Relay-Version: version nyu B notes v1.6.1 1/11/90; site acf3.NYU.EDU From: Date: 20 Feb 91 08:46 EST Date-Received: 22 Feb 91 03:30 EST Subject: mirror, part 2 of 2, multiple terminals to one session. Message-ID: <> Path: acf3!cmcl2!cmcl2!adm!hsdndev!wuarchive!usc!!ames!uhccux!!!wnv!grace!srghcxp Newsgroups: comp.os.vms Organization: DSIR, Gracefield, New Zealand Lines: 373 -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ START OF PART 2 -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ X tt_chr.ttchr`7C= TT$M_NOECHO; /* term will be Noecho */ X tt_chr.ttchr&= `7ETT$M_HOSTSYNC & `7ETT$M_TTSYNC; /* it will have `5ES V */ X tt_chr.xchar`7C= TT2$M_PASTHRU; /* it will be PASTRHU */ X check(SYS$QIOW(0,tt_chn,IO$_SETMODE,0,0,0,&tt_chr,ttchrlen,0,0,0,0)); X`7D X/*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ Xfix_a_tw() /* Set up a Pseudo term */ X`7B X int efn=1, dev_depend, tw_chn; X struct CHARBLK tw_chr; X struct IOSBBLK iosb; X struct DVIBLK dvi_stuff = `7B4, DVI$_DEVDEPEND, &dev_depend, 0, 0`7D; X X X $DESCRIPTOR(d_pynam,"PYA0:"); /* Template. */ X $DESCRIPTOR(d_finaltw, &finaltw); X /* Assign a mailbox to PYA */ X check(LIB$ASN_WTH_MBX(&d_pynam,&mbsiz,&maxsiz,&py_chn,&py_mb_chn)); X/* X * Use $GETDVI to get the device dependent characteristics, which X * contains the associated terminal device's unit number. X */ X check(SYS$GETDVI(0,py_chn,0,&dvi_stuff,&iosb,0,0,0)); X check(iosb.stats); X sprintf(&finaltw,"TWA%d:",dev_depend); X tw_chr= tt_sav_chr; X tw_chr.xchar`7C= TT2$M_HANGUP; X d_finaltw.dsc$w_length= strlen(&finaltw); X check(SYS$ASSIGN(&d_finaltw,&tw_chn,0,0)); /* Get a channel on this TWA V */ X /* Make it look like user's real terminal */ X st = SYS$QIOW(0,tw_chn,IO$_SETCHAR,0,0,0,&tw_chr,ttchrlen,0,0,0,0); X if (st == SS$_NOPRIV) X`09printf ("WARNING -- PHY_IO privilege required to propagate terminal chara Vcteristics!\n"); X else X`09check(st); X check(SYS$DASSGN(tw_chn)); /* We don't need it. only the mailbox */ X /* in fact keeping it kills us. */ X`7D X/*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ X X Xpost_reads() /* This sets up ASTs */ X`7B X /* Read AST on Pseudo-term */ X check(SYS$QIO(0,py_mb_chn,IO$_READVBLK,&miosb,&tw_srv,0, X &py_mb,mbsiz,0,0,0,0)); X /* Read AST on real term */ X check(SYS$QIO(0,tt_mb_chn,IO$_READVBLK,&tiosb,&tt_srv,0, X &tt_mb,mbsiz,0,0,0,0)); X`7D X/*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ X X Xmain(how_many,rscan) X int how_many; X char *rscan`5B`5D; X`7B X int exit_handler`5B4`5D= `7B0,quit,0,&st`7D; X char filnam`5B40`5D; X X check(LIB$GET_EF(&z_ef)); X check(SYS$DCLEXH(&exit_handler)); /* Define Exit handler (quit) */ X get_tt_info(); /* Get terminal channel & info */ X fix_a_tw(); /* Set a pseudo terminal by TT info * V/ X check(SYS$CANCEL(py_chn)); /* Don't need this Half of pseudo-ter V */ X check(low_lib_spawn(&finaltw,&pid)); /* Spawn a subprocess. */ X post_reads(); X enable_hangups= 1; X puts ("Begining Mirror session. Use `5E\\ to abort process"); X begin_session(); X`7D Xother_terminal(char *s,int j) X`7B X`09static buff`5B1000`5D; X`09strncpy(buff,s,j); X`09buff`5Bj`5D=0; X`09printf("%s",s); X X X`7D X X/*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ Xstruct IOSBBLK r_iosb,c_iosb,t_iosb,w_iosb`5B40`5D,ppiosb; X#define bsize 512 Xchar r_buff`5Bbsize`5D,c_buff`5Bbsize`5D; Xlong w_chan`5B40`5D,r_chan,c_chan; Xunsigned int efmask,r_ef,x_ef,t_ef,c_ef,p_ef,w_ef; Xint nw; Xbegin_session() X`7B X int j; X X open_mailboxes(); X pre_read_cont(); X pre_read_mail();`20 X pre_read_psuedo(); X for(;;) `7B /* Read/write forever loop */ X`09waitforflag(); X`09if (r_iosb.stats!=0) `7B send_psuedo(); pre_read_mail(); `7D X`09if (c_iosb.stats!=0) `7B new_slave(); pre_read_cont(); `7D X`09if (piosb.stats!=0) `7B send_screen(); send_mail(); pre_read_psuedo(); `7 VD X `7D X`7D Xopen_mailboxes() X`7B X`09char ss`5B22`5D; X`09$DESCRIPTOR(w_name, "MIRROR_WRITE"); /* reversed on purpose */ X`09$DESCRIPTOR(r_name, "MIRROR_READ"); X`09$DESCRIPTOR(c_name, "MIRROR_CONTROL"); X X`09check(SYS$CREMBX(0,&c_chan,0,0,0,0,&c_name)); X`09check(SYS$CREMBX(0,&r_chan,0,0,0,0,&w_name)); X X`09check(LIB$GET_EF(&x_ef)); X`09check(LIB$GET_EF(&w_ef)); X`09check(LIB$GET_EF(&r_ef)); X`09check(LIB$GET_EF(&p_ef)); X`09check(LIB$GET_EF(&c_ef)); X`09efmask = (1<<(r_ef-32)) + (1<<(p_ef-32)) + (1<<(c_ef-32)); X`7D Xpre_read_psuedo() X`7B X piosb.stats = 0; X check(SYS$QIO(p_ef,py_chn,IO$_READVBLK,&piosb,0,0, X &twline,90,0,0,0,0)); X`7D Xpre_read_cont() X`7B X c_iosb.stats = 0; X check(SYS$QIO(c_ef,c_chan,IO$_READLBLK,&c_iosb,0,0, X &c_buff,90,0,0,0,0)); X`7D Xpre_read_mail() X`7B X r_iosb.stats = 0; `20 X check(SYS$QIO(r_ef,r_chan,IO$_READLBLK,&r_iosb,0,0, X &r_buff,90,0,0,0,0)); X`7D Xget_rest() X`7B X`09int j,i; X`09j = piosb.tmoff + piosb.tmsiz; /* How much stuff did we read? */ X `09piosb.stats = 0; X `09check(SYS$QIO(x_ef,py_chn,IO$_READLBLK`7CIO$M_NOW,&piosb,0,0, X &twline+j,80,0,0,0,0)); X check(SYS$WAITFR(x_ef)); X`09check(piosb.stats); X`09piosb.tmoff = j + piosb.tmoff + piosb.tmsiz; `20 X`09piosb.tmsiz = 0; X`7D Xsend_mail() X`7B X`09int j,i; X j = piosb.tmoff + piosb.tmsiz; /* How much stuff did we read? */ X`09for (i=1;i<=nw;i++) `7B`09 X`09check(SYS$QIO(w_ef,w_chan`5Bi`5D,IO$_WRITELBLK,&w_iosb`5Bi`5D,0,0,&twline V,j,0,0,0,0)); X check(SYS$WAITFR(w_ef)); /* for some reason QIOW does not V work */ X`09check(w_iosb`5Bi`5D.stats); X`09`7D X`7D Xsend_screen() X`7B X`09int j; X j= piosb.tmoff + piosb.tmsiz; /* How much stuff did we read? */ X check(SYS$QIO(x_ef,tt_chn,IO$_WRITEVBLK,&t_iosb,0,0,&twline,j,0,0,0, V0)); X check(SYS$WAITFR(x_ef)); /* for some reason QIOW does not V work */ X`09check(t_iosb.stats); X`7D Xnew_slave() X`7B X`09int j; X`09char pid`5B20`5D; X`09static char nams`5B40`5D="MIRROR_00000000"; X`09$DESCRIPTOR(newname, nams); /* reversed on purpose */ X`09j = c_iosb.tmoff; /* + r_iosb.tmsiz;*/ X `09strncpy(nams,c_buff,j); X`09newname.dsc$w_length = j; X`09nams`5B15`5D = 0; X`09printf("Connecting to `7B%s`7D \n",nams); X`09nw++; X`09check(SYS$CREMBX(0,&w_chan`5Bnw`5D,0,0,0,0,&newname)); X`7D Xsend_psuedo() X`7B X`09int j; X`09j = r_iosb.tmoff; /* + r_iosb.tmsiz;*/ X`09r_buff`5Bj`5D = 0; X `09check(SYS$QIO(x_ef,py_chn,IO$_WRITEVBLK,&ppiosb,0,0,&r_buff,j,0,0,0,0 V)); X`09check(SYS$WAITFR(x_ef)); /* for some reason QIOW does not work V */ X `09check(ppiosb.stats); X`7D Xwaitforflag() X`7B X`09check(SYS$WFLOR(33,efmask)); X`09if (c_iosb.stats!=0) `7Bcheck(c_iosb.stats); check(SYS$CLREF(c_ef));`7D X`09if (r_iosb.stats!=0) `7Bcheck(r_iosb.stats); check(SYS$CLREF(r_ef));`7D X`09if (piosb.stats!=0) `7Bcheck(piosb.stats); check(SYS$CLREF(p_ef));`7D X`7D $ CALL UNPACK MIRROR.C;84 510870095 $ create 'f' X$ ! @ this procedure to run mirror. e.g. @USERDISK:`5BMIRROR`5DMIRROR.COM X$ ! Then answer YES on the the first terminal and NO on all others X$ ! Processes should be in the same group, or use the alternate`20 X$ ! logical name table as described at the bottom of this file. X$`20 X$ ! These lines find out where mirror is installed`20 X$ `09root = f$environment("procedure") X$ `09rootdev = f$parse(root,,,"device","syntax_only")`20 X$ `09rootdir = f$parse(root,,,"directory","syntax_only")`20 X$ `09root = rootdev+rootdir X$ X$ ! The process or image requires GRPNAM priv to use this. X$ `09define /table=lnm$process_directory lnm$temporary_mailbox lnm$group X$ ! *** This alternative logical name table doesn't require GRPNAM to be`20 X$ ! used but needs to be setup by someone with priv to start with. X$ ! define /table=lnm$process_directory lnm$temporary_mailbox lnm_mirror X$ `09inquire p1 "Is this the master (first) process" X$ `09if p1 then run 'root'mirror X$ `09if .not.(p1) then run 'root'mirrorspy X$`20 X$`20 X$ ! *** This command defines a logical name table which doesn't require grpn Vam`20 X$ ! (done in system startups) X$ ! create /name /parent=lnm$system_directory lnm_mirror /prot=w:rwed $ CALL UNPACK MIRROR.COM;7 1698851750 $ create 'f' X#include DESCRIP X#include FAB X#include IODEF X#include RAB X#include TTDEF X#include TT2DEF X#include stdio X#include JPIDEF X#include SSDEF X#include PRCDEF X#include PRVDEF X#include DVIDEF X X#define CR 13 X#define LF 10 X X#define bad(j) !((j) & 1) X#define check(a) if (bad(st = (a))) LIB$SIGNAL(st) X/*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ Xstruct IOSBBLK `7Bunsigned short stats, X tmoff, X tmntr, X tmsiz; X `7D; Xstruct IOSBBLK t_iosb,r_iosb,w_iosb,p_iosb,c_iosb; X#define bsize 512 Xchar t_buff`5Bbsize`5D; Xchar r_buff`5Bbsize`5D; Xchar c_buff`5Bbsize`5D; Xlong w_chan,t_chan,r_chan,tt_mb_chn,c_chan; Xunsigned efmask,st,r_ef,t_ef; X/*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ Xmain() X`7B X`09open_mailboxes(); X`09open_terminal(); X`09pre_read_term(); X`09pre_read_mail(); X`09for (;;) `7B X`09`09waitforflag(); X`09`09if (r_iosb.stats!=0) `7B print_term(); pre_read_mail(); `7D X`09`09if (t_iosb.stats!=0) `7B send_mail(); pre_read_term(); `7D X`09`7D X`7D X/*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ Xopen_terminal() X`7B X`09static $DESCRIPTOR(tt_desc,"tt"); X`09check(SYS$ASSIGN(&tt_desc,&t_chan,0,0)); X`7D Xopen_mailboxes() X`7B X`09char ss`5B22`5D; X`09static char nams`5B80`5D="MIRROR_00000000"; X X`09$DESCRIPTOR(r_name, nams); X`09$DESCRIPTOR(w_name, "MIRROR_WRITE"); X`09$DESCRIPTOR(c_name, "MIRROR_CONTROL"); X X`09sprintf(nams,"MIRROR_%X",getpid()); X`09r_name.dsc$w_length = strlen(nams); X X`09check(SYS$CREMBX(0,&c_chan,0,0,0,0,&c_name)); X`09check(SYS$CREMBX(0,&w_chan,0,0,0,0,&w_name)); X`09check(SYS$CREMBX(0,&r_chan,0,0,0,0,&r_name)); X X`09check(LIB$GET_EF(&r_ef)); X X`09strcpy(c_buff,nams); X`09check(SYS$QIO(r_ef,c_chan,IO$_WRITELBLK,&c_iosb,0,0,&c_buff,strlen(c_buff V),0,0,0,0)); X check(SYS$WAITFR(r_ef)); /* for some reason QIOW does not V work */ X`09check(c_iosb.stats); X`09printf("Now connected to Mirror process \n\n"); X`09check(LIB$GET_EF(&t_ef)); X`09efmask = (1<<(r_ef-32)) + (1<<(t_ef-32)); X`7D Xpre_read_term() X`7B X int read_mask; X t_iosb.stats = 0; X read_mask = IO$_READLBLK `7C IO$M_NOFILTR `7C IO$M_NOECHO; X check(SYS$QIO(t_ef,t_chan,read_mask,&t_iosb,0,0, X &t_buff,1,0,0,0,0)); X`7D Xpre_read_mail() X`7B X r_iosb.stats = 0; X check(SYS$QIO(r_ef,r_chan,IO$_READLBLK,&r_iosb,0,0, X &r_buff,140,0,0,0,0)); X`7D Xwaitforflag() X`7B X`09check(SYS$WFLOR(33,efmask)); X`09if (r_iosb.stats!=0) `7Bcheck(r_iosb.stats); check(SYS$CLREF(r_ef));`7D X`09if (t_iosb.stats!=0) `7Bcheck(t_iosb.stats); check(SYS$CLREF(t_ef));`7D X`7D Xprint_term() X`7B X`09char s`5B90`5D; X`09int j; X`09j = r_iosb.tmoff; /* + r_iosb.tmsiz;*/ X`09check(SYS$QIOW(0,t_chan,IO$_WRITELBLK,&p_iosb,0,0,&r_buff,j,0,0,0,0)); X`09check(p_iosb.stats); X`7D Xsend_mail() X`7B X`09int j; X`09j = t_iosb.tmoff + t_iosb.tmsiz; X`09check(SYS$QIOW(0,w_chan,IO$_WRITELBLK,&w_iosb,0,0,&t_buff,j,0,0,0,0)); X`09check(w_iosb.stats); X`7D X/* Xwaitforflag() X`7B X`09int ef; X`09check(SYS$WFLOR(1,efmask)); X`09check(SYS$READEF(1,&ef)); X`09printf("got flags %d \n",ef); X`09if (ef && (1<<(r_ef-32))) got_mail = true; X`09if (ef && (1<<(t_ef-32))) got_term = true; X`7D`09`09`09`09 X*/ Xgetpid() X`7B X`09int pid=0; X`09check(LIB$GETJPI(&JPI$_PID,&pid,0,0,0,0)); X`09return pid; X`7D $ CALL UNPACK MIRRORSPY.C;18 789806856 $ v=f$verify(v) $ EXIT