From: SMTP%"RELAY-INFO-VAX@CRVAX.SRI.COM" 15-AUG-1994 14:22:03.21 To: EVERHART CC: Subj: Re: VAX and RSX compability mode ?? From: (Robert Smith) X-Newsgroups: comp.os.vms Subject: Re: VAX and RSX compability mode ?? Date: 14 Jul 1994 13:33:42 -0400 Organization: Computer Sciences Corporation Lines: 22 Message-Id: <303stm$> Nntp-Posting-Host: To: Info-VAX@CRVAX.SRI.COM X-Gateway-Source-Info: USENET (Mike Shawaluk) writes: >On a (not quite totally) unrelated point: has anyone ever bothered to make an >RSX-11M/PDP-11 emulator for, say, an Intel 386/486/whatever platform? How >about a AXP version? These aren't totally frivelous questions; we have a few >old development systems where I work, that are basically RSX-11M systems >running with 11/73's, that have Whitesmith C cross-compilers for 68000, and >due to the complexity (and age) of the source code, which is still updated >periodically, we want to find a way of maintaining this software without >having to maintain the PDP-11's. There have been attempts to move the code to >a different compiler environment, with disastrous results. Take a look at for something called e11 it is an emulator that runs on 286/386/486 platforms. no os or software is included but... hope this helps bob >Any pointers would be greatly appreciated. >-- >Mike Shawaluk | "Blasting, billowing, bursting forth, with >( | the power of 10 billion butterfly sneezes..."