!*TITLE* 12-DEC-1994 - UTILSA.LST - Utility Sallee Descriptions page 01 Gary F. Sallee, voice phone (714) 970-2864 19912 Fernglen Drive, Yorba Linda, CA 92686-6014 COPYSET Language: DSM Mumps. Created in DASL Purpose: Copy all or part of a local or global array to a partially defined local or global array. Optionally set the data of the array to a new value. Interface: Interactive or batch. Description: The input for SOURCE and DEST are checked. This routine will Remove s, duplicate s and trailing s, then add a right parenthesis if needed. The SOURCE is checked for existence as a global and a local array. If both exist, you are informed. If only one exists, then the existing array is chosen and you are informed. The DEST is checked for existence, and you are warned. The substitution VALUE will be ignored if both the argument and the keyboard inputs are null. The array data will be moved. If the VALUE is specified as an argument or a keyboard input, then VALUE is set into any node that has data in the SOURCE array. If interactive mode is used, them some or all of the external variables may be set before the routine is run. The routine will bypass the interactive questions associated with the external variables. External Variables: BATCH Flag to throttle output for batch mode (external) CONF Flag to Confirm message for each node copies (external) DEST Destination array name (external) DTIME Delay time for read time-outs. (external) SOURCE Source array name (external) VALUE Value to set the the copy equal to (external) !*TITLE* 12-DEC-1994 - UTILSA.LST - Utility Sallee Descriptions page 01 Gary F. Sallee, voice phone (714) 970-2864 19912 Fernglen Drive, Yorba Linda, CA 92686-6014 RENUM Language: DSM Mumps. Created in DASL Purpose: Replace a specified array subscript with a numeric subscript that is integer, cardinal, unary incrementing, and starting at one (1). Interface: Interactive or batch. Description: This routine will replace a specified subscript with a numeric subscript that is cardinal, integer, incrementing, and starting at one (1). The routine expects a subscript to exist. If there is no subscript, then the routine will copy one unsubscripted node. The subscript to be removed and replaced may be numeric or literal. RENUM may run as an interactive or a callable routine. The subscripts that are higher in order than the incrementing subscripts may be changed in a specified systematic way. This routine will COPY all or part of a local or global array to a partially defined or whole global or local array. The input for SOURCE and DEST are checked. This routine will Remove s, duplicate s and trailing s, then add a right parenthesis if needed. The SOURCE is checked for existence as a global and a local array. If both exist, you are informed. If only one exists, then the existing array is chosen and you are informed. The DEST is checked for existence, and you are warned. The routine attempts to correct some typographical input errors, i.e. double commas, missing right parenthesis, and imbedded spaces. External Variables: BATCH Flag to throttle output for batch mode (external) CONF Flag to Confirm message for each node copies (external) DEST Destination array name (external) DTIME Delay time for read time-outs. (external) SOURCE Source array name (external) The above variables will be left unchanged by the routine. There is no "^" escape. There is no Clear Field key or command for default arguments. There is no (?) Help. There should be Help. There is no error trapping. There should be error trapping. The error messages are not in standard format. They should be. Caution is advised if your intent is to use the same global for the SOURCE and the DESTination. If you add to the upper end of the global array, even a little, then you will form an endless routine loop that will add subscripts until memory is exhausted.