% VAX-11 Librarian V04-00 O_ӕ_ӕoqpp"5 SWING _ӕ1 SWINGF SWING is a very powerful VAX/VMS utility for displaying the graphicF representation of the VMS directory structure on any terminal thatF can support the VMS SMG (Screen Management) routines - that isF primarily the VT100, VT200 and VT300 series of terminals or any PCF terminal emulation of the above. SWING is designed to make lifeF easy for a user who frequently performs file or directory operations within his or her directories. SO GOO DBYE DCL !!!F It is designed using the same philosophy as the Personal computerF file management packages, such as XTREE-GOLD and PCTOOLS, where theF user should not (doesn't need) to know operating system commands to manage directories and files.F SWING displays the top eight directory levels of the user'sF directory structure. If there are more than eight levels a diamondF is displayed in the right-most column indicating that there are non-displayed director ies.F You can specify optional parameters - the starting directories.F These are the directory structures you wish to display andF manipulate. The specifications may be separated by commas or spaces. e.g. $ Swing or $ Swing SYS$LOGIN3 or $ Swing SYS$LOGIN,SYS$EXAMPLES,SYS$LIBRARY3 or $ Swing SYS$LOGIN SYS$EXAMPLES SYS$LIBRARY3 or $ Swing SYS$LOGIN,SYS$EXAMPLES SYS$LIBRARYF There is a two level help facility within SWING. Quick menus areF available via the ? option. Standard VMS help is available via3 hitting H (or the [Help] key on LK201 keyboards).F Each SWING command description will have its equivalent DCL commandF (ie. the command you type at the '$' prompt), so that any existingF VAX users can identify with the SWING command set. This is> identified in the text as a line starting with 'DCL equiv:'.2 CAPTIVE_ACCOUNTS D If you are using Swing from a Captive Account, then a nu mber ofD functions are disabled for security reasons. In particular, theD goal was to prevent doing anything outside the current directory< structure and disable execution of arbitrary DCL commands.D If you see the following message, then this means that you are in a captive environment:B The following functions have been disabled for Captive Accounts:/ Opt Description DirMgr FilMgr/ --- ----------- ------ ------- I Introduce dir stru cture Yes N/A: ^D User-defined Options Yes Yes (See note)- $ Spawn Yes Yes- S Submit to batch N/A Yes- < Import files Yes Yes- > Export files N/A Yes- X Execute file N/A YesD Note that SWING$SAVE should point to a writable directory outsideD the user's directory structure. This allows the systemD administrator to configure the user's options file for choice ofD editor, queues, and key definitions. The user could change themD if SWING$SAVE is accessible under their structure and compromiseD the setup by editing in key definitions. Disabling ^D whileD retaining the ability for the administrator to customize the key? definitions is seen as a feature that must be used carefully.2 COMMANDS D Commands are invoked by entering the single keystroke associatedD with the command. Some of t he commands use the LK201 keyboardD keys found above the `arrow keys' on the LK201 keyboard. Typical+ examples are PREV SCREEN and NEXT SCREEN.3 DIRECTORY_MANAGER4 BROADCAST_MESSAGES ' Enter O or o (Old Broadcast Messages)@ BROADCAST MESSAGES are trapped by SWING and displayed in a@ separate window. This window can be recalled at any time if@ required. Broadcast messages are issued when new mail is@ received (for example). This window is automatically@ displayed when there are outstanding messages and the user is@ in the directory manager or file manager and is also currently being prompted for input.4 CHANGE_FILE_OWNERSHIP  Enter ~ (Tilde)@ This option allows the user to change the ownership of the@ files contained in the selected directories. Sub-directories@ are also changed. The user is able specify the new file owner.1 DCL equiv: SET FILE/OWNER=new-owner [...]*.*;*4 CHANGE_FILE_PROTECTION Enter @@ This option allows the user to change the protection on the@ files contained in the selected directories. Sub-directories@ are also changed. The user is able specify the new file@ protection, being initially prompted with the current default file protection.9 DCL equiv: SET PROTECTION=(protection-mask) [...]*.*;*4 CREATE  Enter C or c@ Create allows the user to create a new sub-directory. The@ user is prompted for the new directory name. It is not6 possible to create more than eight directory levels.@ The name of the directory must be valid. Invalid names are" automatically rejected by SWING.0 DCL equiv: CREATE/DIRECTORY [.directory-name]4 DCL($) Enter $@ DCL spawns a sub-process in the user's current directory (as@ shown by the main SWING display). All symbols are inherited@ from the parent process, however the DCL tables will be taken@ from sys$system, hence any additions made to the DCL tables* will not be present in this sub-process. LOGOUT when finished.4 DEFRAGMENT_FILES Enter %@ Defragmentation allows the user to defragment the files in a@ directory structure. The directories that will be@ (potentially) defragmented are displayed with a different@ rendition. The user is twice prompted to confirm that the@ directories selected and their contents are to be defragmented.@ The cont ents of the files that are processed will be made as@ contiguous as possible. No header information (other than the* pointers in the header) will be changed.@ The file fragmentation is shown in the FILE MANAGER via@ directory format 8. If pointers are greater than 1 then the@ file is unnecessarily fragmented, and potentially degrading' the system performance when accessed.; DCL equiv: COPY/CONTIGUOUS/REPLACE [...]*.*;* [...]*.*;*4 DELETE  Enter D or d@ Delete allows the user to delete a directory structure. The@ directories that will be (potentially) deleted are displayed@ with a different rendition. The user is twice prompted to@ confirm that the directories selected and their contents are to be deleted.@ This command may not be entered from the top (root) directory.@ DCL equiv: DELETE/LOG [...]*.*;* repeatedly until all files! and subdirectories are removed.# NOTE8 SWING will only delete files that the user8 could otherwise delete via the DCL commands$ SET PROTECTION and DELETE.4 DIRECTORY_STATISTICS Enter !@ SWING can display statistics relating to the contents of files@ in a series of directories. The statistical information available is@ 1. Count of the blocks allocated to files in a directory (option A).@ 2. Count of the blocks used by files in a directory (option U).= 3. Count of the number of files in a directory (option C).? 4. Maximum file-size of the files in a directory (option M).@ 5. Fragmentation index for a directory (option I). This is@ the ratio of fragments to files. A ratio of 1.0 is+ perfect - only one fragment per file.@ A grand statistical total can be shown by using option G.8 This information is shown at the bottom of the screen.@ The statistics can be updated via the S option. This is@ necessary after new files have been added to directories, for example.@ The statistical display can be printed via the L option. All@ statistics are grouped together with the directory name. This@ is an extremely useful option if you want to manage directories.@ The resulting file is written to SWING$SAVE if this is@ defined. If not, then it is written to SYS$LOGIN. Screen@ snapshot filenames are of the form:@ SWING_LISTING_FILE_xxxxxx.LIS, where xxxxxx is a selection of@ unique letters and numbers chosen by SWING to make the snapshot file unique.@ The user can select between a Narrow (80 columns) or Wide (132 columns) report.@ DCL equiv: DIRECTORY/SIZE=ALL [...]*.*;* and a number of other qualifiers4 EDIT_NEW_FILE  Enter ^E (Ctrl/E)* This allows the user to edit a new file.@ The user may define the default editor as per the EDIT option. DCL equiv: EDIT4 HELP + Enter H, h (or [Help] on LK201 keyboards)@ Help allows the user access to this information. The full VAX help features are available.4 IMPORT Enter <@ Import is like copy, except that the user is able to specify a@ full DECnet file specification for the file to be copied into the current directory, e.g. NODE"user password"::filespec@ The percentage file transfer is displayed while the transfer7 is in progress to bolster the confidence of the user.& DCL equiv: COPY/LOG full-filespec *4 INSERT_STRUCTURE . Enter I, i or [Insert Here] (LK201 keyboard)@ The user can add another structure to the display. The user@ is prompted for the device and directory specification of the@ structure to be added. There is no restriction to the number7 of structures that may be displayed at the same time., Each structure may only be displayed once.4 LIST_STRUCTURE  Enter ^G (Ctrl/G) @ This creates a file which graphically displays the directory@ structure as you see it on the DIRECTORY MANAGER screen. The@ resulting file is written to SWING$SAVE if this is defined.@ If not, then it is written to SYS$LOGIN. Screen snapshot@ filenames are of the form: SWING_LISTING_FILE_xxxxxx.LIS,@ where xxxxxx is a selection of unique letters and numbers3 chosen by SWING to make the snapshot file unique.@ The user can select between a Narrow (80 columns) or Wide (132 columns) report.@ Since the special characters used to draw lines cannot always@ be displayed in a file, the device-independent characters! (+,-,|) are used to draw lines.@ The files may subsequently be printed via the list files option in the file manager.: DCL equiv: none really (perhaps a DIRECTORY/LIST [...])4 LOCATE_FILE Enter L@ This allows the user to find a file based on a partial file@ specification. The current  structure is searched from the@ current directory downwards. When a match has been found the@ user is prompted for further action - for example it is@ possible to enter the file manager, find the next file or quit from this option.@ The option is designed to make finding of files as painless as possible.% DCL equiv: DIRECTORY [...]filename4 MENU Enter ?@ A quick one page menu is displayed. The user may make a@ selection from thi s menu if required or press [Return] if no option is desired.4 MOVE  Enter M or m@ Move allows the user to move part of a directory structure to@ a new parent directory. Move initiates the move operation by@ asking the user to move to the a new parent directory. When@ [Return] is pressed the move takes place. Both the new parent@ and the directory being moved can have other sub-directories@ attached to them as well. While moving to the new parent@ directory the operation can be cancelled by entering any key* other than those used for moving around.7 You cannot move a directory to another physical disk.7 DCL equiv: RENAME directory.dir [new-directory-path]4 PURGE  Enter U or u@ Purge allows the user to purge the current directory and all sub-directories." DCL equiv: PURGE/LOG [...]*.*;*4 QUIT_SWING ; Enter Q, q, E, e, ^Z, ^C or ^Y (Ctrl/Z, Ctrl/C or Ctrl/Y)< Quit allows the !user to exit from SWING and return to DCL.@ Your system manager may have also enabled [Return] to quit@ SWING. Hit '?' to see if it is allowed. See item 3 of the% v3.5.1 release notes for more info.@ Your system manager may have also enabled Q and q to return to@ the original directory instead of the current one. See item 3, of the v3.5.3 release notes for more info.@ The save file is updated if changes have been made to the directory structure.4 REMOVE_STRUCTU"RE * Enter K, k or [Remove] (LK201 keyboards)@ This option allows the user to remove the current structure from the display.# NOTE8 There must be at least two structures on8 display, otherwise an error message will be8 displayed - if there's only one structure then it can't be removed.4 RENAME  Enter R or r; Rename allows the user to change the name of a directory.4 DC#L equiv: RENAME directory.dir new-directory.dir4 REPAINT_SCREEN # Enter ^W or ^R (Ctrl/W or Ctrl/R) Refreshes the screen.4 RETURN_TO_MARK  Enter \, ], } or )> The user can return to a marked directory with \, ], } or ). e.g.) \ returns to the directory marked by /,) ] returns to the directory marked by [,- ) returns to the directory marked by (, and) } returns to the directory marked by {.4 RE-SEARCH Enter S@ SEARCH re- $searches the directory structure, builds a new save@ file and updates the display accordingly. It is necessary to@ use this feature if the directory structure has been changed@ other than by SWING. (e.g. via the BACKUP utility, or DCL6 commands which create, delete or rename directories)@ If there are more than one structure on display then the user@ is prompted to re-search either all structures or just the current structure.@ It is recommended that you use swing f %or creating, deleting,@ renaming and moving directories. If this is not possible (eg.@ when using the BACKUP utility) then hit 'S' immediately after@ starting SWING, to bring SWING's understanding of your structure up-to-date.4 SET_MARK  Enter /, [, { or (.@ The user can mark a directory with /, [, { or (. Each of@ these four keys marks an individual directory, so up to four, directories may be marked at any one time.@ It is possible to retu&rn to the respective marked directory with \, ], } or ).4 SHOW_DISK_QUOTA Enter &@ This will show the current device usage - device size, space@ used, and free space in megabytes. Additionally the user's$ quota on that device is displayed. DCL equiv: SHOW QUOTA4 SNAPSHOT_SCREEN Enter *@ Throughout SWING a snapshot of the screen may be taken. The@ resulting file is written to SWING$SAVE if this is defined.@ If not, then it is written t'o SYS$LOGIN. Screen snapshot@ filenames are of the form: SNAPSHOT_xxxxxx.LIS, where xxxxxx@ is a selection of unique letters and numbers chosen by SWING,# to make the snapshot file unique.@ Since the special characters used to draw lines cannot always@ be displayed in a file, the device-independent characters! (+,-,|) are used to draw lines.4 USER_DEFINABLE_OPTIONS Enter ^D (Ctrl/D), This will display the USER-OPTIONS window. The user is able to define:@( 1. The initial display format when the FILE MANAGER is! invoked for the first time.< 2. The default printer queue for files printed via SWING.; 3. The default batch queue for files submitted by SWING.2 4. The editor used by SWING when editing files.@ 5. The LK201 function keys F7 through F20 (top of the@ keyboard) and all the keys on the LK201 numeric keypad (right-hand side).@ To change an entry in the USER-OPTIONS window move the )cursor@ opposite the entry to be changed and press the [Space Bar].@ The entry being changed is highlighted. When the next@ definition is complete press [Return]. The original value can$ be restored by using the R option.@ When a user-definable key is entered in the File Manager the@ name of the current file will be added to the command to be@ executed. If this is not desirable for the specific command@ (e.g. the key has been defined as SHOW USERS, and no filena*me@ is required) the definition of the key should terminate with an ! (exclamation mark).# NOTE8 No file name is added when a user-definable2 key is entered in the Directory Manager.@ Normally, the user will be prompted to confirm that the@ command is to be processed. If this extra confirmation is not@ felt necessary a ^ ([Shift] 6) can be appended to the key@ definition. When a key defined in this manner is+ pressed the@ command will execute IMMEDIATELY. So be careful with this option.# NOTE8 The ! and ^ should not be used with the& editor or queue definitions." The settings are saved in either$ SYS$LOGIN:SWING_OPTIONS.INITIAL or< SWING$SAVE:SWING_OPTIONS.INITIAL if SWING$SAVE is defined.4 WHERE  Enter W or w@ WHERE switches on or off the dynamic display of the current5 default device and, directory on top of the display.@ If it is switched on, the full directory name is displayed on@ the left-hand side of the 2nd row, and changes each time you move to a different directory.3 FILE_MANAGERB Enter F or f, (^F (Ctrl/F) to see ONLY the directory files via the FILE_MANAGER).B Your system manager may have also enabled [Return] to move fromB Directory to File manager. Hit '?' to see if it is allowed.1 See the Release Notes for v3.5.1 for more info.B FI -LES allows the user to manipulate the files in the selected1 directory. Only non-directory files are shown.B The user selects / deselects files by pressing the [Space Bar].B The status of the file next to the cursor will be toggled" between selected and deselected.B The user can SELECT ALL the files via 'A' (all), and DESELECT ALL files via 'Z' (zap).B Also the user can SELECT SPECIFIC files based on a (partial)B file specification via '+', and DESELECT in. a similar way via '-', using wildcards.B At least one file must be selected for the Copy, Delete, Move, Rename and List options.B If the user entered ^F a subset of the FILE MANAGERB functionality is invoked. Only the SUB-DIRECTORIES areB displayed. This option is included to allow the user to obtain0 directory information for the sub-directories.$ NOTE: SWING reads the list of files in a directory by: / actually opening the directory file. This: approach has been taken to improve the: performance in situations where there may be1 many thousands of files in a directory.B SWING allows the use of the = key (EQUALS) to specify a searchB criteria for files in the file manager. This key may be used inB both the directory manager and the file manager. When = isB pressed SWING prompts for the search specification the responseB 0to which is a file specification (name.type) including wildcardsB as required. This specification becomes the basis of the searchB by the file manager when building up lists of files. This is3 similar to the DCL command DIR *.C (for example).B Conversely, files can be excluded from the display by hittingB the # key (HASH). A logical SWING_EXCLUDE_FILES can also be9 defined in your LOGIN.COM to permanently exclude files.B The = and # keys are mutually exclusive, so one 1cancels the actions of the other.$ NOTE: These operations (= and #) may also be performed: in the directory manager as an alternative to5 entering F or f to invoke the file manager.< e.g. of responses are *.c, *.exe, test.*, *junk*.*, etc..$ NOTE2 Any version number specified is ignored.4 BROADCAST_MESSAGES ' Enter O or o (Old Broadcast Messages)@ BROADCAST MESS 2AGES are trapped by SWING and displayed in a@ separate window. This window can be recalled at any time if@ required. Broadcast messages are issued when new mail is@ received (for example). This window is automatically@ displayed when there are outstanding messages and the user is@ in the directory manager or file manager and is also currently being prompted for input.4 CHANGE_FILE_OWNERSHIP Enter ~@ This option allows the user to change the ownership 3 of the@ selected files or directories as desired. The user is able specify the new file owner.2 DCL equiv: SET FILE/OWNER=new-owner filespec(s)4 CHANGE_FILE_PROTECTION Enter @@ This option allows the user to change the protection on the@ selected files and / or directories as desired. The user is' able specify the new file protection.4 DCL equiv: SET PROT=(protection-mask) filespec(s)4 COPY  Enter C or c@ Copy allows the selected 4 files to be copied to a new@ directory, which may be the current directory, in which case@ duplicate copies of these files are made. This option ensures@ that the new file always has the higher version number in the@ situation where a file with the same name and version number already exists.@ Additionally, files are copied in reverse order to ensure that@ lower versions of the same file are copied before higher@ versions, and hence these higher versions stil 5l have the higher version number.@ If desired the user can enter the EXPORT option by typing >@ instead of [Return] when selecting the destination directory.@ Copy is thus being used as a way of specifying the destination@ directory for EXPORT prior to actually entering export. This@ can be very useful when copying files into a directory for7 which the user must specify a user name and password.2 DCL equiv: COPY/LOG filespec(s) [new-directory]4 DCL($) 6 Enter $@ DCL spawns a sub-process in the user's current directory (as@ shown by the main SWING display). All symbols are inherited@ from the parent process, however the DCL tables will be taken@ from sys$system, hence any additions made to the DCL tables* will not be present in this sub-process. LOGOUT when finished.4 DEFRAGMENT_FILES Enter %@ Defragmentation allows the user to defragment the selected@ files. The user is twice prompted to conf 7irm that the files5 selected and their contents are to be defragmented.@ The contents of the the files that are processed will be made@ as contiguous as possible. No header information (other than. the pointers in the header) will be changed.@ The file fragmentation is shown in the FILE MANAGER via@ directory format 8. If pointers is greater than 1 then the@ file is unnecessarily fragmented, and potentially degrading' the system performance when accessed.= DC8L equiv: COPY/CONTIGUOUS/REPLACE filespec(s) filespec(s)4 DELETE  Enter D or d@ Delete allows the user to delete the selected files. The user4 is prompted twice to confirm the intent to delete.# NOTE8 SWING will only delete files that the user8 could otherwise delete via the DCL commands* SET FILE /PROTECTION and DELETE.$ DCL equiv: DELETE/LOG filespec(s)4 DIRECTORY_DISPLAY_FORMAT@ There 9are ten (yes, ten!) different formats of directory. information display within the file manager.@ To select the desired format just press any key 0 through key@ 9. The selected format is shown on the bottom right-hand side of the display.@ You can permanently set the preferred display format in the9 first line of the USER DEFINED OPTIONS screen (Ctrl/D).@ Also, the left-arrow and right-arrow keys allow the user to@ cycle through the displays. (Just keep pressing: left-arrow or right-arrow).1 The display formats should be self-explanatory.@ DCL equiv: DIRECTORY/all-sorts-of-qualifiers [current-directory]4 EDIT_EXISTING_FILE  Enter E or e@ Edit allows the user to edit the current file (indicated by the cursors).@ The user may define the default editor via the user defined@ options (Ctrl/D). If the user selects EDT or TPU the@ activation of the editor will be much faster as SWING uses the;" EDT and TPU shareable libraries.5 EDT> This is DEC's EDT, invoked via the EDT$EDIT interface.> SWING will use SYS$LOGIN:EDTINI.EDT as a startup file if> accessible - for further information see "VAX/VMS Utility* Routines Reference Manual, section EDT".> Set the default editor to EDT for the most efficient startup of EDT." NOTE: There is a problem with this approach - If the user: is in a directory to which he does<n't have write: access, the EDT editor will not start up. A: solution is to define a key as "EDIT/EDT/READONLY".$ This problem only affects EDT.5 OTHER> This is any other editor of the user's choice. For example,> if the user has defined a symbol `MYED' to invoke their> personal editor, then it is necessary only to enter `MYED' as the required editor.> This will be somewhat slower than using EDT or TPU, as SWING7 will set up a sub-process in w=hich to do the editing.5 TPU> This is DEC's TPU, invoked via the TPU$TPU interface - for> further information see "VAX/VMS Utility Routines Reference+ Manual, section TPU, subsection TPU$TPU".> The EVE editor will be used by default, unless you (or your> system manager) have defined a personal (or site-specific)> TPU$SECTION logical name. This then tells SWING to use a "different flavour" of TPU.> If you want to use a tailored version of TPU, then add the fo>llowing to your LOGIN.COM:9 $ define/nolog TPU$SECTION my-tpu-initialisation-file4 EDIT_NEW_FILE  Enter ^E (Ctrl/E)* This allows the user to edit a new file.@ The user may define the default editor as per the EDIT option. DCL equiv: EDIT4 EXECUTE  Enter X or x@ Execute allows the user to execute the current file either as7 a command file (.COM) or as a executable (.EXE) file.@ If the file has a filetype of .COM, then it will be ?4 automatically executed as a DCL command procedure. DCL equiv: @filename.COM@ If the file has a filetype of .EXE, then it will be0 automatically executed as an executable image. DCL equiv: RUN filename.EXE@ If the file is neither of the above, the the user is asked if@ the file is a DCL command file. If the user answers 'Y', then@ it is executed as such. If the response is 'N', then the file@ is not executed at all and the user is returned to the File Ma@nager screen.4 EXPORT Enter >@ Export is like copy, except that the user is able to specify a/ full DECnet path for the selected files, e.g. NODE"user password"::@ The percentage file transfer is displayed while the transfer7 is in progress to bolster the confidence of the user.5 DCL equiv: COPY/LOG filename(s) remote-filespec(s)4 HELP + Enter H, h (or [Help] on LK201 keyboards)@ Help allows the user access to this informatioAn. The full VAX help features are available.4 IMPORT Enter <@ Import is like copy, except that the user is able to specify a@ full DECnet file specification for the file to be copied into the current directory, e.g. NODE"user password"::filespec@ The percentage file transfer is displayed while the transfer7 is in progress to bolster the confidence of the user.& DCL equiv: COPY/LOG full-filespec *4 LIST (Print)  Enter L or l@ LiBst allows the user to print the selected files to the< printer queue defined by the user defined options (Ctrl/D)@ The user may, if desired, change the printer queue for the" duration of the current session.4 MENU Enter ?@ A quick one page menu is displayed. The user may make a@ selection from this menu if required or press [Return] if no option is desired.4 MOVE  Enter M or m@ Move allows the user to move the selCected files to a new@ directory on the same device. The files are moved in such a@ way that the new file always has the higher version number in@ the situation where a file with the same name and version number already exists.# NOTE8 Files can only be moved on the same physical device.0 DCL equiv: RENAME filespec(s) [new-directory]4 PRINT  Enter L or l@ List allows the user to print theD selected files to the< printer queue defined by the user defined options (Ctrl/D)@ The user may, if desired, change the printer queue for the" duration of the current session.4 PURGE  Enter U or u7 Purge allows the user to purge the current directory.# NOTE) Sub-directories are not purged. DCL equiv: PURGE/LOG *.*4 QUIT_FILE_MANAGER  Enter Q, q or ^Z (Ctrl/Z)@ Quit will leave the file managEer option and return to the directory manager screen.@ Your system manager may have also enabled [Return] to move@ from File back to Directory manager. Hit '?' to see if it is@ allowed. See item 2 of the Release Notes for v3.5.3 for more info.4 RENAME  Enter R or r@ Rename allows the user to rename the selected files one at a time.0 DCL equiv: RENAME filename(s) new-filename(s)4 REPAINT_SCREEN # Enter ^W or ^R (Ctrl/W or Ctrl/RF) Refreshes the screen.4 RE-SEARCH  Enter F, f or =@ The files in the current directory are re-searched. The! display is updated accordingly.@ If '=' is entered, then a search specification can be entered, using Wildcards. e.g. *.C .4 SELECT_FILES @ The user selects / deselects files by pressing the [Space@ Bar]. The status of the file next to the cursor will be* toggled between selected and deselected.@ The user cGan SELECT ALL the files via 'A' (all), and DESELECT ALL files via 'Z' (zap).@ Also the user can SELECT SPECIFIC files based on a (partial)@ file specification via '+', and DESELECT in a similar way via '-', using wildcards.@ At least one file must be selected for the Copy, Delete, Move, Rename and List options.4 SHOW_DISK_QUOTA Enter &@ This will show the current device usage - device size, space@ used, and free space in megabytes. Additionally the userH's$ quota on that device is displayed. DCL equiv: SHOW QUOTA4 SNAPSHOT_SCREEN Enter *@ Throughout SWING a snapshot of the screen may be taken. The@ resulting file is written to SWING$SAVE if this is defined.@ If not, then it is written to SYS$LOGIN. Screen snapshot@ filenames are of the form: SNAPSHOT_xxxxxx.LIS, where xxxxxx@ is a selection of unique letters and numbers chosen by SWING,# to make the snapshot file unique.@ Since the special characIters used to draw lines cannot always@ be displayed in a file, the device-independent characters! (+,-,|) are used to draw lines.4 SUBMIT  Enter S or s@ Submit allows the user to submit the selected files to the< batch queue defined by the "User Defined Options" (Ctrl/D)@ The user may, if desired, change the batch queue for the" duration of the current session.4 TYPE  Enter Y or y@ Type allows the user to display the cuJrrent file on the@ terminal, and is the Public-domain "MOST" Utility v3.02 (8-Apr-1992).@ At the end of each screen, it displays (in reverse video) the@ filename, percentage of the file displayed so far, line number@ at the bottom of the screen and total number of lines in the file.& To get help, hit [Help], 'H' or 'h'." To exit, hit 'Q', 'q' or Ctrl/Z.' A summary of the options in TYPE are:6 [Space], [Next], D, d * Scroll down one Screen2 [Return] K, [Arrow Down], V * Move down one line2 U, u, ^U, [Prev] * Move up one screen0 [Up Arrow], ^ * Move up one line8 R, r ^R Repaint (Refresh) screen+ T, t Top of file. B, b Bottom of file@ [Right Arrow], > Scroll Screen Left (view lines on right)@ [Left Arrow], < Scroll Screen Right (view lines on left), F, f, / * Find Forward- \ L * Find Backward@ N, n Find next in current search direction< J, j, G, g Goto line number in the file@ % Goto percentage number in the file@ W, w Toggle between 80/132 column display@ Q, q, ^Z Quit MOST and return to File Manager0 ?, H, h This help screen# NOTE8M Those options starting with '*' may be8 repeated 'n' times by entering a number, then8 the command key. eg. '5 [Space]' moves forward 5 screens.4 USER_DEFINABLE_OPTIONS Enter ^D (Ctrl/D), This will display the USER-OPTIONS window. The user is able to define:@ 1. The initial display format when the FILE MANAGER is! invoked for the first time.< 2. The default printer queue for files printed via SWING.; N 3. The default batch queue for files submitted by SWING.2 4. The editor used by SWING when editing files.@ 5. The LK201 function keys F7 through F20 (top of the@ keyboard) and all the keys on the LK201 numeric keypad (right-hand side).@ To change an entry in the USER-OPTIONS window move the cursor@ opposite the entry to be changed and press the [Space Bar].@ The entry being changed is highlighted. When the next@ definition is complete pre Oss [Return]. The original value can$ be restored by using the R option.@ When a user-definable key is entered in the File Manager the@ name of the current file will be added to the command to be@ executed. If this is not desirable for the specific command@ (e.g. the key has been defined as SHOW USERS, and no filename@ is required) the definition of the key should terminate with an ! (exclamation mark).# NOTE8 No file name is Padded when a user-definable2 key is entered in the Directory Manager.@ Normally, the user will be prompted to confirm that the@ command is to be processed. If this extra confirmation is not@ felt necessary a ^ ([Shift] 6) can be appended to the key@ definition. When a key defined in this manner is pressed the@ command will execute IMMEDIATELY. So be careful with this option.# NOTE8 The ! and ^ should noQt be used with the& editor or queue definitions." The settings are saved in either$ SYS$LOGIN:SWING_OPTIONS.INITIAL or< SWING$SAVE:SWING_OPTIONS.INITIAL if SWING$SAVE is defined.2 Command_Qualifiers D The following Swing qualifiers (or switches) can be used from DCL: /FILEMANAGERD This command qualifier takes the user directly into the File4 Manager Screen and bypasses the Directory Manager. e.g. $ Swing /FILE or $ Swing -F/VERSION R D This qualifier displays the current version of Swing, and then returns the user to DCL. e.g. $ Swing /VERSION or $ Swing -V" It returns the following string:> C SWING v3.5.3 (S.J.Brown, M.Akerberg, H.Flowers and others)/HELPD This qualifier displays help for the Swing command line (from DCL)( and then returns the user back to DCL. e.g. $ Swing /HELP or $ Swing -H" It returns the following string:6 Usage: swing [-f][-v][-h] [directoSry][,directory...]5 f=file manager first v=version only h=this help2 DOCUMENTATION D A full User Manual and Tutorial can be found in the SWING directory as SWING_MANUAL.MEMA See your system manager if you are not sure where this is kept.2 LOGICAL_NAMES / The following logical names are used by SWINGD SWING$SAVE - see also SWING SAVE_FILE. This specifies the- destination for the files created by SWING.D It is recommended you define this T logical if you want SWING'sD working files kept in a separate directory to your loginD directory. See the section 2.1 (Setting up LOGIN.COM) for more details.D SWING$HLP - defined when the system boots to point to the help files. Do not change this.2 MOVING_AROUND D The user may move around the displayed directory structure using the four `arrow-keys', or: ^J to move up, ^K to move down, ^H to move left, ^L to move right,1 UN, n or [Next Screen] to advance by one screen,3 P, p or [Prev Screen] to move back by one screen,D T, t to move to Top of the current structure, or if already at theB top then to the top of the previous structure (if there is one),D B, b to move to Bottom of the current structure, or if already atD the bottom then to the bottom of the next structure (if there is one) andD [Select] and [Find] (LK201 keyboard) can be used to move around anD internally held stack of `vi Vsited' directories. A directoryD becomes `visited' when the user invokes the FILE MANAGER in this2 directory. SELECT moves forward, FIND backward.2 PANIC D PANIC - Control-C or Control-Y gets you out of SWING in a hurry,D saving the current directory structure if necessary as it does so.2 QUICK_MENUS Enter ?D Quick menus are available throughout SWING whenever the top lineD of the display shows a ?. The user can select the required option direWctly from this menu.2 RELEASE_NOTES 3 V3.2.1B The following changes have been made since version 3.2 by Mats Akerberg (mats@efd.lth.se) DIRECTORY MANAGER:B 1. The 'E' key has been added to allow you to exit out ofB swing. So you can use the following keys to exit: E, e, Q,! q, Ctrl/C, Ctrl/Y or Ctrl/Z FILE MANAGER:B 1. The [Return] key has been added to allow you to exit fromB file manager back to directory manager. So you can use X theB following keys to return to directory manager: Q, q, [Return] or Ctrl/ZB 2. You can now DISPLAY files on the the screen using the 'Y'! command in file management.B It makes use of the 'More' Utility and has some veryB powerful commands in it, such as edit the file you areB viewing, search for strings, skip pages and switch From 80B to 132 columns (and back again), which allows you to look at wide reports.8 YHit 'H' when you are in the type utility for help.3 V3.4B The following bugs were fixed between version 3.2 and 3.4 by+ Harry Flowers (flowers@msuvx1.memst.edu).0 1. Did not handle disks in bound volume sets.6 2. Couldn't exit from "@ - change file protection".B 3. Disk quota ("&") option did not stay on screen until key pressed.B 4. Quit option did not work on copy or move files or directory options.B 5. More ("Y") option failed after invoking Zit a fixed number of times.B 6. More ("Y") option W did not reset internally to normal from wide.B 7. More ("Y") option searching did not work in case-insensitiveB mode unless a lower-case string was used for the search pattern.B 8. More ("Y") option spacing problem with form feeds; nowB treated just like a non-printable character (replaces it with a "^" character).B 9. More ("Y") option caused the file manager to display [ the2 file in lower case after it had been viewed.3 V3.5B The following new feature has been added between version 3.4 andB 3.5. This feature has always been in the code, but never worked.B 1. When exiting SWING, all Broadcast messages received duringB the SWING session and the current default directory are displayed.3 V3.5.1B It contains fixes to some bugs reported after V3.5 was released,< as well as some nice new features. A description fo \llows: New features:B 1. A /filemanager or -f command line option (eg.B $ SWING /FILE). This option specified on the command lineB will act just as if "F" were entered as soon as you get the directory manager screen.B 2. For those who wish to have the option of hitting [Return] toB exit SWING, instead of [Return] to go to File Manager theB SWING.H file has a 'macro directive identifier' calledB MATS_HACK. If you pref ]er this option and currently don'tB have it, see your system manager to define this in SWING.H and then rebuild swing.B If MATSHACK is defined some commands (such as copy and move)B are terminated with [Delete] instead of [Return]. From Mats! Akerberg (mats@efd.lth.se).B 3. When you don't have read access to your top directory, SWINGB will start with the directory it can read. Seems to beB common practice as most sites use concealed logica^ls toB hide the real top level directory. From Bernd! Onasch (ONASCH@ira.uka.de). Bug fixes:B 1. Old problem with change protection only changing world' protection has been fixed.B 2. Terminal characteristics (like numeric keypad) are now, restored on exiting from CSWING.B 3. Problem with long lines in configuration files (also from Mats).3 V3.5.2B This release fixes all known bugs and provides the_ following New features:A 1. Replaces MORE with MOST in the TYPE option of File Manager.B 2. A /Version or -v command line option (eg. $ SWING /VERSION)B to display the current version of Swing, and then return to DCL.& It returns the following string:B C SWING v3.5.2 (S.J.Brown, M.Akerberg, H.Flowers and others)B 3. A /Help or -v command line option (eg. $ SWING /HELP) to( display help for the command line.& It returns the following strin`g:: Usage: swing [-f][-v][-h] [directory][,directory...]9 f=file manager first v=version only h=this help3 V3.5.3B Three new features have been added to this minor release of Swing:B 1. The 'TYPE a file' command in File Manager now has a commandB 'W', 'w' or Ctrl/W to toggle between wide (132 columns) andB narrow (80 columns) while viewing the file on the screen.2 (This is a new feature of the MOST utility).B 2. For those who wish to use a[Return] to toggle between theB File and Directory manager screens, the SWING.H file has aB 'macro directive identifier' calledB CR_RETURNS_FROM_FILE_TO_DIR_MGR. If you prefer this optionB and currently don't have it, see your system manager toB define this in SWING.H and then rebuild swing. From Chris$ Butler (C.Butler@mof.govt.nz).B 3. For those who want the option of returning to the originalB directory (inst bead of the current one) when exiting Swing,B the SWING.H file has another 'macro directive identifier'B called Q_EXITS_TO_ORIGINAL_DIR. This allows 'Q' and 'q' toB perform this function, while all the other "exit" commandsB return the user to the CURRENT directory. If you preferB this option and currently don't have it, see your system? manager to define this in SWING.H and then rebuild swing. Bug fixes:B 1. Modified to ignore the non- cdisplayable broadcast messagesB sent to VWS terminal windows. Otherwise whenever the VWSB window running swing is selected, the broadcast paste bufferB would pop up and try to display the message and fail with aB SMG$NONBRDMSG status. From Carl Karcher (KARCHER@WAISMAN.WISC.EDU)B 2. A small bug in the adddstructure() part of SWING24.C nowB repsects device logical names which have the concealed and terminal attributes.B d Screen refresh after file manager @ and ~ leaves pointer atB current file after command executes. Both from Charles. Bailey (BAILEY@hmivax.humgen.upenn.edu).% So far, one known bug still exists:B There is a the problem with deleting a file when you've setB default to a search list like SYS$MANAGER. There's a bug inB RMS$ERASE that causes process termination (via executive modeB bugcheck). It has been reported to DEC and it has beenB esca elated to the VMS engineering group. The workaround is toB set default to the individual directories (in this case, SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSMGR]).3 V3.5.4B Two new features have been added to this minor release of Swing:B 1. Added file exclude "#" option (opposite to the include "="B function) and SWING_EXCLUDE_FILES logical name to work like DIR/EXCLUDE.B Note: The include "=" option is exclusive; also file purgeB would have to have been extensively fre-worked, so purge is) not supported if files are excluded/ 2. Added a check for supported terminal type Bug fixes:B 1. Bug with negative percentages on large file copies$ occassionally appearing fixed.B 2. File creation dates on copy are now preserved (just like DCL copy does)B 3. Fixed memory leak; variables were being trashed when theB starting directory was more than 40 characters in length;" caused many bad side-effects g> 4. Fixed bug when Swing is started up on an empty directory> 5. Change to volume set patch to handle very large file ids3 V3.6B This release of Swing contains no new features, only a fix forB VMS v5.5, some bug fixes and improvements in the MOST UtilityB (v3.02), which has been totally rewritten. MOST is run when you select 'Y' (for TYPE a file)B It was also decided to make this version 3.6 as there wereB becoming too many minor releases, and new sites hwould haveB otherwise needed to apply 6 sets of patches to the 3.5 kit. It6 will be available as a "whole" kit at archive sites. Modifications and bug fixes:B 1. A small patch to SWING29.C for VMS v5.5, making use of the $SNDJBC call.< 2. The latest version of MOST was incorporated into SWINGB 3. Major improvement in MOST performance, especially when viewing large files.8 4. The online help screen in MOST has been rewritten.B 5. Fixed the annoiying 80 column problem (showing up as a line( too long if it's exactly 80 cols).@ 6. MOST now displays files which have more than 20,000 lines.2 SAVE_FILE D SWING only searches the directory structure if a save file cannot be found. SWING looks 1) first in SWING$SAVE:,D 2) second in the top directory of the structure being examined, 3) third in SYS$LOGIN:.D If no save file is found SWING searches the directory structureD and creates a sjave file, attempting to store the save file asD above. SWING automatically attempts to purge old save files. All# save file names end in SWSVE.DAT.% NOTE< It is recommended that you make use of SWING$SAVE,< as this way you can keep all the files created by SWING in one place.2 SNAPSHOT_SCREEN Enter *D Throughout SWING a snapshot of the screen may be taken. TheD resulting file is written to SWIN kG$SAVE if this is defined. IfD not, then it is written to SYS$LOGIN. Screen snapshot filenamesD are of the form: SNAPSHOT_xxxxxx.LIS, where xxxxxx is a selectionD of unique letters and numbers chosen by SWING, to make the snapshot file unique.D Since the special characters used to draw lines cannot always beD displayed in a file, the device-independent characters (+,-,|) are used to draw lines.2 USER_DEFINABLE_OPTIONS Enter ^D (Ctrl/D), This will display thle USER-OPTIONS window. The user is able to define:D 1. The initial display format when the FILE MANAGER is invoked for the first time.< 2. The default printer queue for files printed via SWING.; 3. The default batch queue for files submitted by SWING.2 4. The editor used by SWING when editing files.D 5. The LK201 function keys F7 through F20 (top of the keyboard)D and all the keys on the LK201 numeric keypad (right-hand side).D To c mhange an entry in the USER-OPTIONS window move the cursorD opposite the entry to be changed and press the [Space Bar]. TheD entry being changed is highlighted. When the next definition isD complete press [Return]. The original value can be restored by using the R option.D When a user-definable key is entered in the File Manager the nameD of the current file will be added to the command to be executed.D If this is not desirable for the specific command (e.g. the kneyD has been defined as SHOW USERS, and no filename is required) theD definition of the key should terminate with an ! (exclamation mark).% NOTE< No file name is added when a user-definable key is+ entered in the Directory Manager.D Normally, the user will be prompted to confirm that the command isD to be processed. If this extra confirmation is not felt necessaryD a ^ ([Shift] 6) can be appended to the key definition.o When a keyD defined in this manner is pressed the command will execute/ IMMEDIATELY. So be careful with this option.% NOTE< The ! and ^ should not be used with the editor or queue definitions." The settings are saved in either$ SYS$LOGIN:SWING_OPTIONS.INITIAL or< SWING$SAVE:SWING_OPTIONS.INITIAL if SWING$SAVE is defined.2 VERSION  Enter V or vD Entering V causes the current version of SWING to be displayed on! the bottom line of the display.2 WORKSTATION_SUPPORTD SWING supports workstations to a limited extent. On a workstationD it is possible to have windows with up to 64 lines. This is set via $ set term/page=64D SWING will support terminals of any size with the proviso that theD terminal is set to at least 24 lines (the default for a VT100, VT200 ...).ww`_ӕ EVERHART SWING