!++ ! SAMPLE_CONFIG.WCP ! ! A sample WCP command file for building a Watcher configuration. ! ! You can use this file as a template for creating your own Watcher ! configuration. Once edited, save the resulting command file as ! .WCP. Then run that command file through the Watcher ! Control Program to create your Watcher configuration database: ! ! $ RUN WATCHER_DIR:WCP ! WCP> @name-of-command-file ! WCP> SAVE WATCHER_DIR:WATCHER_CONFIG.WCFG ! WCP> EXIT ! ! ......... ! ! This configuration is for a VAXcluster system, so terminal device ! names are assumed to be of the form ! ! node$device: ! ! On standalone systems with no SCSNODE set, terminal device names ! will be of the form ! ! device: ! !-- SET VERIFY ! Set the hibernation time between processing passes SET INTERVAL=00:05:00 ! Set up some defaults for subsequent WATCH commands. ! Since we run virtual terminals, we'll use disconnects ! instead of logouts, and maybe save the user a bit of ! grief. (Virtual terminals are described in the VMS docs, ! Guide to Setting up a VMS System, page 6-19.) ! ! We can safely use /DISCONNECT even when not using virtual ! terminals, since the disconnect code automatically does a ! logout for terminals that cannot be disconnected. SET WATCH_DEFAULT/WARNING=00:25:00/DISCONNECT=00:30:00 ! Use the OPER1 operator class to log Watcher events SET EVENT/OPER=OPER1 ! Ring bells for warning and logout messages SET BELL ! Watch DECnet remote terminals. Use PROCESS_IO, since the terminal I/O ! count isn't always an accurate reflection of activity. ! Also, since RT terminals are not disconnectable, use logouts ! instead (though the disconnect code handles this automatically). WATCH *$RT*/MEASURE=PROCESS_IO/LOGOUT ! You may need the following rules if you are running TCP/IP software ! that causes periodic activity on inbound TELNET sessions. TWG's ! TCP/IP implementation seems to exhibit this behaviour; others may ! as well (NTY is used by TWG's software, others may use a different ! device name). ! !WATCH *$NTY*/MEASURE=TERMINAL_IO=5 ! ! For the "5", substitute an appriopriate value, which should increase ! or decrease if you raise or lower the SET INTERVAL value. Run WATCHER ! with DEBUG=8 (or DEBUG=15 for full debugging) to examine how ! quickly the terminal I/O count increases on an idle NTY terminal. ! The following should be uncommented for DECwindows workstations ! and probably on non-workstation systems where the session manager ! is run on remote X terminals. ! ! Note that you CANNOT use TERMINAL_IO for DECwindows. ! The DECwindows code also cannot handle warnings or disconnects, ! so you should set these up with /NOWARNING/LOGOUT. ! !SET DECWINDOWS !WATCH *$WSA*/MEASURE=PROCESS_IO/NOWARNING/LOGOUT ! The following should be uncommented for VWS workstations. ! !WATCH *$WTA*/MEASURE=PROCESS_IO/GROUP=VWS ! VT200-series terminal emulator !WATCH *$TKA*/MEASURE=PROCESS_IO/GROUP=VWS ! Tek 4014 emulator !WATCH *$TJA*/MEASURE=PROCESS_IO/GROUP=VWS ! Tek 4125 emulator ! Apply default rules to all other terminals WATCH * ! Permanently exclude those accounts that may need lengthy idle times EXCLUDE BACKUP EXCLUDE SYSTEM ! Exclude the field service account, but only the console EXCLUDE FIELD/TERMINAL=*$OPA0 ! Exclude people who have terminals in their offices, but only during ! working hours EXCLUDE LANE/TERMINAL=*$LT*/ACCPOR="LAT01/PORT_2"/DURING=(PRIMARY:8-16) EXCLUDE LEW/TERMINAL=*$LT*/ACCPOR="LAT07/PORT_8"/DURING=(PRIMARY:8-16) EXCLUDE HINGE/TERM=*$LT*/ACCPOR="LAT01/PORT_3"/DURING=(PRIMARY:8-16) EXCLUDE FARMER/TERM=*$LT*/ACCPOR="LAT01/PORT_6"/DURING=(PRIMARY:8-16) ! The RDRCA group consists of secretaries who could be on any terminal ! in the 701x office complex EXCLUDE */UIC=[RDRCA,*]/TERM=*$LT*/ACCPOR="TSV%/701%*"/DURING=(PRIMARY:8-16) ! Exclude the operators while they're logged in in the machine room EXCLUDE */UIC=[OP,*]/TERM=*$LT*/ACCPOR="LAT02/PORT_1" EXCLUDE */UIC=[OP,*]/TERM=*$LT*/ACCPOR="LAT02/PORT_2" EXCLUDE */UIC=[OP,*]/TERM=*$LT*/ACCPOR="LAT07/PORT_3" ! Extend the logout and warning intervals for some "special" users OVERRIDE */HOLDING=SPECIAL/DISCONNECT=01:00:00/WARNING=00:55:00 ! The end.