1 LAST The LAST utility (LAST 2.0) is a utility that will give the time a user last logged in to the system. The utility also provides the Group in which that user resides and how many days from the present day it has been since the last time the user logged into the system. If the user has never logged into the system, the program strips the creation date from the user's default directory (it is assumed that the directory was created at the same time as the user account). 2 parameters The only parameter is the supplying of a username. When a username is supplied to the utility, all qualifiers are ignored except the /OUTPUT qualifier. i.e. $ LAST JBAKER JBAKER GROUPNAME 10-JAN-1990 4 DAYS. This means that if the program were run on 14-JAN-1990, the output would look as it does above. 2 qualifiers /ALL_GROUPS - Allows the output to be broken up by group, displaying them all. /ALL_USERS - Displays the status of all users in alphabetical order. /DAYS - Allows you to specify to report on users that have not logged in within so many days. The default is 0. /GROUP - Allows you to single out a certain group. /HELP - Displays the HELP text for the LAST utility. /OUTPUT - This qualifier allows you to write to an output file of your choice. 2 examples The following are some examples of the LAST utility using the qualifiers. $ LAST /ALL_USERS LAST LOGIN RESULTS FOR THE UNCLASSIFIED CLUSTER ON THE DAY 16-JAN-1990. THE FOLLOWING USERS HAVE NOT USED THEIR ACCOUNTS FOR AT LEAST 0 DAYS: AAA PC-GROUP 10-JAN-1990 6 DAYS AAA3 NERD_GROUP 10-DEC-1989 37 DAYS **NEVER USED** . . . . . . . . . . . . This will display to the screen the loggin status of all the users in alphabetical order. (Note: **NEVER USED** means what it says. The date used, is the date the user directory was created.) $ LAST /DAYS=90 /GROUP="SOME GROUP" /OUTPUT=LAST.TXT The output file, LAST.TXT looks as follows: LAST LOGIN RESULTS FOR THE UNCLASSIFIED CLUSTER ON THE DAY 16-JAN-1990. THE FOLLOWING USERS HAVE NOT USED THEIR ACCOUNTS FOR AT LEAST 90 DAYS: AUSER user directory does not match UAF file. STUDENT SOME GROUP 12-OCT-1989 96 DAYS ZAMFIR SOME GROUP 3-NOV-1988 439 DAYS **NEVER USED** . . . . . . . . . . . . The list for the specified group is displayed. This is the same for the qualifier /ALL_GROUPS, except no other groups will be tallied. The message displayed for AUSER is to note that the user has never logged in and that the attempt to open up the directory file was not successful. This should mean that SYSUAF.DAT contains the wrong directory as the user's default.