From: CRDGW2::CRDGW2::MRGATE::"SMTP::CRVAX.SRI.COM::RELAY-INFO-VAX" 27-JUN-1991 07:40:09.03 To: ARISIA::EVERHART CC: Subj: Re: DEC font on Sun From: RELAY-INFO-VAX@CRVAX.SRI.COM@SMTP@CRDGW2 To: Everhart@Arisia@MRGATE Received: by (5.57/GE 1.101) id AA22781; Thu, 27 Jun 91 07:20:21 EDT Received: From ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU ([]) by CRVAX.SRI.COM with TCP; Wed, 26 JUN 91 12:51:56 PDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.63/1.42) id AA29440; Wed, 26 Jun 91 12:43:28 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 26 Jun 91 12:18:16 GMT From: mcsun!ukc!slxsys!ibmpcug!miclon!miclon! (Neil Readwin) Organization: Micrognosis, London, UK Subject: Re: DEC font on Sun Message-Id: <> References: <0094AA98.EA04A160.5233@SECS.UCSC.EDU> Sender: To: In article <0094AA98.EA04A160.5233@SECS.UCSC.EDU>, pitman@SECS.UCSC.EDU (Mike Pitman) writes: |> Decwindows apps. on a Sun 4 (X11R4) the apps. can't find their menu font Copy DECW$EXAMPLES:FONTS.ALIAS to a suitable directory (I use /usr/local/fonts/X11), run mkfontdir(1) and add that directory to the font path. xset fp+ /usr/local/fonts/X11; xset fp rehash If you want to use xnews, then edit the aliases file ... alias font becomes /alias /font _FontDirectorySYN Copy this to (say) /usr/local/fonts/NeWS/Synonyms.List, run bldfamily and reset the font path (as shown above). Note that you cannot have a font directory that only contains aliases, it must have at least one real font in it (this seems to be a bug). DECWindows apps don't work very well on the Suns. When using DECnet (and SUNlink/DNI) they have a tendency to hang or just reject all input. The font aliases are not complete (NOTES looks *horrible* in a font with proportional spacing). Worst of all, some of them move the input focus between windows, which is Evil and Rude. If I ever meet the person responsible for this I will, errr, think of something appropriate to do to them. Neil. Phone: +44 71 528 8282 E-mail: Everything is a cause for sorrow that my mind or body has made