-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ START OF PART 10 -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ X magical bonus. Armor bought in town will have these values` V0D`0A X displayed with their description. Armor that is found within the` V0D`0A X dungeon must be identified before these values will be displayed.` V0D`0A X Armor class values are always diplayed between a set of brackets` V0D`0A X '`5B ,+ `5D'. The first value is the armor class of the item. V The`0D`0A X second number is the magical bonus of the item, and will always` V0D`0A X have a sign preceding the value. There are a few cases where the` V0D`0A X form '`5B+ `5D' is used, meaning the object has no armor class, o Vnly`0D`0A X a magical armor bonus if worn.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X Some pieces of armor will possess special abilites denoted` V0D`0A X by the following abbreviations:`0D`0A X`0D`0A X 1. (RA) - Resist Acid.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X This magical ability is usually enchanted into armor,` V0D`0A X but may occasionally be found as an ability of a weapon. A` V0D`0A X character using such an object will take only a quarter` V0D`0A X damage from any acid thrown upon him. In addition, armor so` V0D`0A X enchanted will resist the acid's effects and not be damaged` V0D`0A X by it.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X 2. (RC) - Resist Cold.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X This magical ability is also found in both weapons and` V0D`0A X armor. A character using a resist cold object will take only` V0D`0A X half damage from frost and cold.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X 3. (RF) - Resist Fire.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X This magical ability is found in both weapons and armor.` V0D`0A X A character using a resist fire object will take only one` V0D`0A X quarter damage from heat and fire.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X 37`0D`0A X`0C X The Dungeons of MORIA`0D X The Dungeons of MORIA - COPYRIGHT (c) Robert Alan Koeneke`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X 4. (RL) - Resist Lightning.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X This magical ability is found in both weapons and armor.` V0D`0A X A character using a resist lightning object will take only` V0D`0A X one quarter damage from electrical attacks.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X 5. (R) - Resistance.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X This magical ability is found only in armor. A` V0D`0A X character wearing armor with this ability will have` V0D`0A X resistance to Acid, Cold, Fire, and Lightning as explained in` V0D`0A X each part above.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X Objects Found In The Dungeon -`0D`0A X`0D`0A X The mines are full of objects just waiting to be picked up` V0D`0A X and used. How did they get there? Well, the main source for` V0D`0A X useful items are all the foolish adventurers that proceeded into` V0D`0A X the dungeon before you. They get killed, and the helpful` V0D`0A X monsters scatter the various treasure throughout the dungeon.` V0D`0A X Most cursed items are placed there by the joyful evil sorcerers,` V0D`0A X who enjoy a good joke when it gets you killed.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X You pick up objects by moving on top of them. You can carry` V0D`0A X up to 22 different items in your backpack while wearing and` V0D`0A X wielding many others. Note that although you are limited to 22` V0D`0A X different items, you may be carrying several of each item` V0D`0A X restricted only by the amount of weight your character can carry.` V0D`0A X Your character's weight limit is determined by his Strength.` V0D`0A X Only one object may occupy any one given floor location, which` V0D`0A X may or may not also contain one monster. Note that doors, traps,` V0D`0A X and staircases are considered objects for this purpose.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X Many objects found within the dungeon have special commands` V0D`0A X for their use. Wands must be Aimed, staves must be Used, scrolls` V0D`0A X must be Read, and potions must be Quaffed. In any case, you must` V0D`0A X first be able to carry an object before you can use it. Some` V0D`0A X objects, such as chests, are very complex. Chests contain other` V0D`0A X objects and may be trapped, and/or locked. Read the list of` V0D`0A X player commands carefully for a further understanding of chests.`0 VD`0A X`0D`0A X One item in particular will be discussed here. The scroll` V0D`0A X of "Word of Recall" can be found within the dungeon, or bought at` V0D`0A X the temple in town. It acts in two manners, depending upon your` V0D`0A X current location. If read within the dungeon, it will teleport` V0D`0A X you back to town. If read in town, it will teleport you back` V0D`0A X down to the deepest level of the dungeon one which your character` V0D`0A X`0D`0A X 38`0D`0A X`0C X The Dungeons of MORIA`0D X The Dungeons of MORIA - COPYRIGHT (c) Robert Alan Koeneke`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X has previously been. This makes the scroll very useful for` V0D`0A X MORIA`0D X getting back to the deeper levels of MORIA. Once the scroll has` V0D`0A X been read it takes a while for the spell to act, so don't expect` V0D`0A X it to save you in a crisis.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X And lastly, a final warning. Not all objects are what they` V0D`0A X seem. Skeletons lying peacefully about the dungeon have been` V0D`0A X known to get up...`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X Cursed Objects -`0D`0A X`0D`0A X Some objects, mainly armor and weapons, have had curses laid` V0D`0A X upon them. These horrible objects will look like any other` V0D`0A X normal item, but will detract from your characters stats or` V0D`0A X abilities if worn. They will also be impossible to remove until` V0D`0A X a remove curse is done.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X When a cursed item has been identified, an asterisk '*' will` V0D`0A X appear next to the inventory letter of the item. If you should` V0D`0A X wear a cursed item, you will immediately know it is cursed and` V0D`0A X again the asterisk will appear.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X Mining -`0D`0A X`0D`0A X Much of the treasure within the dungeon can be found only by` V0D`0A X mining it out of the walls. Many rich strikes exist within each` V0D`0A X level, but must be found and mined. Quartz veins are the` V0D`0A X richest, yielding the most metals and gems, but magma veins will` V0D`0A X have some hordes hidden within.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X Mining is virtually impossible without a pick or shovel.` V0D`0A X Picks and shovels have an additional magical ability expressed as` V0D`0A X '(+ )'. The higher the number, the better the magical digging` V0D`0A X ability of the tool. Note that a pick or shovel also has plusses` V0D`0A X to hit and damage, and can be used as a weapon.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X When a vein of quartz or magma is located, the character` V0D`0A X should wield his pick or shovel and begin digging out a section.` V0D`0A X When that section is removed, he should locate another section of` V0D`0A X the vein, and begin the process again. Since granite rock is` V0D`0A X much harder to dig through, it is much faster to follow the vein` V0D`0A X exactly and dig around the granite.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X If the character has a scroll or staff of treasure location,` V0D`0A X he can immediately locate all strikes of treasure within a vein` V0D`0A X shown on the screen. This makes mining much easier and more` V0D`0A X`0D`0A X 39`0D`0A X`0C X The Dungeons of MORIA`0D X The Dungeons of MORIA - COPYRIGHT (c) Robert Alan Koeneke`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X profitable.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X Staircases -`0D`0A X`0D`0A X Staircases are the manner in which you get deeper, or climb` V0D`0A X out of the dungeon. The symbols for the up and down staircases` V0D`0A X are the same as the commands to use them. A '<' represents an up` V0D`0A X staircase and a '>' represents a down staircase. You must move` V0D`0A X your character over the staircase before you can use them.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X Each level has at least one up staircase, and at least two` V0D`0A X down staircases. There are no exceptions to this rule. You may` V0D`0A X have trouble finding some well hidden secret doors, but the` V0D`0A X stairs are there.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X Secret Doors, Passages, And Rooms -`0D`0A X`0D`0A X Many secret doors are used within the dungeon to confuse and` V0D`0A X demoralize adventurers foolish enough to enter. But with some` V0D`0A X luck, and lots of concentration, you can find these secret doors.` V0D`0A X`0D`0A X Secret doors will sometimes hide rooms or corridors, or even` V0D`0A X entire sections of that level of the dungeon. Sometimes they` V0D`0A X simply hide small empty closets or even dead ends.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X Creatures in the dungeon will generally know and use this` V0D`0A X secret doors. If they leave one open, you will be able to go` V0D`0A X right through it. If they close it behind them you will have to` V0D`0A X search for the catch first. Once a secret door has been` V0D`0A X discovered by you, it is drawn as a known door and no more` V0D`0A X searching will be required to use it.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X Winning The Game -`0D`0A X`0D`0A X Once your character has progressed into killing dragons with` V0D`0A X but a mean glance and snap of his fingers, he may be ready to` V0D`0A X take on the Balrog. The Balrog will appear on every level after` V0D`0A X level 49, so don't go down there until you are ready for him.`0D`0 VA X`0D`0A X The Balrog cannot be killed in some of the easier methods` V0D`0A X used on normal creatures. Because of the Balrog's cunning, he` V0D`0A X will teleport away to another level if a spell such as genocide` V0D`0A X is used upon him, and the Balrog cannot be polymorphed, slept, or` V0D`0A X charmed. Magical spells like coldball are effective against him` V0D`0A X`0D`0A X 40`0D`0A X`0C X The Dungeons of MORIA`0D X The Dungeons of MORIA - COPYRIGHT (c) Robert Alan Koeneke`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X as are weapons, but he is difficult to kill and if allowed to` V0D`0A X escape for a time can heal himself.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X If you should actually survive the attempt of killing the` V0D`0A X Balrog, you will recieve the status of WINNER. Since yo have` V0D`0A X defeated the toughest monster alive, your character is ready to` V0D`0A X retire and cannot be saved. When you quit the game, your` V0D`0A X character recieves a surprise bonus score and is entered into the` V0D`0A X toptwenty file.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X Upon Death And Dying -`0D`0A X`0D`0A X If your character falls below 0 hit points, he has died and` V0D`0A X cannot be restored. A tombstone showing information about your` V0D`0A X character will be displayed with the option to print the` V0D`0A X information to a file.`0D`0A X`0D`0A X After the tombstone, the toptwenty list of heroes is` V0D`0A X displayed. If your score beats any of the toptwenty, your` V0D`0A X character will join this elite rank of heroes. Otherwise, well,` V0D`0A X there is always next time...`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X Wizards -`0D`0A X`0D`0A X MORIA`0D X There are rumors of MORIA Wizards which, if asked nicely,` V0D`0A X MORIA`0D X can explain details of the MORIA game that seem complicated to` V0D`0A X beginners. In addition, they have special spells which can` V0D`0A X restore characters lost by accident, such as power-outs and such.` V0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X`0D`0A X 41`0D`0A X`0C $ CALL UNPACK [.DOC]MORIA.DOC;1 1466510386 $ create 'f' X1 ABBREVIATIONS X Weapons: X (DF) - Defender. X (FB) - Frost Brand. X (FT) - Flame Tongue. X (HA) - Holy Avenger. X (SD) - Slay Dragon. X (SE) - Slay Evil. X (SM) - Slay Monster. X (SU) - Slay Undead. X X Armor: X (RA) - Resist Acid. X (RC) - Resist Cold. X (RF) - Resist Fire. X (RL) - Resist Lightning. X (R) - Resistance, resists all. X X1 ADVENTURING X Once your character is adequately supplied with food, light, Xarmor, and weapons, he is ready to enter the dungeon. Move on Xtop of the '>' symbol and use the down '>' command. Your +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- END OF PART 10 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-