-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ START OF PART 49 -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ X else X BEGIN `7Bpoor sap`7D X mwkdum:= aggravate_monster(30); X prt('Type ''?'' for help...',1,1) X END; X 18 : BEGIN `7B`5ER = redraw`7D X draw_cave; X reset_flag := true; X END; X 26 : BEGIN `7B`5EZ = save`7D X if (total_winner) then X BEGIN X msg_print('You are a Total Winner, your character must be retired... V'); X msg_print('Use -Y to when you are ready to quit.'); X END X else X BEGIN X if (search_flag) then search_off; X save_char; X END; X END; X 36 : BEGIN `7B$ = Shell `7D `20 X`09`09`09if (wizard) THEN X`09`09`09BEGIN X clear(1,1); X`09`09 writeln('`5BEntering DCL shell, type "EOJ" to resume your ga Vme`5D'); X writeln; X controly; X shell_out; X no_controly; X clear(1,1); X draw_cave; X reset_flag := true; `20 X`09`09`09END `20 X`09`09`09ELSE X`09`09 msg_print ('Only wizards can spawn to Shell');`09 X END; X 46 : BEGIN `7B. = find `7D X y := char_row; X x := char_col; X if (get_dir('Which direction?',dir_val, X com_val,y,x)) then X BEGIN X find_flag := true; X move_char(dir_val); X END X END; X 47 : BEGIN `7B/ = identify `7D X ident_char; X reset_flag := true; X END; X 49 : move_char(com_val - 48); `7B Move dir 1 `7D X 50 : move_char(com_val - 48); `7B Move dir 2 `7D X 51 : move_char(com_val - 48); `7B Move dir 3 `7D X 52 : move_char(com_val - 48); `7B Move dir 4 `7D X 53 : BEGIN `7B Rest one turn `7D X move_char(com_val - 48); X sleep(0); `7B Sleep 1/10 a second`7D X flush; X END; X 54 : move_char(com_val - 48); `7B Move dir 6 `7D X 55 : move_char(com_val - 48); `7B Move dir 7 `7D X 56 : move_char(com_val - 48); `7B Move dir 8 `7D X 57 : move_char(com_val - 48); `7B Move dir 9 `7D X 60 : go_up; `7B< = go up `7D X 62 : go_down; `7B> = go down`7D X 63 : BEGIN `7B? = help `7D X help; X reset_flag := true; `7B Free move `7D X END; X `7B 65 : BEGIN `7B Debug feature for weight X tmp1 := 0; X for i1 := 1 to inven_max-1 do X with inventory`5Bi1`5D do X tmp1 := tmp1 + weight*number; X writev(out_val,inven_weight:1,' `7C ',tmp1:1); X msg_print(out_val); X END;`7D X 66 : bash; `7BB = bash `7D X 67 : BEGIN `7BC = character`7D X if (get_com('Print to file? (Y/N)',command)) then X CASE command of X 'y','Y': file_character; X 'n','N': BEGIN X change_name; X draw_cave; X END; X otherwise ; X END; X reset_flag := true; `7B Free move `7D X END; X 68 : disarm_trap; `7BD = disarm `7D X 69 : eat; `7BE = eat`7D X 70 : refill_lamp; `7BF = refill `7D X 76 : BEGIN `7BL = location `7D X reset_flag := true; `7B Free move `7D X if ((py.flags.blind > 0) or (no_light)) then X msg_print('You can''t see your map.') X else X BEGIN X writev(out_val, X 'Section `5B', X (trunc((char_row-1)/outpage_height)+1):1,',', X (trunc((char_col-1)/outpage_width )+1):1, X '`5D; Location = `5B',char_row:1,',',char_col: V1,'`5D'); X msg_print(out_val); X END; X END; X 77: extra_cast; X 80: BEGIN `7BP = print map`7D X reset_flag := true; `7B Free move `7D X if ((py.flags.blind > 0) or (no_light)) then X msg_print('You can''t see to draw a map.') X else X print_map; X END; X 82 : rest; `7BR = rest `7D X 83 : if (search_flag) then `7BS = srh mode `7D X BEGIN X search_off; X reset_flag := true; `7B Free move `7D X END X else if (py.flags.blind > 0) then X msg_print('You are incapable of searching while blind.') X else X BEGIN `20 X search_on; X reset_flag := true; `7B Free move `7D X END; X 84 : tunnel; `7BT = tunnel `7D X 92 : mon_info; `7B \ = monster info utility - NBT `7D X 97 : aim; `7Ba = aim `7D X 98 : examine_book; `7Bb = browse `7D X 99 : closeobject; `7Bc = close`7D X 100: drop; `7Bd = drop `7D X 101: BEGIN `7Be = equipment`7D X reset_flag := true; `7B Free move `7D X if (inven_command('e',0,0)) then draw_cave; X END; X 102: throw_object; `7Bf = throw`7D X 104: BEGIN `7Bh = moria hlp`7D X moria_help(''); X draw_cave; X reset_flag := true; `7B Free move `7D X END; X 105: BEGIN `7Bi = inventory`7D X reset_flag := true; `7B Free move `7D X if (inven_command('i',0,0)) then draw_cave; X END; X 106: jamdoor; `7Bj = jam`7D X 108: BEGIN `7Bl = look `7D X look; X reset_flag := true; `7B Free move `7D X END; X 109: cast; `7Bm = magick `7D X 111: openobject; `7Bo = open `7D X 112: pray; `7Bp = pray `7D X 113: quaff; `7Bq = quaff`7D X 114: read; `7Br = read `7D X 115: if (py.flags.blind > 0) then `7Bs = search `7D X msg_print('You are incapable of searching while blind.') X else X search(char_row,char_col,py.misc.srh); X 116: BEGIN `7Bt = unwear `7D X reset_flag := true; X if (inven_command('t',0,0)) then draw_cave; X END; X 117: use; `7Bu = use staff`7D X 118: game_version; `7Bv = version`7D X 119: BEGIN `7Bw = wear `7D X reset_flag := true; X if (inven_command('w',0,0)) then draw_cave; X END; X 120: BEGIN `7Bx = exchange `7D X reset_flag := true; X if (inven_command('x',0,0)) then draw_cave; X END; X otherwise if (wizard) then X BEGIN X reset_flag := true; `7B Wizard commands are free moves`7 VD X CASE com_val of X 1 : BEGIN `7B`5EA = Cure all`7D X remove_curse; X cure_blindness; X cure_confusion; X cure_poison; X `7B remove_fear; `7D X with py.stat do X BEGIN X cstr := str; X cint := int; X cwis := wis; X cdex := dex; X ccon := con; X cchr := chr; X END; X with py.flags do X BEGIN X if (slow >= 1) then X slow := 0; X if (image >= 1) then X image := 0; X`09`09`09 if (afraid >= 1) then X`09`09`09`09afraid := 0; X END; X Draw_cave; X`09`09`09 reset_flag := true; X END; X 2 : print_objects; `7B`5EB = objects `7D X 3 : `7B`5EC = Make nice character - mwk`7D X begin `20 X with py.misc do X begin X max_exp := 50000; X exp := max_exp; X au := 9999999; X lev := 28; X bth := 50; X mana := 5000; X mhp := 10000; X ptohit := 50; X ptodam := 50; X pac := 100; X ptoac := 100; X dis_th := 50; X dis_td := 50; X dis_tac := 100; X cmana := mana; X chp := mhp; X end; X with py.stat do X begin X str := 118; cstr := str; X int := 118; cint := str; X wis := 118; cwis := str; X dex := 118; cdex := str; X con := 118; ccon := str; X chr := 118; cchr := str; X end; X with py.flags do X begin X fire_resist := true; cold_resist := true; X acid_resist := true; regenerate := true; X lght_resist := true; free_act := true; X sustain_str := true; sustain_wis := true; X sustain_con := true; sustain_dex := true; X see_inv := true; sustain_int := true; X slow_digest := true; ffall := true; X end; X`09`09 draw_cave; X end; X 4 : BEGIN `7B`5ED = up/down `7D X prt('Go to which level (0-1200) ? ',1,1); X get_string(tmp_str,1,31,10); X i1 := -1; X readv(tmp_str,i1,error:=continue); X if (i1 > -1) then X BEGIN X dun_level := i1; X if (dun_level > 1200) then X dun_level := 1200; X moria_flag := true; X END X else X erase_line(msg_line,msg_line); X END; X 8 : wizard_help; `7B`5EH = wizhelp `7D X 9 : ident_spell; `7B`5EI = identify`7D X 14 : print_monsters; `7B`5EN = mon map `7D X 12 : wizard_light; `7B`5EL = wizlight`7D X 20 : teleport(100); `7B`5ET = teleport`7D X 22 : restore_char; `7B`5EV = restore `7D X 5 : change_character; `7B`5EE = wizchar `7D X 6 : mass_genocide; `7B`5EF = genocide`7D X 7 : Begin X`09`09`09 alloc_object(floor_set,5,10); `7B`5EG = treasure`7D X`09`09`09 prt_map; X`09`09`09End; X 10 : BEGIN `7B`5EJ = gain exp`7D X py.misc.exp := 2*py.misc.exp; X prt_experience; X END; X 11 : BEGIN `7B`5EK = summon`7D X y := char_row; X x := char_col; X summon_monster(y,x,true); X creatures(false); X END; X 23 : wizard_create; `7B`5EW = create`7D X otherwise prt('Type ''?'' for help...',1,1) X END X END X else X prt('Type ''?'' for help...',1,1); X END; X`7B End of commands `7D X until (not(reset_flag) or (moria_flag)); X`7B Teleport? `7D X if (teleport_flag) then teleport(100); X`7B Move the creatures `7D X if (not moria_flag) then creatures(true); X`7B Exit when moria_flag is set `7D X until (moria_flag); X END; $ GOTO PART50