From: SMTP%"tihor@acf4.NYU.EDU" 5-JUL-1990 18:46:31.11 To: tihor@acf4.NYU.EDU CC: Subj: Re: PBM+ available from anonymous ftp Received: from acf4.NYU.EDU by with SMTP; Thu, 5 Jul 1990 18:46:22 EDT Received: by acf4.NYU.EDU (5.61/1.34) id AA23517; Thu, 5 Jul 90 18:44:59 -0400 Date: Thu, 5 Jul 90 18:44:59 -0400 From: tihor@acf4.NYU.EDU (Stephen Tihor) Message-Id: <9007052244.AA23517@acf4.NYU.EDU> To: tihor@acf4.NYU.EDU Subject: Re: PBM+ available from anonymous ftp Newsgroups: comp.os.vms In-Reply-To: article <> of 5 Jul 90 14:04 EDT /* acf4:comp.os.vms / (Dan Packman) / 2:04 pm Jul 5, 1990 */ From: (Dan Packman) Path:!pack Newsgroups: comp.os.vms Subject: PBM and other goodies available for ftp Expires: References: Sender: Reply-To: (Dan Packman) Followup-To: Distribution: world Organization: Atmospheric Chemistry Division/NCAR, Boulder CO Keywords: The Portable BitMap plus package recently posted to vmsnet.sources is available by anonymous ftp from ( in the [src.pbm] subdirectory. The further subdirectory [.shar] has the vms_share files in it. Other goodies include vi under tpu for VMS V5 in the [src.tpuvi] directory, versions of sd/pushd/popd/dirs in the [bin] diretory, and other stuff from the net. From: (Dan Packman) Path:!pack Newsgroups: comp.os.vms Subject: PBM plus available for ftp Expires: References: Sender: Reply-To: (Dan Packman) Followup-To: Distribution: world Organization: Atmospheric Chemistry Division/NCAR, Boulder CO Keywords: The Portable BitMap plus package recently posted to vmsnet.sources is available by anonymous ftp from ( in the [src.pbm] subdirectory. The further subdirectory [.shar] has the vms_share files in it. Other goodies include vi under tpu for VMS V5 in the [src.tpuvi] directory, versions of sd/pushd/popd/dirs in the [bin] diretory, and other stuff from the net. Dan Packman NCAR INTERNET: pack@ncar.UCAR.EDU (303) 497-1427 P.O. Box 3000 CSNET: pack@ncar.CSNET Boulder, CO 80307 DECNET SPAN: 9.367::PACK /* ---------- */