From: US2RMC::"" "Dave Jones" 5-SEP-1996 19:08:31.27 To: star::Everhart CC: Subj: Re: VMS sys service emulations on NT (partial even!)? >I'm helping out getting the Freeware V3 CD together, and it has occurred to >me (partly as a result of traffic on some of these groups) that it could be >useful to some folks if anyone has and would be willing to share bits of code >that implement parts of VMS system services on Windows NT. These do NOT have >to be productized or even particularly pleasant to look at, but does anyone >out there possibly have any such code they'd care to contribute? The DECthreads HTTP server has emulation routines for SYS$FAOL and SYS$NUMTIM written in C. They work under Digital Unix, I haven't tried them under NT. See >>Dave % ====== Internet headers and postmarks (see DECWRL::GATEWAY.DOC) ====== % Received: from by (5.65/rmc-22feb94) id AA11417; Thu, 5 Sep 96 19:01:27 -0400 % Received: from by (8.7.5/UNX 1.2/1.0/WV) id SAA32706; Thu, 5 Sep 1996 18:54:57 -0400 (EDT) % Received: from by (PMDF V4.3-10 #5888) id <>; Thu, 05 Sep 1996 18:54:44 -0400 (EDT) % Date: Thu, 05 Sep 1996 18:54:44 -0400 (EDT) % From: Dave Jones % Subject: Re: VMS sys service emulations on NT (partial even!)? % To: star::Everhart % Message-Id: <> % X-Vms-To: IN%"" % X-Vms-Cc: JONESD % Mime-Version: 1.0 % Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII % Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT