The ADDASYS environment provides a mechanism whereby the user-level programmer does not need to understand the LIO$ calls needed to controll the AXV11 & KWV11 controllers on a MicroVAX system. Each Controller has a Control Program which sets up the controller and the LIO$ interface to read data from the AXV11 on a clocked interval. Once the data is read it is placed in a shared common buffer which is monitored by a 2nd program. The 2nd program purpose is to archive the data stored in the buffer to a data file, once the buffer becomes full. The common data buffer uses double buffering to insure that while the data is being written to a file no data is lost. In effect when the buffer is full, the programs switch between one buffer and the other with neither program utilizing the same buffer at the same time. The common buffer can be read by a 3rd user written program utilizing an object library of routines provided. The control interface is setup to provide both control and monitoring capability of the data being gathered. The environment also support the D/A devices on the AXV11 controller. The D/A devices can be set manually by the controll interface routines, or can be set to take its value from a known A/D channel. No formulas are supported by the provided control interface routines. However, using a user written program and the object library of routines provided, the user can develop his own interface between the A/D channels and the output to the D/A channels. I have submitted these routines in the past, but many times there were bugs associated with their operation. I can say that these programs appear to be working properly at this time. The last bug found was with the D/A interface. As it turned out their is a bug in the LIOSHR.EXE image provide by the VSL layered product. The bug caused both D/A ports to assume the same value regardless of which port was supposed to assume the value assigned. Atlanta Software Support has a patch for this bug should you detect it. The patch is a new copy of the LIOSHR.EXE file. Possibly the VSL Version 1.4 distribution (Also known as RT Integrator Version 2.0) may already incorporate this fix. I have not yet installed the new version of VSL to verify the operation of this product. EXEC.DIR Executables and Command procedures. SOURCE.DIR Source code for Executables.