Files found in this directory provided by: Christine Simon LTV Missiles and Electronics Group Missiles Division Mail Stop WT-25 P.O. Box 650003 Dallas, TX 75265-0003 (214) 266-7268 UUNET: engcon! Date of current submission: July 1990 This directory contains the files necessary to check the ALL-IN-1 users' directories for problems before running procedures such as the Janitor and the Carpenter. I run this from a batch job once a week just to keep things in order. This version is for ALL-IN-1 Version 2.3. The command procedure Bad_A1_Dir.Com will need to be edited before running it. There are a few site-specific lines at the beginning of the procedure which will need to be changed. The directory [-.DTR] contains the necessary DATATRIEVE definitions and procedures for this submission. See the [-.DTR]AAAREADME.TXT file for instructions. Software Requirements: 1. VMS 5.0 or higher - command procedure uses IF-THEN-ELSE structures. 2. ALL-IN-1 Version 2.3 3. DATATRIEVE