From: ARISIA::EVERHART "Glenn Everhart 215 354 7610" 17-JUN-1991 17:21:12.52 To: EVERHART CC: Subj: hypercard 2 unlocks/mac sys 7 Subj: Info-Mac Digest V9 #127 Date: Mon, 3 Jun 91 15:28:09 +0800 From: Subject: How do I unlock Hypercard 2? Greetings, >What is the mantra to unlock Hypercard 2? Go to the Preferences card (this should be the last card in the stack). Call up the message box from the Go menu. Type in "magic" without the quotes and press Return. That should do it. You can also do it manually by: Go to the Preferences card. Call up the message box from the Go menu. Type in "set the userlevel to 5" without the quotes and press Return. Select the button tool. Select one of the two big buttons covering up the top part of the card. Press delete. Select the other big button. Press delete. You should be in business. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 3 Jun 91 11:07 MST From: Steve Subject: Info-Mac Digest V9 #125 To unlock HyperCard 2.0, type "Magic" into the msg windoid and press ENTER. Go to the preferences card of the stack and change your setting from 1 or 2 to whatever. Or, after you've typed in "Magic" type "Set userlevel to x"