-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ START OF PART 5 -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Xthe number '5' in this context. One exception to this is with Xmovement, in which case '5' will rest the character for one turn. X`20 X Commands which require a direction will not prompt you for Xone, unless you input an illegal direction. Just enter a Xdirection after the entering the command. X`20 X Directions \ `7C / X 7 8 9 X - 4 6 - X 1 2 3 X / `7C \ X`20 X2 Movement X Movement is accomplished by using your numeric keypad. XSimply press a number and your character will move one step in Xthat direction. Pressing a '5' is equivalent to waiting for one Xround (More efficient resting over long periods of time is Xaccomplished by using the Rest command). You can only move onto Xand through floor spots, and only if they contain no creatures or Xobstructing objects such as a closed door. X`20 X Moving your character one step at a time can be time Xconsuming and boring, so a faster method has been supplied. By Xusing the Move command '.', you may move in a direction until Xsomething interesting happens. For instance, by pressing the Xperiod key '.' followed by the direction 8, your character would Xcontinue to move up the screen, only coming to a stop after at Xleast one condition is satisfied. These conditions are: X`20 X 1. A creature appears upon the screen, or a creature already on X the screen moves. X 2. You move next to an object, or feature such as a door, X staircase, or trap. X 3. You come to a wall, and have more than one choice of X directions from which to continue, or are in a dead in X passage. X 4. You come to a junction of several passages. X`20 XMovement \ `7C / X 7 8 9 X - 4 6 - 5 rests the character for one turn. X 1 2 3 X / `7C \ X`20 X2 BASH X B - Bash X`20 X The Bash command includes breaking open doors and chests, or Xbashing an opponent. Two main factors determine the ability of a Xcharacter to bash; their weight and their strength. In Xaddition, when bashing an opponent, you will either perform a Xbody bash, or if wielding a shield, perform a shield bash which Xis more effective. X`20 X Bashing a door can throw the character off-balance, but this Xwill not generally be a problem. Doors that have been jammed Xclosed with spikes can only be opened by bashing. Locked doors Xmay also be bashed open. Note that bashing a door open will Xpermanently break it. X`20 X Bashing a creature has effects on both the player and his Xopponent. Depending on a character's dexterity, he may or may Xnot be thrown off-balance allowing free moves to his opponents. XIf the bash is successful, the opponent will be thrown Xoff-balance for 1 to 3 turns, thus allowing the character free Xhits or a chance to run. X`20 X A player automatically performs a shield bash instead of a Xbody bash, if he is currently wearing a shield. A shield bash Xadds the damage of a shield to that of the bash, so is more Xeffective. Note that size and material both affect the damage Xthat a shield will do. X`20 X2 CHARACTER X C - Print character sheet to screen X`20 X This command allows the player to display his character Xinformation on the terminal screen. All stats and abilitlies are Xshown, along with current bank balance information. Note that Xthe descriptors of the misc. abilities are subjective and do Xvary each time you use the shift-C command. If you need to print Xyour character info to a file, see the shift-P command. X`20 X2 DISARM X D - Disarm a trap. X`20 X You can attempt to disarm floor traps, or trapped chests. XIf you fail to disarm a trap, there is a chance that you blunder Xand set it off. You can only disarm a trap on a chest after Xfinding it with the search command. X`20 X2 EAT X E - Eat some food. X`20 X A character must eat occasionally to remain effective. As a Xcharacter grows hungry, a message will appear at the bottom of Xthe screen saying "Hungry". If a character remains hungry long Xenough, he will become weak and eventually start fainting. X`20 X2 FILL X F - Fill a lantern with batteries. X`20 X If your character is currently using a lantern for light, and Xif he has a package of batteries in inventory, he may refill the Xlantern by using this command. A lantern is capable of a maximum Xof 12000 turns of light. X`20 X2 LOCATION X L - Display map co-ordinates. X`20 X The Location command will display your character's current Xco-ordinates as shown on a printed map (printed with the 'P' Xcommand). Sectors contain up to 44 rows by 99 columns each. The XLocation command will display the character's current row and Xcolumn map co-ordinates, as well as the sector number. X`20 X2 MIX_POTIONS X M - Mix two potions together. X`20 X A player with good luck and intellegence can sometimes be able Xto mix together two potions and come out with a new, more powerful Xone. The results are unpredictable, and so potion mixing should be Xdone with caution. X`20 X2 MORE-TOGGLE X Q - Toggle the 'question-more' feature on and off. X`20 X This command does not take a turn. X`20 X`20 X2 PRINT X P - Print map or character sheet to file. X`20 X The Print command will write an entire map of the dungeon Xfloor explored to a file. Since the dungeon floor is large, the Xmap is broken up into sectors, each containing up to 44 rows by 99 Xcolumns. X This command also allows the player to print his entire Xcharacter sheet info listing to a file. The character's history, Xequipment list, and an inventory list are included. X`20 X2 REST X R - Rest for a number of turns. X`20 X You may rest one turn by pressing the '5' key. Resting for Xlonger periods of time is accomplished by using the Rest command, Xfollowed by the number of turns you want to rest your character. XResting will continue until the specified duration has expired, Xor something to wake the character happens, such as a creature Xwandering by. It is sometimes a good idea to rest a beat-up Xcharacter until he regains some of his hit points, but be sure to Xhave plenty of food if you rest often. X`20 X If you have accidently entered in a rest period too large, Xor change your mind about the resting period, you may wake your Xcharacter up by pressing any key. X`20 X2 SEARCHMODE X S - Search mode toggle. X`20 X The Searching toggle will take the character into and out of Xsearching mode. When first pressed, the message "Searching" will Xappear at the bottom of the screen. The character is now taking Xtwo turns for each command, one for the command and one turn to Xsearch about him. Note that this means he is taking twice the Xtime to move about the dungeon, and therefore twice the food. If Xa creature should happen by or attack you, search mode will Xautomatically shut off. Otherwise you may turn off search mode Xby again pressing the 'S' key. X`20 X2 TUNNEL X T - Tunnel through rock. X`20 X Tunneling (Mining) is a very useful art. There are four Xkinds of rock present in the dungeons of Moria; Permanent Rock, XGranite Rock, Magma Intrusion, and Quartz Veins. Permanent Rock Xis exactly that, permanent. Granite is very hard, therefore hard Xto dig through, and contains no valuable metals. Magma and XQuartz veins are softer and sometimes bare valuable metals and Xgems, shown as a '$' or a '*' character. You can tell if the Xmetal or gems are embedded into the wall by trying to move onto Xthem. If you can't move over them, you'll have to dig them out. X`20 X Tunneling can be VERY difficult by hand, so when you dig be Xsure to wield either a shovel or a pick. Special shovels and Xpicks can be found which allow the wielder to dig much faster Xthan normal, and a good strength also helps. X`20 X2 AIM X a - Aim a ray gun. X`20 X Ray Guns must be aimed in a direction to be used. Ray Guns are a Xspecial device and therefore use the Special Devices ability of Xthe player. They will either affect the first object/creature Xencountered, or affect anything in a given direction, depending Xupon the ray gun. An obstruction such as door or wall will general Xstop the effects of a ray gun from traveling further. X`20 X2 BROWSE X b - Browse a book. X`20 X You can only understand a book if you are trained in its arts. XTherefore a scientist could read a tech manual, but not a holy Xbook. Fighter's will not be able to read either kind of book. XWhen the browse command is used, all of the skills or prayers Xcontained in the book along with information about it, such as Xit's level, the amount of resources used up in using it, and wether Xor not you know the skill or prayer will be displayed. There are Xa total of 31 different special skills in four books, and 31 Xdifferent prayers in four books. X`20 X2 BERZERK X b - Go Berzerk X A Wrestler character makes up for his lack of special skills Xby having *lots* of hit points and also by his ability to lose his Xhead in battle and lash out at every opponent around him. This Xskill is nicknamed 'Berzerking' and is quite effective. There are Xcurrently no restrictions on the amount of times a Wrestler can Xgo berzerk. X`20 X2 CLOSE X c - Close a door. X`20 X Non-intelligent and certain other creatures will not be able Xto open a door. Therefore shutting doors can be a life saver. XYou must be adjacent to an open door, and you cannot close broken Xdoors. Note that bashing a door open will break it. X`20 X2 DROP X d - Drop an object from you inventory. X`20 X You can drop a single object onto the floor beneath you if Xthat floor spot does not already contain an object. Note that Xdoors and traps are considered objects in this sense. If you Xdrop an object such as a potion or floppy, a single one is Xdropped onto the floor at a time. Group objects such as arrows Xare all dropped at once onto the floor. X`20 X2 EQUIPMENT X e - Display a list of equipment being used. X`20 X Use the Equipment command to display a list of objects Xcurrently being used by your character. Note that each object Xhas a specific place were it is placed, and that only one object Xof each type may be used at any one time; excepting rings of Xwhich two can be worn, one on each hand. X`20 X2 FIRE X f - Fire a Gun. X`20 X To use a gun with ammo, simply wield the gun and then specify Xwhich ammo clip you want to use after hitting the fire command. The Xcaliber of the gun must match the ammo size, of course. X`20 X2 Hurl X h - Hurl an Item. X`20 X You may throw any object carried by your character. XDepending upon the weight of an object, it may travel across a Xroom or drop down beside you. If you throw an object such as a Xround of ammo, only one will be used at a time. X`20 X If you hurl at a creature, your chance of hitting the Xcreature is determined by your pluses to hit, your ability at Xthrowing, and the objects pluses to hit. Once the creature is Xhit, the object may or may not do any actual damage to it. XCertain objects in the game can do great amounts of damage Xwhen thrown, but it's for you to figure out the obscure ones. XGrenades are the most effective of thrown weapons, but be careful Xnot to throw one too close to you, or you will be hit by the blast. X`20 X`20 X2 HELP X h - Enter the BOSS help library. X`20 X A subprocess is spawned and the HELP utility entered. Help Xon individual commands may be displayed without actually exiting Xyour game. You may return to your game by entering a -Z Xcharacter. X`20 X2 INVENTORY X i - Display a list of objects being carried. X`20 X The Inventory command displays a list of all objects being Xcarried, but are not in current use. You may carry up to 22 Xdifferent kinds of objects, not including those in your equipment Xlist. Depending upon your strength, you will be able carry many Xidentical objects before hitting your weight limit. X`20 X2 JAM X j - Jam a door with an iron spike. X`20 X Most humanoid and many intelligent creatures can simply open Xa closed door, and can eventually get through a locked door. XTherefore you may spike a door in order to jam it. Each spike Xused on a door will increase it's strength. It is very easy to Xjam a door so much as to make it impossible for your character to Xbash it down, so spike doors wisely. Note that the bigger a Xcreature is, the easier it can bash a door down. Therefore four Xor more spikes might be necessary to slow down an alien, where Xone spike would slow down a gang member. X`20 X2 Skills X m - Do a skill from a con artist or tech manual X`20 X First, a character must have learned a skill before he can Xcast it. Next, when using a skill, he must read the skill from Xa manual, so a manual containing the skill must be in his inventory. XEach skill has a chance of failure which starts out fairly large Xbut decreases as a character gains levels. If a character does Xnot have the available resources, he increases his chance of failure, Xand gambles on losing a point of constitution. Note that since a Xcharacter must read the skill from a manual, he cannot be blind or Xconfused when using a skill, and there must be some light Xpresent. X`20 X2 LOOK X l - Look in a direction. X`20 X The Look command is useful in identifying the exact type of Xobject or creature shown on the screen. Also, if a creature is Xon top of an object, the look command will describe both. You Xcan see creatures and objects up to 200 feet away (20 units). XNote that you may freely use the Look command without the Xcreatures getting a move on you. X`20 X2 OPEN X o - Open a door, chest, or lock. X`20 X To open an object such as a door or chest you must use the XOpen command. If the object is locked, the Open command will +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- END OF PART 5 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-