already exists I$CREA0006 Width 0 illegal I$CREA0007 Decimal places 0 or too many I$CREA0008 Illegal value for that type I$CREA0009 Size too small or too many total digits I$CREA0010 Out of range I$CREA0011 Lower bound > upper bound I$CREA0012 Can't be < 1 I$CREA0013 Exceeds maximum field size I$CREA0014 Exceeds maximum number for record I$CREA0015 You have to define lower/upper bounds for numeric and date fields I$CREA0016 ? *** obsolete *** I$CREA0017 Illegal character or too many digits I$CREA0018 Identifier, value, ',' or end-of-line expected I$CREA0019 Syntax error I$CREA0020 The data base can't refers itself I$CREA0021 Bad record number I$CREA0022 Can't open the other data base I$CREA0023 ? *** obsolete *** I$CREA0024 ?Internal (read/write) error I$CREA0025 Bad or invalid field in the other data base I$CREA0026 That field is also "db", can't be used as master field I$CREA0027 Not a regular base I$CREA0028 Bad field type (available types : c, n, d, l, x, db) I$CRCR0001 ?Internal error (unknown creature!) I$DCOM0001 The command buffer is empty I$DDAT0001 \Possible loop or error detected when calling the O.S.! I$DDAT0002 Too many .INI data bases found I$DDAT0003 Can't write to display file (quota exceeded?) I$DDAT0004 ?Internal (read/write) error I$DATL0001 Can't write to display file (quota exceeded?) I$DATL0002 No more i/o channels (too many bases opened or user quotas exausted) I$DL 0001 Illegal character I$DL 0002 Keyword, value, or end-of-line expected I$DL 0003 Unknown keyword I$DL 0004 Ambiguous keyword I$DL 0005 Too few characters in keyword I$DL 0006 Keyword, integer or end-of-line expected I$DL 0007 Too many digits in value I$DL 0008 Duplicate requests on command I$DL 0009 Incompatible requests on command I$DL 0010 Unexpected keyword (implicit or explicit SCOPE used twice ?) I$DL 0011 expected after TO keyword I$DL 0012 No more i/o channels (too many bases opened or user quotas exausted) I$DL 0013 Wild database name or expected I$DL 0014 ON keyword expected after SORT ... I$DL 0015 Data base name expected I$DL 0016 \Memory allocation failure (can't get memory from the O.S.) I$DL 0017 Using CURRENT SEARCH with 0 records! I$DL 0018 Found repeated reference to same field in I$DL 0019 Can't write to output file (quota exceeded?) I$DL 0020 If NORECORDS, specify PROPERTY keyword I$DREC0001 Can't open/write display/sort files (quota exceeded?) I$DREC0002 Problems setting standard display I$DSTA0001 Can't write to output file (quota exceeded?) I$DSTA0002 ?Internal (read/write) error I$DSTR0001 Can't write to output file (quota exceeded?) I$DSTR0002 ?Internal (read/write) error I$EDIT0001 Input file is empty I$EDIT0002 No (alive) record to edit I$EDIT0003 ?Internal error (edit TO nowhere) I$EDIT0004 ?Internal (read/write) error I$EDIT0005 Batch user, can't use the DBAG editor ! I$EDIT0006 Can't EDIT from/to base, not a regular base I$EDPP0001 Batch user, can't use the DBAG editor ! I$EDPP0002 ?Internal (read/write) error I$EDPP0003 Property has too many elem., doesn't fit (parameter MXPRP) I$FKER0001 ?Internal error (can't report FORCHK error) I$FAKS0001 \Unknown SCOPE to "fake" I$GOTO0001 No current data base I$HELP0001 Can't find input file I$HELP0002 ?Internal error (abnormal situation reached) I$HELP0003 End-of-line expected I$HELP0004 No more i/o channels (too many bases opened or user quotas exausted) I$HELP0005 Can't open/write output file (quota exceeded?) I$HELP0006 expected after TO keyword I$HELP0007 End-of-line or TO expected I$HELP0008 Illegal character I$HELP0009 Too many digits in value I$MESS0001 \Write error on terminal I$MESS0002 Write error on ALTERNATE file (disk quota exceeded?) I$MNDT0001 Mandatory field absent and without default value I$RELO0001 Input file is empty I$RELO0002 Record# out of sequence or less than 1 I$RELO0003 Can't read input file I$RELO0004 Can't RELOAD (can't find the owner base) I$REPL0001 Input file is empty I$REPL0002 ?Internal error (empty bitmap) I$REPL0003 ?Internal error (replace TO nowhere) I$REPL0004 ?Internal error (replace FROM nowhere) I$RSEL0001 ?Internal (read/write) error I$RUSE0001 Illegal character I$RUSE0002 Record# expected I$RUSE0003 Invalid record number, wrong check digit I$RUSE0004 ^Z found, command execution suspended I$SAVE0001 No CURRENT SEARCH I$SAVE0002 Prolblems setting current DISPLAY I$SAVE0003 The command buffer is empty I$SAVE0004 No more i/o channels (too many bases opened or user quotas exausted) I$SAVE0005 The CURRENT SEARCH isn't sorted I$SAVE0006 Can't read temporary sort file I$SAVE0007 No current SORT I$SAVE0008 Can't write output file (quota exceeded?) I$SFTR0001 Type conflict(s) found in field(s) I$SOPN0001 Internal (read/write) error I$UNLO0001 \Can't unload, not a regular base I$UNCR0001 \Can't unload regular bases I$UNCR0002 Bad link, aborting... I$UNCR0003 Can't write output file record (quota exceeded?) I$UPDO0001 Illegal character I$TSET0001 Can't create sub-process to set terminal (check priv's & quotas) I$UPDO0002 Positive or negative number expected I$UPDO0003 Too many digits in number I$XNOX0001 Illegal character I$XNOX0002 Identifier or end-of-line expected I$XNOX0003 Unknown keyword I$XNOX0004 Ambiguous keyword I$XNOX0005 Too few characters in keyword I$XNOX0006 Found repeated reference to same field in FIELDS I$XNOX0007 Too many digits I$XNOX0008 Duplicate requests on command I$XNOX0009 Database name expected I$XNOX0010 You can't specify "#" in FIELDS in this command I$XNOX0011 Non-interactive usage, specify "ON FIELDS ..." phrase I$XNOX0012 Data base has no INDEX field I$XNOX0013 Field isn't index I$XNOX0014 Unexpected keyword I$XNOX0015 ? *** obsolete *** I$XNOX0016 Indexes are SET OFF I$XNOX0017 Can't KWIC a non-character field I$XNOX0018 Not a common BASE, can't use INDEX/NOINDEX/REINDEX I$XNOX0019 Can't de-index a KEY field I$XNOX0020 Can't KWIC a KEY field ************************************************************************* DBAGW CHKLIN1001 End-of-line expected CHKLIN1002 Number out of range CHKLIN1003 Invalid number CHKLIN1004 String too long CHKLIN1005 Other data base reference out of range CHKLIN1006 Number expected CHKLIN1007 Too many decimal places CHKLIN1008 Decimal number out of range CHKLIN1009 Decimal number out of range CHKLIN1010 Invalid decimal number CHKLIN1011 Date out of range CHKLIN1012 Invalid date: wrong day CHKLIN1013 Invalid date: wrong month CHKLIN1014 Invalid date: wrong year CHKLIN1015 Invalid date:wrong day or month CHKLIN1016 Invalid date: wrong format CHKLIN1017 Invalid date: wrong format for day CHKLIN1018 Invalid date: wrong format for month CHKLIN1019 Invalid date CHKLIN1020 Invalid logical value CHKLIN1021 Invalid logical value CHKLIN1022 Invalid logical value CHKLIN1023 Invalid character or number overflow CHKLIN1024 Other data base reference must be positive CHKLIN1025 Invalid date: wrong format for year CHKLIN1026 No zeroes or wild card dates allowed here CHKLIN1027 Can't read other data base field bounds (empty or not opened) CHKLIN1028 ?Internal (read/write) error CHKLIN1029 Mandatory field, can't be left empty CHKLIN1030 Decimal number out of range CHKLIN1031 Invalid decimal number CHKLIN1032 Invalid double precision number VALIDA1001 Can't check o.d.b field FLAT 1001 ?Internal (read/write) error CFLT 2001 ? *** obsolete *** CFLT 2002 ? *** obsolete *** CFLT 2003 ? *** obsolete *** CFLT 2004 ? *** obsolete *** CFLT 2005 O.d.b. field doesn't match CF 2001 Wrong value CF 2002 Wrong date CF 2003 Not enough room to handle field CF 2004 Can't flat a field of a SERIES, use specific procedures !!! CUNF 2001 Wrong date CUNF 2002 Wrong value CUNF 2003 Not enough room to handle field CUNFLT2001 ? *** obsolete *** CUNFLT2002 ? *** obsolete *** CUNFLT2003 ? *** obsolete *** XFLAT 2001 Not enough room to handle field XUNFLA2001 Not enough room to handle field *************************************************************************STR??? STREDT2001 ^Z QUIT, command execution aborted STREDT2002 ?Internal error (unknown screen) STREDT2003 ?Internal error (unknown return code from VEDITS) STREDT2004 ?Internal (read/write) error STREDT2005 ?Internal error (bad field type) STREDT2006 ?Internal error (unknown or unimplemented current field type) STREDT2007 ?Internal error (O.D.B.: close_, zstart_ or zend_ error) STREDT2008 No base or field completly specified, command execution aborted STREDT2009 ?Internal error (default value vanished!) STREDT2010 ?Internal error (found wrong check digit!) STREDT2011 ?Internal error (record lenght exceeds maximum!) STREDT2012 ?Internal error (wrong base channel or empty data base name!) STREDT2013 ?Internal error (can't get/put default value!) STREDT2014 ?Internal error (display NEW structure!) STREDT2015 Batch user, can't use the DBAG editor ! CREDT 2001 ?Internal (read/write) error CREDT 2002 ?Internal error (wrong base channel or empty name!) CREDT 2003 ?Internal error (display NEW structure!) CREDT 2004 Batch user, can't use the DBAG editor ! CREDT 2005 ?Internal error (unknown creature!) STRFRS2001 ?Internal (read/write) error STRFRS2002 ?Internal error (problems with o.d.b. - master field) STRFSC2001 ?Internal (read/write) error STRFSC2002 ?Internal error (problems with o.d.b. - master field) STRCHL2001 ?Internal error (no error uses this code) STRCHL2002 Bad field type (available types : c, n, d, l, x, db, r, r8) STRCHL2003 Answer either "y" or "n" STRCHL2004 Bad field mnemonic STRCHL2005 Invalid character STRCHL2006 ?Internal error (no error uses this code) STRCHL2007 Invalid name STRCHL2008 Field is mandatory, can't be left empty STRCHL2009 Can't open that base STRCHL2010 Invalid field (name or number) STRCHL2011 That field is "db$", can't use it as master field STRCHL2012 Data base name not specified STRCHL2013 FATHER, NEXT and LAST are reserved mnemonics, sorry ... STRCHL2014 Already exists STRCHL2015 Not a regular base STRCHL2016 Bad field type (available types : c, n, d, l, x, db) STRIDF2001 ?Internal error (#fields < 0 or too many) STRPDF2001 ?Internal error (not enough room to store text) STRPDF2002 ?Internal error (no available slot, can't store text) STRPDF2003 ?Internal error (attempt to store default with field# .le. 0) STRGDF2001 Field has no default STROUT2001 No field specified, data base not created STROUT2002 No more i/o channels (too many bases opened or user quotas exausted) STROUT2003 Error opening root file (quota exceeded?) STROUT2004 Error opening dbf file (quota exceeded?) STROUT2005 Data base already exists STROUT2006 Error writing root file (quota exceeded?) STROUT2007 Error writing dbf file (quota exceeded?) STROUT2008 Error deleting dbf file STROUT2009 ?Internal (read/write) error ************************************************************************* DBAGF F$IHDR0001 Can't read input file F$IHDR0002 Can't read input file header F$IHDR0003 Input file doesn't exist F$IHDR0004 Wrong input file format ( DBAG, SDF) or empty input file F$IDBF0001 Can't read DBAG file record F$IDBF0002 Unexpected end of input file or not DBAG file format F$IDBF0003 Invalid field# in input file or not DBAG file format F$IDBF0004 Bad (or too big) decimal number in input file F$IDBF0005 Bad real number in input file F$IDBF0006 Bad double precision number in input file F$OHDR0001 Problems opening output file F$OHDR0002 Can't write output file header (quota exceeded?) F$ODBF0001 Can't write output file record (quota exceeded?) F$OSDF0001 Can't write output file record (quota exceeded?) F$OSDF0002 \Wrong data base image F$ISDF0001 Can't read input file record F$ISDF0002 Wrong data base record image ************************************************************************* DBAGX CHKEXT0001 Found reserved extension in file spec CHKMNE1001 \Invalid data base number CHKMNE1002 \Base not open EX3IN 1001 Invalid record number, wrong check digit IN3EX 1001 Invalid record number, wrong check digit ************************************************************************* DBAG1 ZSEAR 1001 \Current search doesn't fit ZRACE 1001 \Invalid data base number ZRACE 1002 \Base not open ZNFLD 1001 \Invalid data base number ZNFLD 1002 \Base not open ZFIELD1001 \Invalid data base number ZFIELD1002 \Base not open ZFIELD1003 Invalid or protected field in data base ZEND 1001 \Invalid data base number ZEND 1002 \Base not open ZLAST 1001 \Invalid data base number ZLAST 1002 \Base not open ZLAST 1003 ?Can't read .DBF file ZSTART1001 \Invalid data base number ZSTART1002 \Base not open ZFIRST1001 \Invalid data base number ZFIRST1002 \Base not open ZFIRST1003 ?Can't read .DBF file ZREC 1001 \Invalid data base number ZREC 1002 \Base not open ZREC2 1001 \Invalid data base number ZREC2 1002 \Base not open ZNEXT 1001 \Invalid data base number ZNEXT 1002 \Base not open ZNEXT 1003 ?Can't read record in .DBF file ZNEXT 1004 Record number too big, can't add more records ZKIND 1001 \Invalid data base number ZKIND 1002 \Base not open ZKIND 1003 Invalid or protected field in data base ZMAST 1001 \Invalid data base number ZMAST 1002 \Base not open ZMAST 1003 Invalid or protected field in data base ZMAST 1004 \Field isn't of type o.d.b. ZSEE 1001 \Invalid data base number ZSEE 1002 \Base not open ZSEE 1003 Invalid or protected field in data base ZSEE 1004 \Field isn't of type o.d.b. ZIDX 1001 \Invalid data base number ZIDX 1002 \Base not open ZIDX 1003 Invalid or protected field in data base ZDECI 1001 \Invalid data base number ZDECI 1002 \Base not open ZDECI 1003 Invalid or protected field in data base ZPROT11001 \Invalid data base number ZPROT11002 \Base not open ZPROT11003 Invalid or protected field in data base ZPROT21001 \Invalid data base number ZPROT21002 \Base not open ZPROT21003 Invalid or protected field in data base ZFNAM 1001 \Invalid data base number ZFNAM 1002 \Base not open ZFNAM 1003 Invalid or protected field in data base ZMNE 1001 \Invalid data base number ZMNE 1002 \Base not open ZMNE 1003 Invalid or protected field in data base ZNUM 1001 \Invalid data base number ZNUM 1002 \Base not open ZNAME 1001 \Invalid data base number ZNAME 1002 \Base not open ZFILE 1001 \Invalid data base number ZFILE 1002 \Base not open ZTITL 1001 \Invalid data base number ZTITL 1002 \Base not open ZFROZ 1001 \Invalid data base number ZFROZ 1002 \Base not open ZXDEF 1001 \Invalid data base number ZXDEF 1002 \Base not open ZXDEF 1003 Invalid or protected field in data base ZXDEF 1004 ?Internal (read/write) error ZSIZE 1001 \Invalid data base number ZSIZE 1002 \Base not open ZSIZE 1003 Invalid or protected field in data base ZMNDT 1001 \Invalid data base number ZMNDT 1002 \Base not open ZMNDT 1003 Invalid or protected field in data base ZXLIM 1001 \Invalid data base number ZXLIM 1002 \Base not open ZXLIM 1003 Invalid or protected field in data base ZXLIM 1004 ? *** obsolete *** ZCDEF 1001 \Invalid data base number ZCDEF 1002 \Base not open ZCDEF 1003 Invalid or protected field in data base ZCHKD 1001 \Invalid data base number ZCHKD 1002 \Base not open ************************************************************************* DBAG2 FLDOPN1001 \Invalid data base number FLDOPN1002 \Base not open FLDOPN1003 Invalid or protected field in data base FLDOPN1004 Can't open other D.B. field FLDOPN1005 Problems with D.B. field (not indexed ?) FLDOPN1006 The other D.B. field is also "db$" FLDOPN1007 ? *** obsolete *** db$ field isn't indexed, can't open it FLDOPN1008 The other D.B. field is not KEY FLDOPN1009 KEY field, can't open index file FLDOPN1010 KEY field, can't open index file - indexes are SET OFF FLDOPN1011 Problems with D.B. field - indexes are SET OFF FLDCLS1001 \Invalid data base number FLDCLS1002 \Base not open FLDCLS1003 Invalid or protected field in data base FLDCLS1004 Can't close field that is other D.B. FLDNUM1001 \Invalid data base number FLDNUM1002 \Base not open FLDNUM1003 Invalid or protected field in data base FLDTXT1001 \Invalid data base number FLDTXT1002 \Base not open FLDTXT1003 Invalid or protected field in data base FLDTXT1004 ? *** obsolete *** FLDTXT1005 ? *** obsolete *** FLDTXT1006 ? *** obsolete *** FLDDEC1001 \Invalid data base number FLDDEC1002 \Base not open FLDECM1003 Invalid or protected field in data base FLRL4M1001 \Invalid data base number FLRL4M1002 \Base not open FLRL4M1003 Invalid or protected field in data base FLRL8M1001 \Invalid data base number FLRL8M1002 \Base not open FLRL8M1003 Invalid or protected field in data base FLDALL1001 \Invalid data base number FLDALL1002 \Base not open FLDDB 1001 \Invalid data base number FLDDB 1002 \Base not open FLDDB 1003 Invalid or protected field in data base FLDDB 1004 Field is not db type UNFLAT1001 Wrong value found for at least one field ! DBNUM 1001 Invalid or protected field in other D.B. DBNUM 1002 Reference to killed record in other D.B. DBTXT 1001 Invalid or protected field in other D.B. DBTXT 1002 Reference to killed record in other D.B. DBDEC 1001 Invalid or protected field in other D.B. DBDEC 1002 Reference to killed record in other D.B. ************************************************************************* DBAGY ERRDPL0001 \Memory context has no error code ************************************************************************* DBAGZ INLINE2001 Error reading input line, try again ... ************************************************************************* DBAGD VCMMD 1001 Batch user, can't use the DBAG editor ! VEDIT 1001 \Too many lines to edit (subr. VEDIT_, parameter PMAX) VLIMIT1001 Field width exceeds the DBAG editor maximum (120) VLIMIT1002 Field width too big ( use command SET WIDTH TO 132 ) VLIMIT1003 At least on protected field VEDITS1001 \Editor called with wrong arguments (used lines > page size) VEDITS1002 \Editor called with wrong arguments (used lines .le. 0) SPFCHL1001 Can't find value in other data base SPFCHL1002 Field is mandatory, can't be left empty SPFCHL1003 KEY field, value already exists SPFCHL1004 KEY field, can't be left empty *************************************************************************DBAG8 BITINI2001 \Empty bitmap BITPUT2001 \Record number too big (bitmap) BITPUT2002 \Record number too small (bitmap) BITZER2001 \Record number too big (bitmap) BITZER2002 \Record number too small (bitmap) BITGET2001 \Record number too big (bitmap) BITGET2002 \Record number too small (bitmap) BITNXT2001 \Inconsistent bitmap BITNXT2002 \Record number too small (bitmap) BITCNT2001 \Inconsistent bitmap BITCNT2002 \Record number too small (bitmap) BITAND2001 \Bitmaps don't have the same offset ! BITOR 2001 \Bitmaps don't have the same offset ! BITSCP2001 \Limits over the top (bitmap) BITSCP2002 \Limits too small (bitmap) BITSCP2003 \Wrong limits (bitmap) BITBLK2001 \Limits over the top (bitmap) BITBLK2002 \Limits too small (bitmap) BITBLK2003 \Wrong limits (bitmap) BITWRD2001 \Wrong position (bitmap) *************************************************************************DBAG8A ORDINI2001 No more i/o channels (too many bases opened or user quotas exausted) ORDINI2002 Problems opening temporary sort file ORDKEY2001 \Too many sorting keys ORDKEY2002 Internal (read/write) error or record with problems ORDKEY2003 Bitmap has no i/o ch. ??? ORDNXT2001 Can't read temporary sort file ***************************************************************************DBAG7 INDX 1001 \Illegal database number INDX 1002 \Base not open for UPDATE or not open at all INDX 1003 Invalid or protected field in data base INDX 1004 No more i/o channels (too many bases opened or user quotas exausted) INDX 1005 Error opening indexed file (disk quota exceeded ?) INDX 1006 Can't write indexed file (quota exceeded?) INDX 1007 Can't write template for index mark, .DBF file INDX 1008 Can't write template for index mark, .DBF file INDX 1009 KEY field, value already exists INDX 1010 Internal (read/write) error or record with problems NOINDX1001 \Illegal database number NOINDX1002 \Base not open for UPDATE or not open at all NOINDX1003 Invalid or protected field in data base NOINDX1004 No more i/o channels (too many bases opened or user quotas exausted) NOINDX1005 Can't write template for index mark, .DBF file NOINDX1006 Can't write indexed file NOINDX1007 Can't write template for index mark, .DBF file NOINDX1008 Inconsistent call or removing indexes from non-indexed field NOINDX1009 Internal (read/write) error or record with problems OPNX 1001 \Illegal database number OPNX 1002 \Base not open OPNX 1003 Invalid or protected field in data base OPNX 1004 ? *** obsolete *** OPNX 1005 ? *** obsolete *** OPNX 1006 ? *** obsolete *** OPNX 1007 ? *** obsolete *** OPX 1001 \Illegal database number OPX 1002 \Base not open OPX 1003 Invalid or protected field in data base OPX 1004 No more i/o channels (too many bases opened or user quotas exausted) OPX 1005 Error opening indexed file OPX 1006 Field is not indexed OPX 1007 Indexes are SET OFF CLSX 1001 \Illegal database number CLSX 1002 \Base not open CLSX 1003 Invalid or protected field in data base CLSX 1004 ? *** obsolete *** CLX 1001 \Illegal database number CLX 1002 \Base not open CLX 1003 Invalid or protected field in data base CLX 1004 Field is not index FINDX 1001 \Illegal database number FINDX 1002 \Base not open FINDX 1003 Invalid or protected field in data base FINDX 1004 Field is not index FINDX 1005 Index field file is not open FINDX 1006 ? *** obsolete *** FINDX 1007 ? *** obsolete *** FINDX 1008 Error writing record# in memory FIX 1001 \Illegal database number FIX 1002 \Base not open FIX 1003 Invalid or protected field in data base FIX 1004 Field is not index FIX 1005 Index field file is not open FIX 1006 Horror !!! invalid record number recovered from index file FIX 1007 Invalid record number (wrong check digit) THRUX 1001 \Illegal database number THRUX 1002 \Base not open THRUX 1003 Invalid or protected field in data base THRUX 1004 Field is not index THRUX 1005 Index field file is not open THRUX 1006 Horror !!! invalid record number recovered from index file THRUX 1007 Invalid record number (wrong check digit) THRUX 1008 Error writing record# in memory DELX 1001 \Illegal database number DELX 1002 \Base not open DELX 1003 Invalid or protected field in data base DELX 1004 Field is not index DELX 1005 Index field file is not open DELX 1006 Code not found DELX 1007 Error deleting entry in indexed file DELX 1008 Invalid record number (out of bounds) DELX 1009 Invalid record number (wrong check digit) INSX 1001 \Illegal database number INSX 1002 \Base not open INSX 1003 Invalid or protected field in data base INSX 1004 Field is not index INSX 1005 Index field file is not open INSX 1006 Can't write indexed file (quota exceeded?) INSX 1007 Invalid record number (out of bounds) INSX 1008 Invalid record number (wrong check digit) INSX 1009 Internal error (invalid index mark) INSX 1010 KEY field, value already exists UPDX 1001 \Illegal database number UPDX 1002 \Base not open UPDX 1003 Invalid or protected field in data base UPDX 1004 Field is not index UPDX 1005 Index field file is not open UPDX 1006 Code not found UPDX 1007 Error updating indexed file UPDX 1008 Invalid record number (out of bounds) UPDX 1009 Invalid record number (wrong check digit) UPDX 1010 Internal error (invalid index mark) UPDX 1011 KEY field, value already exists ************************************************************************* DBAGU U$APPE1001 \Invalid data base channel U$APPE1002 \No command to execute U$CREA1001 \No command to execute U$CLOS1001 \Invalid data base channel U$COPY1001 \No command to execute U$DEFI1001 \Invalid data base channel U$DEFI1002 \No command to execute U$DEFI1003 \Base not open U$DELE1001 \No command to execute U$DISP1001 \Invalid data base channel U$EDIT1001 \Invalid data base channel U$EDIT1002 \No command to execute U$JOIN1001 \No command to execute U$KILL1001 \Invalid data base channel U$KILL1002 \No command to execute U$MODI1001 \No command to execute U$SEAR1001 \Invalid data base channel U$SEAR1002 \No command to execute U$REST1001 \Invalid data base channel U$REST1002 \No command to execute U$REST1003 \Base not open U$SAVE1001 \Invalid data base channel U$SAVE1002 \No command to execute U$SAVE1003 \Base not open U$USE 1001 \No command to execute U$SET 1001 \No command to execute U$ZERO1001 \No command to execute