------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CBZONE.ZIP Tank battle under X Window Authors: Justin S Revenaugh, MIT Todd W Mummert, mummert+@cs.cmu.edu VAX Languages: VAX C 3.2 or DEC C 4.0 (better) AXP Language: DEC C 4.0 (not tested with previous versions of DEC C under AXP) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OpenVMS port of Cbzone, a tank battle under X Window - Sept 1994 You need to define CBZONE_DIR logical name which points to a directory where you may have CBZONE.HELP and CBZONE.MOTD files. Cbzone runs well compiled with DEC C 4.0; you can compile it with VAX C 3.2, but sometimes you can notice an ACCVIO :-( Have fun, Patrick Moreau, CENA/Athis-Mons FRANCE (pmoreau@ada.cenaath.cena.dgac.fr)