PH WEATHER INFORMATION Ph can display weather information for many locations throughout the state and country. It also offers some special options for local weather information. The weather information is downloaded over serial lines from a commercial service. The raw data is fed to a CCSO computer and is the source for several CCSO weather-related services including that provided by ph. Ph weather information is updated in real-time as it arrives on the data feed. EXAMPLES: Weather conditions for a particular location are requested with the syntax: ph type=weather airport_code(or city_name) conditions where "airport_code" or "city_name" is the name of the location in which you are interested. The airport codes and corresponding city names for which information is available are given below: ALN alton DSM desmoines MWA marion ARR aurora FNT flint MVN mtvernon BLV belleville GBG galesburg NBU glenview BMI bloomington IND indianapolis ORD chicago ohare BOS boston JFK newyork PIA peoria CGX meigs LAX losangeles PDX portland CMI champaign MDH carbondale RFD rockford CMX houghton MDW midway SFO sanfrancisco COU columbia MLI moline SPI springfield CPS eaststlouis MMO marseilles STL stlouis DEC decatur MSN madison SYR syracuse DPA dupage MSY new orleans UIN quincy Note that city names consisting of more than one word are sometimes written as a single entity with no spaces (e.g., sanfrancisco), and other times are not (e.g., new orleans). Due to this inconsistency, it may be easiest to use the three letter airport code instead. The following example shows a request for Champaign weather conditions along with the query results: ux1 11> ph type=weather cmi conditions ---------------------------------------- name: CMI champaign conditions text: CMI SA 1145 M60 BKN 100 OVC 6H 74/71/2310/986 : CMI SA 1245 M55 BKN 120 OVC 7 75/72/2210/987 : Mon Jul 13 at 12:45GMT (07:45CDT). : Weather: Cloudy : Temp: 75F ( 23C) : Humidity: 90% Dewpoint: 72F (22C) : Ceiling: meas 5500ft Visibility: 7 mi : Barometer: 29.87inHg (101.2KPa) : Wind: SW 12mph (10kt) (19km/h) : ---------------------------------------- The first two lines of the "text" field in the example above consist of the raw weather data. In the remaining lines, the raw data has been parsed and given labels so that it is easier to understand. In addition to current weather condition information, ph can also display radar summaries, special weather announcements, and 36 hour as well as extended forecast information. These services are largely limited to the state of Illinois. The sample queries in the left-hand column will yield the results listed in the right-hand column: Query Result ----- ------ ph type=weather radar St. Louis and Marseilles radar summaries ph type=weather forecast 36 hour and extended forecast for Illinois ph type=weather special Special weather advisories from the National Weather Service in Springfield and Peoria ph type=weather illinois conditions Tabular report of conditions throughout the state SEE ALSO: type, query