!/* acf4:comp.os.vms / vander@nssdcb.gsfc.nasa.gov (John Vanderpool) / 6:05 pm Nov 28, 1990 */ !some months ago someone posted that the EVE "previous buffer" command was in !the help but not implemented and i found that indeed there is for some reason !no previous buffer command even though there is a "next buffer" command ! !anyway... i hacked up the eve_next_buffer.tpu file and made it into a ! eve_prev_buffer.tpu ! !i put this in my eve$init.eve file (you can do as you please) ! !define key = gold-e5 tpu eve_prev_buffer; !define key = gold-e6 next buffer ! ! !here is the source, it's short ! !if you find it useful drop me a line ! !------------------------------ cut here -------------------------------------- ! ! ! eve_prev_buffer.tpu - previous buffer command for EVE (NOT supplied by DEC) ! ! john r. vanderpool 28-nov-1990 nasa/gsfc/sar ! modified eve_next_buffer from sys$examples:eve$file.tpu by bill robinson procedure eve_prev_buffer return (eve$$prev_buffer); endprocedure; procedure eve$$prev_buffer ! Buffer indicator = Prev buffer local the_current_buffer, the_prev_buffer; ! Point to the current buffer in the buffer list, then switch to the first ! non-system buffer after that. If we get to the first buffer in the list, ! circle around to the last one. Quit if we get back to our starting ! point. the_current_buffer := get_info (BUFFERS, "current"); loop the_prev_buffer := get_info (BUFFERS, "previous"); if the_prev_buffer = the_current_buffer then eve$message (EVE$_NOOTHERBUFFERS); return (FALSE); endif; if the_prev_buffer = 0 then the_prev_buffer := get_info (BUFFERS, "last"); endif; if not get_info (the_prev_buffer, "system") then eve_buffer (get_info (the_prev_buffer, "name")); return (TRUE); endif; endloop; endprocedure; ---------------------------------- end cut here ------------------------------ later, fish -- John R. Vanderpool INTERNET: vander@nssdca.gsfc.nasa.gov NASA Code 934 vander@ Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, MD 20771 SPAN: NSSDCA::VANDER 301-286-9261 6277::VANDER /* ---------- */