XPOSTIT, MOTIF TOYS, X11 Post-it Notes program This is a port of XPostIt obtained from comp.source.x from Athena widget set to VMS DECwindows environment using the DECtoolkit widget set. Some further changes have been made in the area of sending/receiving notes. XPostit now puts the name of the sender on the title line of recieved notes, and you can get received notes to use different colours. The resources are: XPostit.PostItNote*background: Yellow XPostit.PostItNote*foreground: Black for normal notes, XPostit.ReceiveNote*background: Red XPostit.ReceiveNote*foreground: White for received notes, XPostit*NoteMenu*background: Yellow XPostit*NoteMenu*foreground: Black for the popup menu in normal notes, XPostit*ReceiveMenu*background: Red XPostit*ReceiveMenu*foreground: White For the popup menu in received notes There is also an MMS script for building Xpostit, in XPOSTIT.MMS Simon Graham, 19-Feb-1991 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To learn about programming on multiple displays, I tried fooling around with XPostIt and here are the results. I have added functionality of sending and receiving note from other people running XPostIt. I have removed a lot of Athena widget set code and conditional compiles for VMS. Now the code contains references to XUI widgets only (plus the Plaid widget). There isn't much VMS specific stuff left. Basically the exchange of notes is implemented by receiver keeping tight reign on as the selection owner of an atom XPOSTIT. When a sender takes away ownership of the selection, the receiver gets the value of the new selection (a new note) and then declares itself as the owner of the selection again. I would like to add some kind of notification when one receives a note (a reverse icon). But do not have time to do so. I will provide help to some one inclined to do so. This version uses one popup menu for all the notes (Instead of one per each note) and it uses gadgets whereever possible. You can control whether you want to receive notes and the list of people in the Send dialog box by following resources: XPostit*receiveNotes: false XPostit*sendList: JOHN,DOE,NODE::0 If you want to use names like JOHN, you must define logical JOHN to be JOHNS'NODE::0 before running postit. Known bugs: 1. Lower windows options doesn't work. Jatin Desai (VIA::DESAI) Core Applications Group Digital Equipment Corporation 110 Spitbrook Road, Nashua, NH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Following are the notes from the previous port. (It is no longer possible to look for "ifdef VMS" and "ifndef VMS" to see the differences between the original code and new code.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a port of XPostIt obtained from comp.source.x from Athena widget set to VMS DECwindows environment using the DECtoolkit widget set. Search for "ifdef VMS" and "ifndef VMS" through the source files to see the changes I made. These are sometimes extensive chnages. In a nutshell, I used following transformation: Form widget -> attached dialog box widget Text Widget -> SText widget command widget -> pushbutton widget I also used popupmenu widget instead of form widget in one place Known Bugs: 1. Lower windows options doesn't work. Differences: 1. Main window: MB2 and MB3 usage is swapped. (MB3 == lower window doesn't work) 2. Postit notes window: Save, Destroy and Erase buttons are replaced by a popup menu (MB2) 3. You can use the logical POSTIT$HOME to define where the notes are saved and read from. If not defined, current directory is used. Jatin Desai (VIA::DESAI) Core Applications Group Digital Equipment Corporation 110 Spitbrook Road, Nashua, NH