From: ARISIA::EVERHART "Glenn Everhart 215 354 7610" 1-MAR-1991 15:20:25.18 To: EVERHART CC: Subj: Fidonet access Subject: gatewaying Fidonet You are receiving this message due to an interest in how to send mail from the Internet to FidoNet, or because you have addressed a message incorrectly and it has bounced here at my gateway. FidoNet is fully coupled into the Internet. You do not need to know any specific gateways, just address the message correctly into the domain, and everything will be routed automatically. FidoNet addresses can be addressed in the basic format of: ww= Point Number (this is usually not needed unless specific to a subsystem) zz= FidoNet Node xx= FidoNet Network or Region yy= FidoNet Zone (Presently only 1 to 5 are valid) Therefore, as an example, my name David Dodell, resides at FidoNet address 1:114/15. My FidoNet Internet address is: Now, how do you go from a fidonet node to a internet style address? Just as easy, however, you need to find a gateway on fidonet first, since there is no automatic routing to internet gateways at this time. For example, you could use my gateway at 1:114/15 and send a message to the user "uucp" at 1:114/15. In the first line of the text, you put the internet style address, followed by 2 returns, i.e. The addressing is in the form: To: user@site.domain For example, to send to my bitnet account of ATW1H @ ASUACAD, the fidonet message would go to "uucp" at fidonet address 1:114/15. The first line of text in the body of the message would be: To: atw1h@asuacad.bitnet Or to my uucp address: postmaster@stjhmc.uucp To: postmaster@stjhmc.uucp If you have any furthur questions, please feel free to write. Thank you for your interest. David Dodell Postmaster FidoNet <-> Internet Gateway