VNEWS Version 1.3-4 (26-APR-1990) --------------------------------- This version of Vnews has been designed for VMS systems running VMS 5.0 (or above) and either Multinet or Wollongong TCP/IP. The kit as retrieved from an anonymous FTP site is configured to build a Multinet executable suitable for use with a USEnet news server at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Persons outside NASA/GSFC will have to either rebuild the code, or define certain configuration logicals to use the executable in the kit. The VNEWS 1.3 requirement for the existance of MULTINET:LIB.OLB has been lifted. The program can be rebuilt without this file. Users at NASA/GSFC will have to contact the USEnet news administrator ( to get access to the local news server. NOTE: Access to sites outside of the domain will not be granted. Users outside NASA/GSFC should contact their local network administration for the address of a nntp news server. This address will be used either in the code as IP_Number or as a logical name NNTP_SERVER. This code is all "user mode". No special privileges are required to build or run the code. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ John "Fast Eddie" McMahon FASTEDDY@DFTNIC.GSFC.NASA.GOV Code 630.4 - Advanced Data Flow Technology Office SDCDCL::FASTEDDY (SPAN) NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, MD (301) 286-2045 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Disclaimer: These are my views. Although I am a NASA contractor, I do not speak for NASA or ST Systems Corporation. Va guvf tybony ivyyntr xabja nf gur argjbex, jr ner nyy cevfbaref... Or frrvat lbh...