Fast Symbol Define: SHARECOM.FOR;1 Sharable Common Image routine SPEEDLOG.CLD;3 CLD file for inclusion in DCLTABLES.EXE. SYLOGINS.COM;2 Make file for the Define Symbols Program. SYLOGIN.FOR;64 Define Symbols Program. SHARECOM.OPT;1 Sharable Common Option Link File. READDATA.EXE;2 Program to load the Sharable Common Image. READDATA.FOR;1 Source for Sharable Common loader. $FOR/NODEBUG SHARECOM $LINK/NOTRACE/SHARABLE SHARECOM $FOR/NODEBUG READDATA $LINK/NOTRACE READDATA,SHARECOM/OPT Set Username: SETUSR.FOR;11 Main Program for the SET Username function. SETUSER.MAR;1 Macro Routine which actually sets the Username. SETUIC.MAR;1 Macro Routine which sets the UIC of the User. SETUSR.EXE;3 Executable form. SETUSRINS.COM;3 Compile & Link Make file.