QUEUE_CONTROL Written by Craig Salyers Copyright 1989, 1990 Aeroquip Corporation Automotive Products Group Mt. Clemens MI QUEUE_CONTROL is a program that allows you to stop and start print queues, change the form on a queue, hold, release, delete and requeue jobs, and send a job to a queue, WITHOUT NESSISSARILY HAVING OPER PRIVILEGE. QUEUE_CONTROL uses an X-Windows like interface that works on VT terminals by using VMS SMG based functions. Disclaimer: Aeroquip Corporation assumes no responsibility for this code or the consequences of its use. No warranty is written or implied. All copyrights are reserved to Aeroquip Corporation. Niether this program or the accompanying documentation can be sold or included as any part of a commercial product to be sold. No title to any ownership of the software is hereby transferred. The information in this software is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Aeroquip. Aeroquip assumes no reponsibility for the use or reliability of its software. DECUS has been granted sole distribution rights for this version under terms of the DECUS Charter. No distribution rights to future versions or releases is granted or implied. (Get the idea folks?) The files contained in this directory are: AAAREADME.1ST - This file. INSTALL.COM - This command file installs QUEUE_CONTROL. It compiles and links the program and add the help files to the help library. QUELIB.BAS - Declarations for SYS$GETQUI that is included in QUEUE_CONTROL. QUEUE_CONTROL.BAS - Source code. QUEUE_CONTROL.DOC - User's manual for QUEUE_CONTROL. QUEUE_CONTROL.OBJ - Pre-compiled object that can be linked to form the executable file. QUEUE_CONTROL_PRG.HLP - This is the help library that is used by the program. It is copied to SYS$HELP by INSTALL.COM QUEUE_CONTROL_VMS.HLP - This is the help library that is added to VMS help by INSTALL.COM SYS_SERVICES.OBJ - Object that contains the system service declarations that must be linked to QUEUE_CONTROL. The default queue for all operations is the one pointed to by the users SYS$PRINT. To use QUEUE_CONTROL, users must be granted the QUEUE_CONTROL Identifier. The program must be installed with the OPER privilege for non-privileged users to perform privileged operations. If you do not want to limit access to this program, simply comment out the IF statement at line 609 of the source code which checks for the identifier and install with OPER privilege. You can limit access to specific device queues using the queue ACL's feature of standard VMS version 5. See the VMS Guide to System Security Manual (M-3 pg. 4-18) for details. We prohibit access to queues which contain the word "BATCH", this has been commented out of the version sent to DECUS. To reinstate this feature remove the comment from line 1004. Detailed documentation on program functions is included in the file noted above. If you have any comments or suggestions for future versions please feel free to contact me at Aeroquip Corporation, Automotive Products Group, P.O. Box 2330 Mt. Clemens, MI. 48046-2330.