Submission Title: WATCH - Program to monitor terminal data Submitter/Author: John Briggs (301)231-3061 Vitro Corporation 14000 Georgia Avenue Silver Spring, MD 20906 Based on WATCH5 from the 1989 Fall symposium tape Abstract: WATCH allows a privileged user to perform live monitoring of a terminal session. It also can supply keyboard input for the terminal being monitored. WATCH can be useful in system support, allowing support personnel to see actual error messages and assist remote users interactively. It can also be used as a debugging tool for modems, printers and other devices attached through serial interfaces. Computer and O/S Version Information: VAX, VMS 5.2 or greater. Other Documentation / Installation Instructions: WATCH5_BUILD.COM will create WATCH5.EXE in your current directory and a user-written system service dispatcher, WATCH5_USS.EXE in SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]. More complete documentation may be found in the prologue of WATCH5.FOR