SUMMARY The "proxy" field can be used to allow others to change your ph entry. If you want someone else to be able to change your entry, put that person's ph alias in your "proxy" field. In order to add one or more aliases to your "proxy" field, you must be logged in to the Nameserver (see help on "login"). Then, use the "make" or "edit" command to add the alias to your "proxy" field. For example, to give Paul Pomes proxy rights to your entry, you would login and then type: make proxy="p-pomes" or edit proxy (You will be placed in the default text editor, usually vi. Insert the alias "p-pomes" and save the file.) PROXY RIGHTS FOR NETWORK ADMINISTRATORS To facilitate the process of keeping ph entries up to date, CCSO now offers proxy rights to network administrators, so they can systematically enter e-mail address information into the Nameserver database and make other modifications upon request for their users. Network administrators who wish to obtain proxy rights for a group of users should send an e-mail request to "". The request should contain the administrator's own name and ph alias and a list of ph aliases for the entries to which s/he wants to gain proxy. Once proxy rights to a ph entry are granted, the administrator can edit any changeable field in the entry. Note: It is incumbent upon the administrator to get permission from his or her end-users before requesting proxy rights from CCSO. Users who don't want their network admins to be able to change their information should put "no!" in their own "proxy" fields. To do so, login to ph (see help on "login") and type: make proxy=no! To insure that proxy has been disabled, the value inserted into the proxy field must not be able to match any ph alias. Thus "no!" is a good value as the '!' cannot appear in a alias. "no way" would not be a good value as it would allow someone with the alias "way" to edit your entry (aliases have to be at least three characters long). EDITING AN ENTRY FOR WHICH ONE HAS PROXY The method of editing an entry for which one has proxy varies from one ph client to the next. On Unix machines there are several methods of which the following is perhaps the most direct. Enter ph's interactive mode and login as yourself (see help on "login"). Verify the contents of the entry that you want to modify by using the command: ph alias=alias_of_entry_to_be_edited To edit a specific field in the entry, use the syntax: edit fieldname alias_of_entry_to_be_edited For example, to edit the "email" field of a user with the alias "t-jones1", enter the command: "edit email t-jones1". The "edit" command will invoke the default text editor, usually vi, and the contents can be filled in or modified and then saved. Note: The methods described above for modifying your "proxy" field or an entry for which you have proxy apply specifically to the Unix ph client and may or may not work with the ph client you use. The "edit" command works with most clients that have been modelled on the Unix client. SEE ALSO: edit, password, make, policy, interactive_mode, login, alias, aliases