From: SMTP%"CMU-OpenVMS-IP@DRYCAS.CLUB.CC.CMU.EDU" 27-OCT-1994 16:56:23.70 To: EVERHART CC: Subj: FSP ported to CMU ... Date: Thu, 27 Oct 1994 14:11:12 GMT From: "Andy Harper, KCL Systems Manager" Subject: FSP ported to CMU ... To: CMU-OpenVMS-IP@DRYCAS.CLUB.CC.CMU.EDU Cc: Errors-to: CMU-OpenVMS-IP-Request@DRYCAS.CLUB.CC.CMU.EDU Reply-to: CMU-OpenVMS-IP@DRYCAS.CLUB.CC.CMU.EDU Message-id: <> Dear CMU'ers, Using Eckhart Meyer's wonderful SOCKETSHR library (now at version 0.9C) and MadGoat's NETLIB library (now at version 1.7), I have ported the FSP client and server to run on VMS. A summary, and access details, are enclosed below. This information has also been added to the CMU.FAQ. Note 1: I would consider this a BETA version only as I have not tested every single function available with FSP. I'll try to get around to fixing any bugs if anyone finds any. Note 2: Regarding a recent set of postings to this list about NETLIB 1.7 (needed for FSP to work), please note that MadGoat software have now formally released it. Regards, Andy Harper Kings College London Summary: File transfer over a lightweight UDP based protocol. Description: FSP is a simple file transfer protocol based around UDP rather than TCP protocols. It is designed to impose minimal load on the server and does not require the user to log in or identify themselves. Essentially, the client throws UDP packets at a server asking for a portion of a file or info about a file, and keeps throwing the same request at it until the server responds. Thus an FSP transfer is, in principle, resilient to server failure as it will retry until the server comes back on-line. It is said that FSP is what anonymous FTP should have been. This package is a port of the unix FSP client and server to VMS, and directly supports UCX, Multinet and CMU. It also supports the vendor independent SOCKETSHR library. Pre-Requisities: Either: LIBCMU For direct CMU support Or: SOCKETSHR For vendor independent TCP/IP support (recommended) NETLIB (required by SOCKETSHR) Author: Various. Availability via Anonymous FTP: -------------------------------------------------------------- Site Directory File(s) Format -------------------------------------------------------------- [.default] fsp.* VMS_SHARE -------------------------------------------------------------- Availability via Electronic Mail: -------------------------------------------------------------- Address Command to send Format -------------------------------------------------------------- VMSSERV @ KCL.AC.UK SEND FSP.PACKAGE VMS_SHARE --------------------------------------------------------------