SUPERVISOR, SYSTEM_MGMT, Monitor control and manage terminal sessions (SUPERVISE and PHOTO) Supervisor Series V5.4d [27-JUN-1994] Copyright © 1992, 1994, Hunter Goatley. All rights reserved. Includes SUPERVISOR, PHOTO, HANDIN, PLAYBACK. SUPERVISE Invokes the SUPERVISOR utility to ``take over'' another user's terminal. SUPERVISOR operates in two modes: OBSERVER and ADVISOR. In OBSERVER mode, all characters displayed on the target terminal are echoed on the supervising terminal. In ADVISOR mode, SUPERVISOR also lets the supervising terminal enter input on behalf of the target process; characters input from the supervising terminal are inserted into the typeahead buffer of the target terminal. SUPERVISOR can also be used to execute commands stored in input files on other terminals, providing a useful mechanism for automating simulated user input. PHOTO Starts terminal input and output logging to a log file. Can be configured to record both input and output, or just terminal input. HANDIN designed to allow students to automatically queue terminal session log files to a printer.