$!/* acf4:comp.os.vms / mats@efd.lth.se (Mats Akerberg) / 3:52 am Nov 22, 1990 */ $!Hello! $! $!I just got my VMS 5.4 and since i have patched my version of DCL.EXE $!(VMS 5.3-1) to recall more than 20 commands. $! $!I modified the new DCL.EXE to do the same thing. $!The original patch was made by Hunter Goatley (Clyde) $!i just changed the address in the patch. $! $!No warranty etc.... As a fact i haven't tried it out $!yet since i can't upgrade until after the semester. $! $!Below is Hunter's originaly instructions. $! $! /Mats $! $! $!The DCL recall patches modify DCL so that more than 20 commands can be recalled $!(via either the arrow-keys or the DCL command RECALL). $!For safety's sake, I recommend that you first make a copy of DCL.EXE: $! $ COPY SYS$SYSTEM:DCL.EXE SYS$SYSTEM:DCL_ORIG.EXE $!This way, if things get real messed up, you can go back to your original DCL. $!To install the patches, I suggest copying DCL.EXE from SYS$SYSTEM: to your $!default directory and using the following command: $! $ PATCH @DCL_RECALL_V5_x.PATCH $!When the patch completes, you will have a new DCL.EXE that can be copied back $!to SYS$SYSTEM:. $!Once the file has been copied back, you should use INSTALL so that the new $!DCL.EXE will be loaded: $! $ INSTALL REPLACE SYS$SYSTEM:DCL.EXE $!So: $! $ COPY SYS$SYSTEM:DCL.EXE SYS$SYSTEM:DCL_ORIG.EXE $! $ COPY SYS$SYSTEM:DCL.EXE [] $! $ PATCH @DCL_RECALL_V5_4.PATCH $! $ COPY DCL.EXE SYS$SYSTEM: $! $ SET PROT=W:E SYS$SYSTEM:DCL.EXE $! $ INSTALL REPLACE SYS$SYSTEM:DCL.EXE $!Hunter Goatley $!Senior Systems Programmer $!Clyde Digital $!371 East 800 South $!Orem, Utah 84058 $!(801) 224-5306 $! $!=============8<=============DCL_RECALL_V5_4.PATCH============================= $ create DCL_RECALL_V5_4.PATCH ! DCL RECALL patches for VMS V5.4 Extend # of commands that can be recalled ! ! This patch uses the REPLACE command instead of DEPOSIT. The REPLACE ! command automatically prevents you from making a mistake by forcing you ! to enter the instruction(s) you intend to replace. If what you enter does ! not match the code that is there, an error is generated and no patch is made. ! DCL.EXE REPL/INST 67A0 'CMPB B^0C3(R10),#15' EXIT 'CMPB B^0C3(R10),#3F' EXIT REPLA/INST 6752 'CMPB B^0C3(R10),#15' EXIT 'CMPB B^0C3(R10),#3F' EXIT REPL/INST 672F 'CMPB B^0C3(R10),#15' EXIT 'CMPB B^0C3(R10),#3F' EXIT REPL/INST 6C3D 'CMPL R1,#14' EXIT 'CMPL R1,#3E' EXIT REPL/INST 6C63 'MOVL #14,R6' EXIT 'MOVL #3E,R6' EXIT REPL/INS 6C7B 'MOVL #14,R9' EXIT 'MOVL #3E,R9' EXIT REPL/INST 6D2A 'CMPB (R2),#31' 'BNEQ 6D36' 'MOVW #2F32,(R2)' 'BRB 6D3B' 'MOVW #2F31,(R2)' EXIT 'CMPB (R2),#20' 'BNEQ 6D32' 'MOVB #30,(R2)' 'INCB (R2)' 'MOVB #2F,B^01(R2)' EXIT UPDATE EXIT $! $! $! $! Mats Akerberg (mats@efd.lth.se) on INTERNET $! System Manager (MATS@SELDC52) on Earn/Bitnet $! Lund Institute of Technology $! School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences $! Snail: Box 118 S-221 00 Lund Sweden $! Phone: + 46 46-109847 FAX: + 46 46-129948