% VAX-11 Librarian V04-009;*cA;**v+5 PAN.cA;*1 PAN% Currently available PAN commands are2 Help Provide Help !2 Add8 Add either a notebook Entry or a Member to a conference3 Entry Pan Add Entry 4  Name of the entry to add4 /Name /Name=Name Specify the name of the entry4 /Class /Class=& Name of the class to add the entry to 4 /User_Area% User area data to add for this entry 4 /Filename Name of the conference file4 /Seen3% Add this entry with notes before /after the given date-time seen 5 /Before /before=5 /Since /Since=3 Member Add a member to a conference$ Pan Add Member 4 /File /File? Use this qualifier to direct PAN to add members from the given file + PAN ADD MEMBER/FILE FILE-NAME CONFERENCE 5 /Notebook5 Default is /Notebook=syus$login:notes$notebook.note Use /notebook=file spec  or /NOnotebook 5 /Comment /Comment [Default]@ The default of /Comment means that ! characters will be treated@ as normal DCL delimiters.. IE everything after a ! is a comment6 /NOcomment will replace all ! characters with a space1 Use the /[no]Comment switch if you are (example)6 processing a mail distribution list.. then you could  have the list as.., VANISH::BAILEY ! /Access=list /mail=address@ then Mail will use the list correctly.. and PAN used /NOcomment! would obey the /acces s and /mail5 record-format:Member_Name /Access=("list") /Mail=node::user /Moderate0You MUST specify the member name.. all the otherfield may be omitted 6 Exampes# PAN ADD MEMBER/FILE MAIL.DIS TEST#Where the file MAIL.DIS contains...9 NM%STAR::MFOLEY /ACCESS=(AXEL::FOLEY,VMSINT::MFOLEY)/MOD@This will add the member MFOLEY with the access as requested andModerator privs NM%STAR::MFOLEY;This will add the member MFOLEY with access of STAR::MFOLEYand ma, il NM%STAR::MFOLEY MEMBER_NAME$This will dd the member MEMBER_NAME 4 /Access /Access= list of access nodes4 /Mail Mail address for this member 4 /Moderator% Grant moderator privs to this member2 Create Create a new conference file 3 Conference2 pan create conference 4 /Title  /Title="Tile string"4 /note /notice="Notice string" 4 /Restricted Restrict access to members only 4 /Intro_N$ ote Provide a base note - /Intro_Note=(Title="Note Title", File=L.l)2 Copy Copy  mail-to-notes$ notes from conference-to-conference& members from conference-to-conference' keywords from conference-to-conference3 Mail Copy mail to notes, Pan Copy Mail 4 /Notebook5 Default is /Notebook=syus$login:notes$notebook.note Use /notebook=file spec  or /NOnotebook8 use /nonotebook if you are not using a notebook entry4 /Title /title="Title string"" Title for the created notes topic) (default is the name of the mail folder)4 /Dir /dir=directory_spec directory to find mail in= If you give just a directory spec then PAN will use MAIL.MAI in that directory..7 But if you give a directory spec AND a file spec then PAN will use that mail file 5 Examples= /DIR=[BAILEY.FRED] PAN will use the mail file MAIL.MAI  from [BAILEY.FRED]: /DIR=[BAILEY.F!RED]REALLY.MAI PAN will use the mail file REALLY.MAI in [BAILEY.FRED] 4 /Create# create a new notes conference file4 /Topic /topic=number& append mail to the given topic number 4 /By_author% group all mail into topics by author 4 /Single provide one topic per note 4 /Newfolder /newfolder=folder_name8 move mail to the given folder after it has been entered in the notes conference3 Notes) copy notes from conference to conference p$an copy notes 4 /NotebookB /(NO)notebook may be given on either or both of the and  conferences5 Default is /Notebook=syus$login:notes$notebook.note Use /notebook=file spec  or /NOnotebook4 /Topic /topic=number topic number to copy4 /New /new [=number]new topic number to create8If no new topic number is given the default is to create6a new topic with the highest existing topic number + 14 /Range) /range=notes-range range of notes to copy4 /Since /since=* Only copy notes since the given date time 4 /UNseen only copy unseen notes4 /Seen mark copied notes as SEEN4 /Forced_text( provide the text for foreced base notes 4 /Create /create  or /create=no_unseenC /create will allways create a new file.. but /create=no_unseen7 will only create a newfile if there no no unseen notes3 Member+ copy members from conference-to-conference, pan copy members member(s) 4 /Replace3 If a member already exists in the conference< then that member will not be added (or changed in any way)3 If a member already exists in the conference: specifying the /Replace switch will replace (what else?) the membership defination 4 member(s)) The default is to copy _ALL_ members.. ; But you can specify any member name (including wild cards) %5 Example! PAN COPY MEMBERS SOAPBOX OTHER Will copy all members' PAN COPY MEMBERS SOAPBOX OTHER an*D Will copy all members that match the wildcard an* (ie Andly Leslie) 4 /Notebook5 Default is /Notebook=syus$login:notes$notebook.note Use /notebook=file spec  or /NOnotebook 3 Keywords copy keywords pan copy keywords 4 /Notebook5 Default is /Notebook=syus$login:notes$notebook.note Use /notebook=file spec  or ( /NOnotebook2 Delete= delete either a notebook entry, a member or a range of notes3 Entry delete a notebook entry pan delete entry 4 /Class /class=name class to delete the entry from3 Member delete a member) pan delete member 4 Name2 Name of member to delete.. can contain wild cards Eg: "Andy Leslie" And* XYY*U 4 /Confirm? Use /NOconfirm to avoid having to confirm each member deletion 4 /Noteb%ook5 Default is /Notebook=syus$login:notes$notebook.note Use /notebook=file spec  or /NOnotebook3 Notes delete a range of notes- pan delete notes 4 /Before /Before=Date-Time7 Only select notes dated before the given date from the given 4 /Since /Since=Date-Time6 Only select notes dated since the given date from the given 4  notes range.. EG 8.* 27.1-55.(827.0, 28.0, 29.0, 30.0 4 /Notebook5 Default is /Notebook=syus$login:notes$notebook.note Use /notebook=file spec  or /NOnotebook 4 /Confirm2 Set =set either a notebook entry, a conference file, member accessor note attributs3 Notechange note attributs/You _MUST_ specify one of the below qualifiers 4 /Hidden /[NO]Hidden) Set a range of notes Hidden or UNhidden5 pan set note/[NO]Hidden 5 /B#efore /Before=Date-Time7 Only select notes dated before the given date from the given 5 /Since /Since=Date-Time6 Only select notes dated since the given date from the given 5 /Confirm5  notes range.. EG 8.* 27.1-55.827.0, 28.0, 29.0, 30.0 4 /Contents'Change (replace) the contents of a note;pan set note/contents 5 ExampleK To replace the text of note 27."2 in the confrence PAN (notebook entry PAN)$ with the new text from the file L.L Do.. ' PAN SET NOTE/CONTENTS PAN 27.2 L.LA To replace the text of note 27.2 in the confrence file TEST.NOTE$ with the new text from the file L.L Do...7 PAN SET NOTE/CONTENTS TEST.NOTE/nonotebook 27.2 L.L 5 /Notebook5 Default is /Notebook=syus$login:notes$notebook.note Use /notebook=file spec  or /NOnotebook3 EntryChanges a notebook entrypan se,t entry 4 /Name /name=new_name 4 /User_area /user_area=data 3 Conferencechanges conference level datapan set conference 4 /Notebook5 Default is /Notebook=syus$login:notes$notebook.note Use /notebook=file spec  or /NOnotebook4 /Title /title="New title string" 4 /Notice /notice="New notice string" 4 /Moderator(changes the conference default moderator3 Member# Modifies a member (see ADD MEMBER) 4 /Moderate 4 /New_user 4 /Access4 /Mail2 Show 3 Members! Shows the members on a confernce 4 /Append? Used with /Output.. This means that rather than creating a new7 membership/mail file you will append to the given file? (if the specified file does not exist then it will be created) 5 Example7 To create a mail distribution list of the members of # confrences TEST, BUILD and RESULT Do..6 PAN SHOW MEMBERS TEST /MAIL /OUT=MAIL.DIS /APPEND6 PAN SHOW MEMBERS BUILD /MAIL /OUT=MAIL.DIS /APPEND6 PAN SHOW MEMBERS RESULT /MAIL /OUT=MAIL.DIS /APPEND: The first use of PAN will create the file MAIL.DIS (if it2 does not exist).. the following two PAN uses will append to it4 /Mail? When used with /Output .. this directs PAN to produce a mail , distribution list from the membership list 4 /Output /Output=file_name (See the /MAIL qualifier)= Writes the membership list into the filename given in a form4 directly usable by PAN ADD MEMBER/FILE # Eg PAN SHOW MEMBERS Conf_B/OUT=L.L$ PAN ADD MEMBERS/FILE L.L Conf_B6 Will 'copy' the membership list from Conf_a to Conf_B (but see PAN COPY MEMBERS ) 4 /notebook5 Default is /Notebook=syus$login:notes$notebook.note Use /notebook=file spec  or /NOnotebook 3 Version+ Displays the version of PAN you are using . (The DCL symbol PAN$VERSION is created also) 3 Developers1 Reveals the names of the hard working p(eople who have produced PAN4 Cash Please send us some :-) 3 Conference pan show conference 4 /Notebook5 Default is /Notebook=syus$login:notes$notebook.note Use /notebook=file spec  or /NOnotebook4 /Range /range=notes-rangeNotes range to list 4 /Memberslist conference members 4 /Symbols.Specify the name for the DCL symbols created..1The default is to create DCL symbols of the form PAN$conference_field.. Eg" (for conf PAN)%PAN$PAN_PANCOPY_TIMESTAMP == ""but if you specify,/SYMBOL=TEST then the symbols will be of theformPAN$TEST_field)Eg PAN$TEST_PANCOPY_TIMESTAMP == ""3 Entrypan show entry 4 /Class /class=class 2 Directory8Do a directory of a notebook class(es) , VMSmail foldersor a notes conference 3 Conference8 Produce a flexable tailorable directory list of a notes file4 PAN DIRECTORY conference 4 Notes-range3 notes range to list (default is to list all nodes) 4 ExampleG To list the notes conference pointed to by the note book entry SOAPBOX@ .. and list for topic 43.* the note_id,author and personel_nameBPAN DIR conference SOAPBOX/Report=(Note_id, Author, Personal_name) 4 Notebook 4 /Output /output=file-spec&file to write the directory listing to 4 /Report) /report=(comma seperated list of fields)5 Fields+You may list any or all of t( he below fieldsin a directory list note_id Author lines title conference_pointer date hidden keywords PERSONAL_NAME replies uid Extra Filename 4 /Author /author=author_specEOnly list notes by the specified author(s) (Wild cards are permitted)(Comma separated list)4 /Title /title=titleCOnly list notes with the specified title (wild cards are permitted)(Comma separated list) 4 /Before /before=dateonly list notes befo)!re 4 /Since /since=date only list notes since 4 /UNseen Only list UNseen notes3 Mail_folders"pan dir mail_folders 4 /Dir /dir=mail_spec_for_mail_file & The default is your default mail file= If you give just a directory spec then PAN will use MAIL.MAI in that directory..7 But if you give a directory spec AND a file spec then PAN will use that mail file 5 Examples= /DIR=[BAILEY.FRED] PAN wil)"l use the mail file MAIL.MAI  from [BAILEY.FRED]9 /DIR=[BAILEY.FRED]REALLY.MAI PAN will use the mail file REALLY.MAI in [BAILEY.FRED] 4 /Output /output=file filespec to write output to 3 Notebookpan dir notebook 4 /Brief1 Produce a brief listing.. ie only the entry name4 /Class /class=list(Comma separated list) 4 /Output /output=filename2 UpdateUpdate notebook entryspan update 3 /Class /cla #ss=list(Comma separated list)2 WRITE ? (ENOTES command .............................................)1 Writes a new topic in the requested conference. Format: WRITE entry-name+ The following qualifiers have been added: /CONFERENCE=conference-name /FROM=file-name /HIDDEN, /KEYWORD=(keyword-name,keyword-name...) /NOWRITE /TITLE="string"3 Command_Description: The WRITE command adds a new topic to the confere$nce. IfC /FROM=file-name is not specified, the default is /FROM=SYS$INPUT:.. To write a topic with no text, use /FROM=NL:. 2 EXTRACT? (ENOTES command .............................................)E Creates a text file in your current default directory containing the# specified note or range of notes. Format:7 EXTRACT entry-name [note-range][,note-range][,...]E The square brackets [] indicate that the enclosed item is optional. 3 The following VAX Notes quali%fiers are supported: /ALL /APPEND /AUTHOR=username /BEFORE=date-time /CLASS=class-name /[NO]HEADER /KEYWORD=keyword-name /LINE_LIMIT=number /OUTPUT=file-spec /SEEN /SINCE=date-time /TITLE="string" /UNSEEN /UPDATE+ The following qualifiers have been added:  /CONTAINS="string" /DISPLAY=KEYWORD /PREFIX="string"3 Command_DescriptionA The EXTRACT com &mand creates a text file containing the notes youH specify. If you do not specify the name of the output file, the outputD is displayed on your terminal. Use the optional second parameter toF specify the range of notes to extract. If no range is specified, allH notes are extracted. If /LINE_LIMIT is specified, any notes containingH more than the specified number of lines will be truncated in the output* listing to the specified number of lines.3 Special_output@ If the output file spec'ification has an exclamation point in itB (/OUTPUT="!AS.TMP", for instance), then ENOTES will close the andE re-open a new output file for each entry. In addition, it will passH the output file specification through FAO, passing the entry name and aH 0 as parameters. This allows you to get the output for each entry in aA separate file. Since a 0 parameter is passed you can also use aE date/time FAO specification (/OUTPUT="!AS!6%D.TMP"), and ENOTES will7 eliminate blanks, and convert hyphe(ns to underscores. 2 REPLY ? (ENOTES command .............................................)8 Writes a reply to a topic in the requested conference. Format: REPLY entry-name note-id+ The following qualifiers have been added: /CONFERENCE=conference-name /FROM=file-name /HIDDEN, /KEYWORD=(keyword-name,keyword-name...) /TITLE="string"3 Command_Description= The REPLY command adds a reply to the specified note-id. IfC /FROM=file-name) is not specified, the default is /FROM=SYS$INPUT:.. To write a reply with no text, use /FROM=NL:.2 ENOTES_DIRECTORY> Displays a directory listing of the requested conference(s). Format:- ENOTES_DIRECTORY entry-name [note-range]E The square brackets [] indicate that the enclosed item is optional. 3 The following VAX Notes qualifiers are supported: /ALL /APPEND /AUTHOR=username /BEFORE=date-time /CLASS=class-name * /[NO]HEADER /KEYWORD=keyword-name /OUTPUT=file-spec /SEEN /SINCE=date-time /TITLE="string" /UNSEEN /UPDATE+ The following qualifiers have been added:  /CONTAINS="string" /DISPLAY=KEYWORD3 Command_DescriptionG The DIRECTORY command displays a directory of requested conference(s).> You can optionally specify a range of notes to include in theD directory, and selectively display notes you have or have not seen, ? or those entered by a certain author, having a certain word orA phrase in the title, entered on a particular date, having one or4 more specific keywords, or a combination of these. > The default display sequence is in descending order. You canD display the directory in ascending order by specifying the range of notes from lowest to highest.  ww