Relay-Version: version nyu B notes v1.6.1 1/11/90; site acf3.NYU.EDU From: 00mjstum@bsu-ucs.uucp (Matthew J. Stum) Date: 18 Mar 91 05:19 EST Date-Received: 19 Mar 91 11:59 EST Subject: vax pascal Message-ID: <1991Mar18.101944.150@bsu-ucs.uucp> Path: acf3!cmcl2!cmcl2!yale!!!caen!!bsu-cs!bsu-ucs.uucp!00mjstum Newsgroups: comp.os.vms References: <> Lines: 201 In article <>, (SSowder Utils) writes: > Hello I am a Pc users that has been transplanted. I am used to my > While NOT keypress do; > lines in turbo pascal. Can someone mail me the equivilant in vax pascal? > Thanks I just wish to have the computer wait until a key is pressed. > -Sid Below my sig is a sample program using the "GETKEY" procedures that I include in most/all of my programs... -- . / | Matt Stum . . / | 00MJSTUM@BSUVAX1.BITNET |/-\/-\ |/-\ |/-\ / |/-\ |/-\/-\ | | / / | / | / \__/ | / | / / | | | | | Ball State University, Muncie IN USA | | |/\/ | VAX Systems Programmer { This is an example of implementing GETKEY in PASCAL. The three procedures/ functions can be included in any VAX pascal program, provided that the necessary declarations are made in the CONST, TYPE, and VAR sections (don't forget the INHERIT statement). Nothing special is required to compile and/or link this program. NOTE: It might be of interest to use the following command to see more about the SMG$ definitions used: $ SEARCH SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET SMG$K_TRM_* {------------------------ CUT HERE ------------------------} [INHERIT ('sys$library:starlet')] PROGRAM GETKEY_STUFF(INPUT,OUTPUT); const esc = chr(27); { The character } type uword = [word] 0..65535; var stat : unsigned; iochan : uword; special : integer; key : char; (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) function rawgetkey(iochan:uword):char; const esc = chr(27); var stat : uword; ch : char; begin stat := $qiow (chan:=iochan, func:=io$_readvblk+io$m_noecho+io$m_nofiltr+io$m_timed, p1:=ch, p2:=1, p3:=0); {0 second wait for timeout} if stat=ss$_timeout then ch:=esc; rawgetkey := ch; end; function parse_func_key(iochan:uword):integer; var key:integer; key1,key2,key3:char; num:integer; begin key := 0; key1 := rawgetkey(iochan); if key1 in ['A'..'D','P'..'S'] then begin case key1 of 'P': key := smg$k_trm_pf1; 'Q': key := smg$k_trm_pf2; 'R': key := smg$k_trm_pf3; 'S': key := smg$k_trm_pf4; 'A': key := smg$k_trm_up; 'B': key := smg$k_trm_down; 'C': key := smg$k_trm_right; 'D': key := smg$k_trm_left; end (* case *) end else if (key1='O')or(key1='?') then begin key1 := rawgetkey(iochan); case key1 of 'M': key := smg$k_trm_enter; 'P': key := smg$k_trm_pf1; 'Q': key := smg$k_trm_pf2; 'R': key := smg$k_trm_pf3; 'S': key := smg$k_trm_pf4; 'l': key := smg$k_trm_comma; 'm': key := smg$k_trm_minus; 'n': key := smg$k_trm_period; 'p': key := smg$k_trm_kp0; 'q': key := smg$k_trm_kp1; 'r': key := smg$k_trm_kp2; 's': key := smg$k_trm_kp3; 't': key := smg$k_trm_kp4; 'u': key := smg$k_trm_kp5; 'v': key := smg$k_trm_kp6; 'w': key := smg$k_trm_kp7; 'x': key := smg$k_trm_kp8; 'y': key := smg$k_trm_kp9; end; (* case *) end else if key1='[' then begin key1 := rawgetkey(iochan); if key1 in ['A'..'D'] then case key1 of 'A': key := smg$k_trm_up; 'B': key := smg$k_trm_down; 'C': key := smg$k_trm_right; 'D': key := smg$k_trm_left; end (* case *) else begin num:=0; key2 := rawgetkey(iochan); if key2='~' then num:=ord(key1)-ord('0') else begin key3 := rawgetkey(iochan); if key3='~' then num:=10*(ord(key1)-ord('0')) + (ord(key2)-ord('0')); end; case num of 1: key := smg$k_trm_e1; 2: key := smg$k_trm_e2; 3: key := smg$k_trm_e3; 4: key := smg$k_trm_e4; 5: key := smg$k_trm_e5; 6: key := smg$k_trm_e6; 18: key := smg$k_trm_f7; 19: key := smg$k_trm_f8; 20: key := smg$k_trm_f9; 21: key := smg$k_trm_f10; 23: key := smg$k_trm_f11; 24: key := smg$k_trm_f12; 25: key := smg$k_trm_f13; 26: key := smg$k_trm_f14; 28: key := smg$k_trm_help; 29: key := smg$k_trm_do; 31: key := smg$k_trm_f17; 32: key := smg$k_trm_f18; 33: key := smg$k_trm_f19; 34: key := smg$k_trm_f20; end; end; end; parse_func_key := key; end; function getkey(iochan:uword; var spec :[truncate] integer):char; const esc = chr(27); var stat : uword; ch : char; ret_val : integer; begin stat := $qiow (chan:=iochan, func:=io$_readvblk+io$m_noecho+io$m_nofiltr, p1:=ch, p2:=1); ret_val:=0; if ch=esc then ret_val:=parse_func_key(iochan); if present(spec) then spec:=ret_val; getkey := ch; end; begin stat := $assign('TT:',iochan); {assign a channel to the terminal} repeat key := getkey(iochan,special); if key = esc then begin case special of smg$k_trm_up:writeln('UP ARROW'); smg$k_trm_down:writeln('DOWN ARROW'); smg$k_trm_right:writeln('RIGHT ARROW'); smg$k_trm_left:writeln('LEFT ARROW'); smg$k_trm_kp5:writeln('KEY PAD 5');{in application mode} smg$k_trm_e1:writeln('FIND KEY'); smg$k_trm_pf1:writeln('PF1'); OTHERWISE writeln('Special: ',special:1); end; end else writeln('Key: ',key); until key in ['q','Q']; end.