From: SMTP%"" 5-AUG-1994 13:18:41.86 To: EVERHART CC: Subj: Re: DCL for obtaining days between dates? From: (Bob Marshall) X-Newsgroups: comp.os.vms Subject: Re: DCL for obtaining days between dates? Message-Id: <> Date: 4 Aug 94 12:43:42 -0800 Reply-To: Distribution: world Organization: Lockheed Missiles & Space Company Lines: 90 To: Info-VAX@CRVAX.SRI.COM X-Gateway-Source-Info: USENET In article <31p20a$>, carl@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU (Carl J Lydick) writes: > In article <31o587$>, writes: > =Say - does anyone have any DCL command procedures that will return > =the number of days between two dates? > > Well, I didn't until you asked, but it only took about 20 minutes to cook up > the following. It's not terribly elegant, and doesn't work with dates before > 17-NOV-1858 or after 31-DEC-9999. Takes about 11 seconds for worst case (dates > 17-NOV-1858 and 31-DEC-9999) on a 3800. > > [...Carl's very clever implementation of a binomial search in DCL deleted...] Here's one that I wrote that is much more direct. It converts the dates into Julian dates, which are easily subtracted. (The drawback is that the Julian formulas I use here are only good through the year 2100, so if you need dates beyond that, use Carl's routine :-)). $ DELTADAYS=99999 $ IF P1 .EQS. "" THEN READ/PROMPT="First date : " SYS$COMMAND P1 $ IF P2 .EQS. "" THEN READ/PROMPT="Second date : " SYS$COMMAND P2 $! $! Parse out year, month, day $! $ YEAR1 = F$CVTIME(P1,,"YEAR") $ MONTH1 = F$CVTIME(P1,,"MONTH") $ DAY1 = F$CVTIME(P1,,"DAY") $ YEAR2 = F$CVTIME(P2,,"YEAR") $ MONTH2 = F$CVTIME(P2,,"MONTH") $ DAY2 = F$CVTIME(P2,,"DAY") $! $! Verify that the first date is in the usable range (3/1/1900 - 2/28/2100) $! $ IF YEAR1.EQ.1900 .AND. MONTH1.LE.2 THEN GOTO RANGE_ERR $ IF YEAR1.LT.1900 THEN GOTO RANGE_ERR $ IF YEAR1.EQ.2100 .AND. MONTH1.GT.2 THEN GOTO RANGE_ERR $ IF YEAR1.GT.2100 THEN GOTO RANGE_ERR $! $! Verify that the second date is in the usable range (3/1/1900 - 2/28/2100) $! $ IF YEAR2.EQ.1900 .AND. MONTH2.LE.2 THEN GOTO RANGE_ERR $ IF YEAR2.LT.1900 THEN GOTO RANGE_ERR $ IF YEAR2.EQ.2100 .AND. MONTH2.GT.2 THEN GOTO RANGE_ERR $ IF YEAR2.GT.2100 THEN GOTO RANGE_ERR $! $! The Julian day for the date ID-MP-YP is given by : $! $! J = INT(365.25*YP) + INT(30.6*MP) + ID + 1,720,982 $! $! Since DCL does not allow for real variables or real constants, the real $! constants are multipled by factors of ten, since we want to discard $! fractional portions anyway. $! $! Calculate the Julian day of the first date (minus 1,720,982) $! $ YP = YEAR1 $ IF MONTH1.LE.2 THEN YP = YEAR1-1 $ MP = MONTH1+1 $ IF MONTH1.LE.2 THEN MP = MONTH1+13 $! $ JULIAN1 = (36525*YP)/100 + (306*MP)/10 + DAY1 $! $! Calculate the Julian day of the date (minus 1,720,982) $! $ YP = YEAR2 $ IF MONTH2.LE.2 THEN YP = YEAR2-1 $ MP = MONTH2+1 $ IF MONTH2.LE.2 THEN MP = MONTH2+13 $! $ JULIAN2 = (36525*YP)/100 + (306*MP)/10 + DAY2 $! $ DELTADAYS == JULIAN2 - JULIAN1 $! $ EXIT $! $ RANGE_ERR: $! $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "" $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "*** Error...One of the dates is out of the allowable range" $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT " Both dates must be between 1-MAR-1900 and 28-FEB-2100" $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "" $ EXIT -- ============================================================================= Bob Marshall \\ Disclaimer : Lockheed Missiles & Space Co. \\ I'm just a soul whose intentions Sunnyvale, CA \\ are good, Oh, Lord, please \\ don't let me be misunderstood "I tell the truth 'cept when I lie" \\ -Eric Burdon =============================================================================